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I was wondering if anyone else has or has had an umbilical hernia.? I've had one for almost two years now and it just keeps getting bigger. When the doctor diagnosed the hernia he said he would set up surgery for whenever I would like. But he also said it would be ok to wait a bit as long as it wasn't causing pain/issues. I only have occasional discomfort. I hate surgery but it's starting to look like I'm hiding a golf ball in my shirt. How long can I wait? How long is the recovery after surgery? (A weekend?...A week?...Month?)

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I had mesh placed on Dec 17th. I am now back at work light duty and am up to 30 lbs weight restriction. You just have to go slow and not do anything stupid like not wearing your strap all the time, using your pillow in the beginning, and taking your pain meds and your laxatives....very important. Get it done during the winter when there is no shooting going on....


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I had a Inguinal hernia. I had surgery on 1/16/2014. I feel great. Dougs advise on the laxative is real important. This will make your first few BMs not so bad. The first few days I was real sore and had some pain. The pain was real managable though. I never took any opain killers other than tylenol. After 3-4 days I was feeling pretty good. DO NOT OVER DO ANYTHING!!!! Take it easy for awhile.

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I had surgery for a double hernia a couple years ago. I never had any pain, but just noticed a bulge, especially after I had eaten. I could have probably waited, but figured I might as well get them fixed. It was no big deal. I took one dose of Advil, and that was it for pain. I was sore for a couple days, but it was nothing that I couldn't live with. Be sure to follow weight restrictions.

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The Strap most likely supports the area that's trying to heal following the hernia repair -- think of it as holding the patch in place and supporting you until your own tissue is strong enough to take over.....

Pillow -- helps with pain from coughing, sneezing or other strain by spreading it over a larger area.....

Pillows are commonly used following any type of abdominal surgery....

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Yeah, what Nik said....Pillow keeps you from having more discomfort getting up walking around etc for the first 3 weeks. The strap you will wear daily all the time to keep yourself together. Wear it. Listen to the Doc and if you have pain take the pain meds initially. Pain will keep you from healing quicker.


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I had the umbilical hernia repair four or five years ago.Your DR.sounds like mine.When it bothers you we will fix it.

It's not bad but I thought I would jump right up and go to work in a couple days,,Wrong.

For just a little cut it sure packed some real pain and sore.You will be laying around for a few days.

Don't rush things go slow follow DR. orders,no need to live with it get it repaired.

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Think of the strap as a back brace fer yer belly. Use it. Seriously. The pillow is for coughing or sneezing. It will be yer best friend for at least 2 days, likely 3-4.

Had mine in 04, I think. Been through 3 so dates get mixed up. Wound up with a 5" cut due to ignoring it for so long.

Here's a twist....and this is true.

You may not have a belly button after surgery. Depends on how they fix it and how bad it is. My buddy now has no belly button. Weird.

I however have mine. Same umbilical hernia surgery, different doctors.

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I've been through this. If you wait until it causes issues (you eat something and you're doubled over with nausea-like pain within the hour), then you waited too long, it becomes emergency surgery, and they can't (at least with me) do a laparoscopic procedure anymore. I've got a 6-inch scar going north from my navel, which IS still there albeit a bit elongated, and it was a 5 day hospital stay.

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