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Exactly...you were holstered b4 you entered the tunnel and then as you got through it you came to a barricade with a port thru which you had to shoot two on a target then the stop plate, after you drew weakhand only and shot weak hand only....good stuff...that was part of the original Cooper assault..

I'm confused.

Obviously, I don't understand what you are saying. As nearly as I can tell, it is illegal in IPSC to do at least two of the activities you describe.

Looking at the 2004 USPSA rule book, which closely follows the earlier edition in this matter, it is a Match DQ offence to draw your pistol while negotiating a Cooper Tunnel:

10.5.4 ... Drawing or holstering a handgun in the confines of a tunnel]

Again, you also say:

... you drew weakhand only...

According to the rules, that is specifically prohibited:

8.2.4: A course of fire must never require the competitor to draw a handgun from the holster with the weak hand.

Are you saying that you participated in a match which violated both of these rules?

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In fact 90% of what I was taught in my brief earier experience in this game (at the Bob Dunkley Practical Shooting Academy [not familiar to many here I'm sure]) is now no longer applicable. Kevin

<Thread drift>


I did my basic HG course with Bob as well (1986). He's still alive and well and still shooting, but that's a different story.

Actually the last time I spoke to hime he wanted a load of balloons for a fun shoot he was organising.

We must have been on the circuit together? What was your club. I shot with Basildon.

<Thread drift off>

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Cooper Tunnel at my club match two weeks ago. Ports in both side walls to engage targets through. The other half of the stage had you stepping over ankle height slats to get to the last couple of ports ---- it was fun.

Note to Duane: Gloat too much about easy Cooper Tunnels, and I'll have to design some courses with 5'9" ports and low targets and ship them to WA...... :lol::lol:

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<still drifting>

He's still alive and well and still shooting, but that's a different story.

I've seen pictures of "BadAss Bob" B)

We must have been on the circuit together?  What was your club.  I shot with Basildon.

I only shot in the UK for a little while back in about '88, but we might have run into each other since we shot pretty much every match in the country during that year! My home club was Woodtop (Keith Winter's Club at the time) "up North".

Thinking about that brings back a lot of memories. One day, I'll have to learn to shoot shotgun so I can come and shoot a match in the UK again - I've just sent off my application to rejoin the UKPSA since I want to see if there's any one I still know mentioned in the newsletter :P

<We now return you to your originally scheduled nostalgia>


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I have done Cooper Tunnels twice (I think) in the last year at local matches here in SE Michigan. It was particularly fun watching Chris McNutt go through it with his Pistol Caliber Carbine.

I would rather do stages with Cooper Tunnels than do another nightmare like that damned Pipe Dream we had at Michigan USPSA shoot. That was a nightmare, aptly described in the latest Front Sight.


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  • 6 months later...

I ran sub 19 sec Cooper's all the time, with a reload and the 6 ft wall, back in the 70's, and the underneath was 18", not 3 ft, ferchrissakes. You go thru almost on your belly, or you'd knock off 1 or more 2x4's, 5 second penalty each.

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I remember being pretty fast on the Cooper Assult, and in fact ran it in the low 18's at the 1978 Nationals. If I remember correctly, it was scored points first, time second. One point down, and all the speed in the world won't do you any good. Which is exactly what happend to me......

If your elbows weren't bleeding, you were not going fast enough. And don't even think about elbow pads back then.......


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