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Switching to new powders and bullets


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Hello all, long time lurker, first time poster

currently I'm using titegroup for 9's and 40's and universal for 45's and 44 mags, because a friend's son gave us a mostly full 8lb of each when he went on a 3 year tour in germany a long while back. I don't compete, so power factor isn't an issue with me. I'm looking for a powder or powders for those four cals that is accurate and clean burning, and that meters well using a 550b. i've been using plated bullets in all 4 cals lately, but i've noticed inmy 44's that since switching from lead it doesn't seem as accurate, I've only used plated in my 40's and they've never been too accurate, I've been thinking of switching to bayou bullets after reading other posts here, but I want to make sure I get the right powder so they aren't too smokey and dirty, we started reloading many years ago with red dot, bullseye, and unique, and I know I'm not doing that again! Reading through the posts here I was settling on WST, but then saw a post about it leaking in the dillon powder dispenser, so now I'm not sure, any thoughts for me? sorry about the long post, I'm not good at this!

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You've hit on a Really Personal issue - everyone has a favorite - yours will vary.

I'd start by reading all the old posts on "reloading - 9mm", and then each of

the other calibers you're interested in - you'll find a TON of info there.

Can't go too far wrong with WW231 or N320 for the 9 and .40, though.

Good luck. :cheers:

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That is a wide range of cartridges for one powder to satisfy.

Are you OK with light target loads? If so, 231/HP38, AA2, AA5, and many others will work.

If you want accurate loads, you may need a different powder for each.

If you had to have one and only one powder, it is best to start with Unique.

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That is a wide range of cartridges for one powder to satisfy.

Are you OK with light target loads? If so, 231/HP38, AA2, AA5, and many others will work.

If you want accurate loads, you may need a different powder for each.

If you had to have one and only one powder, it is best to start with Unique.


231 will work for all as well, but not optimal. I like it for minor PF and plinking loads in all the calibers you load except 40. I just don't load 40 anymore; gave up on the caliber. 231 or it's twin HP-38 are a little scarce right now but usually available.

Unique is good but doesn't meter so well for me.

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I kind of figured I'd probably be using a different powder for the .44, I guess my priorities are clean burning, meters well, and accuracy, not sure in what order lol, actually, I guess it doesn't matter how many powders I use, come to think of it!

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I've never used titegroup, but IIRC, it's a pretty fast one. I've used lots of Universal, and I think you might be better off reversing things...use Universal for 9mm and titegroup for .45acp.

I don't load .40 or .44...so I won't make suggestions for those.

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