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Fascist behavior

Merlin Orr

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What I find odd about the situation is that other members of the media managed to avoid being arrested ---- at least according to some first hand accounts on photojournalism boards....

I've managed to not even get seriously threatened with arrest in 12 years ---- well, unless you count the 18 year old security guard at a college basketball game once....

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What is the issue here?

The guy breaking the rule and the cop doing his job?

Or, the rule?

The more I read the less I know... I have now read that the guy was being a jerk and ran from the cop when she grabbed for his camera. This was after he was told to stop shooting photos. Still unclear if he was outside the 100' distance from the poll while he was shooting. The "law" May be just a rule handed down from the local election board, a mandate from the same lady that designed the famous Butterfly Ballot. As for the cop - I guess she felt it was necessary to punch the guy for being such an asswipe.. :D

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I guess I've lead a sheltered life while hauling camera gear, but this seems to fall into the Chris Rock briefing on how not to get arrested. Specifically, don't run from the police, don't mouth off, and don't do illegal things. If you're too close to a polling area (by the way, I had my photo taken IN my polling plce, ballot in hand, by our local fishwrapper) the police will tell you so.

I'll bet the response given to that information was something along the lines of "eat me" so she did.

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Guest Larry Cazes
What is the issue here?

The guy breaking the rule and the cop doing his job?

Or, the rule?

Flex, the issue here should be the rule only. Sounds to me like the police officer was just doing their job. Anybody else think that we would be a lot better off in this country if we had more respect for law enforcement and less of a tendancy to get inflamed by the biased spin put onto stories like this by the media?

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I agree.

"A man has got to know his limitations."

The Chris Rock briefing that Patrick mentions would be a good start.

There are times when you just need to do what the Officer of the Law tells you (and respond with respect). In my home town, I could get away with a bit of... "engaging in discussion". But, I used to know most of the local cops (remind me to never tell the story of wrecking the Sheriff's car while driving his daugther home from a local dance). Here in the City of Columbus...that doesn't go over as well. :)

At a polling place...especially in this election...a cop has little room to allow conduct to slide away from thier authority.

(Nick...great pics!)

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FWIW, the rule may have been flawed, BUT....you got to respect the position of the police when they are enforcing the rules/laws.

Besides, from what I could read into the story, he was showing his behind and probably got what was coming to him. :P

just my opinion


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Iam going to add one more thing, Why thank you!. When I worked for the SO in CO. If I had to wrestle or chace someone down I would usually tell them" If I wanted a work out I would go to the gym" Followed by " If you didn't do any thing wrong why are you running?" <_<


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My one of my favorite examples of "Facist behavior" occured just last week, when Fidel did a face-plant while walking off the stage and broke his hip in the process. I was watching Fox news (naturally) and this film clip came on. I couldn't help it. I laughed my butt off, uncontrollably. Pity, everyone who got to see it first hand was too afraid to laugh. :(

I never understood it. This old fart is 75 and still hasn't learned that nothing of value could ever belong to the state.

Guess what Comrade? Eventually, we all fall down. It's better to be among friends than jackals when we do.

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Sam did you ever see the clip of Fidel-aged Bob Dole falling from the stage when the shoddy handrail collapsed, circa 1996? The Daily Show ran it with the flashing caption, "THIS IS NOT A METAPHOR!" :)

Wait, what was the thread about again? Oh yeah. Well, I'll refrain from further contribution.

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Anyway, back to the photog in question: He'll probably get a lot of press for a few days or a week, the prosecutor will drop any charges, then he'll sue the County to try and get more publicity and even a pile of cash, and it will all be forgotten.

I guess I've spent too much time in and around Detroit, where running from the police changes your description from "suspect" to "target."

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I'd be willing to bet that the morons complaining that the deputy acted inappropriately would be the same morons complaining that they were intimidated at the polls by the reporters. Put yourself in the deputy's shoes for a moment and think about how you would react.

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