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ULTIMATE in Tactical Dogma.

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It was some B level Sci Fi, knock off on Gattica and The Matrix, had the creepy guy form American Psycho as the ? hero ?. These guys are like tactical monks, killing and arresting (sometimes in that order) anyone accused of "sense crimes".

They go diving in doors as one man SWAT teams, and take out whole rooms of "bad guys". How? By practicing the "GUN KATA" the dry fire tactical dogma of the 22nd century.

I am paraphrasing badly here, as I could only stomach about half of this gem, but it went something like ".....mathematical probability shows that in any given tactical situation the majority of the targets will be distributed in a fashion best addressed by the GUN KATA."

Anybody else see this?

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The movie your talking about is:


The distribution rights for the movie were bought by Blockbuster.

I think it's a well done movie. A lot more interesting that Matrix and it even had a story line.

The Gun Kata was fun. Especially the reloads.

They didn't mess around and do standard Hollywood stuff, they totally went over the top.

I do think it's a video worth having. Pick it up at Blockbuster

If you could only stomach half of it you need to get into some classical stuff like Ferinhite 451 and 1984 to get a better feel for the style.

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I hate Blockbuster in general, and I really hate them for the "rights" thing. I think I'm up to three movies I cannot get at Hollywood Video because Blockbuster has bought the rights for them. So once, I went to Blockbuster to rent a movie, and before I left I was ready to shoot every employee in the store. I can't remember ever seeing such horrible customer service. I hate Blockbuster.


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Equilibrium. Okay, it had plot holes you could fly a 777 through, but I still enjoyed it. I'm a major Christian Bale fan. I have yet to see him in anything where he didn't do an absolutely excellent job. And his kid in this story was an obvious - and great - homage to those strange creatures from Village of the Damned.

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"They go diving in doors as one man SWAT teams, and take out whole rooms of "bad guys". How? By practicing the "GUN KATA" the dry fire tactical dogma of the 22nd century." 

Dirty, does this mean that we will soon have some pseudo-badass instructor offering a new "real world" training doctrine based on the movie? If so, I hope he calls at least one kata, "The Egret." :lol::lol:

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Well at least it sounds like it's all in fun, with paintball and all.

Gee.... I wonder what the mathmatical probability is of busting through the wrong door and having a USPSA Grand Master with a real .45, shoot you twice in the face before your feet hit the floor?? :lol::lol:

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Yeah, I see your point Flex. A real .45 and a GM does narrow the mathmatical probablity somewhat. But it still has a much higher disaster factor when attempted in the state of Arizona. Careful there, Egret Monk! ;)

BTW, ya just gotta love the "mathmatical probability" that allows you to sweep your own head with a Desert Eagle while pointing a Baretta (sp?) at your groin. With this kind of dryfire practice, my statistical odds favor a scenario where the monk breaks into an empty room and simultaneously decapitates and emascualtes himself with nary a bad guy present. :lol::lol:

Thank goodness we have paintball!

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I don't understand that DE. I saw a movie (by Mr. Madonna) where a guy fired it one-handed...gansta-sideways...double-taps. And, Demi Moore shot TWO (one in each hand) in the second Charlie's Angles movie. Yet, when one of my buddy's shot one...two-handed and holding on...it nearly knocked his hat off (and I am pretty sure he had been eating his Wheaties) ?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I really like the CONCEPT of the Gun Kata. A mathematics based martial art that includes firearms in its kata forms.

To me the movie was well made too, with a distinct soundtrack and good camera angles. I am willing to forgive some plot holes. I loved that there is no "bullet time" in the movie *

Also the final battle between two Masters of the Gun Kata was absolutely marvelous!

One thing that bothered me though was all that dust that came out of guys when shot. I am sure some of them were dirt bags, but....

*[bullet time rant]

While nice at the beggining, it is now hateful that everytime in a movie when somebody shoots a gun, the bullet is shown flying in slow motion. And most of the time awfully made too, like when the character fires a SMG and slo mo bullets appear separated by a mere 1 o 2 inches, I mean, what's the fire rate in that damn thing?

Or in Paycheck, where there's an entire cartridge flying through the air. For God's sake, WHO was the technical advisor in there!?

[/bullet time rant]

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Actually these GunKata Monks ought to be fairly easy to defeat. All you have to do is know the statistics. If the Monk busts through the door and all the oponents are in statistically nontraditional locations then all he does is shoot a lot of holes in the walls and dances out of the way of incoming fire that does not exist into the path of incoming fire from the statistically nontraditional located oponents!

I bet the hanging ninja is a statistically nontraditional target!

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Well, as much as I like the concept, I agree its implementation in the real world would be flawed, or at least highly unlikely.

And no, the sttistics do not cover the most frequent positions of the antagonists only, they should cover everything.

For example, let's say that out of 10.000 gunfights the enemy positions themselves in a geometric distribution A in 9.999 of those cases (99.99%), and in 1 gunfight they position themselves in a gemetric distribution B (0.01%). The Tetragramatton Clerics would train for both of those scenarios, since both of them comprise the "statistics".

Besides what is based on the statistics are the Katas themselves, a prearranged set of moves present in several martial arts. It would be safe to assume that the Clerics are also taught to assess in the middle of a gunfight wich Kata to use if applicable or take one of the available ones as base to develop a new one based, as always, on the antogonists distribution.

NOTE: My God, I am such a nerd.......

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  • 5 months later...

From the Gunkatta FAQ:

10. I accidently shot myself in the foot, what should I do? :blink:

Stop trying to do gunkata with real guns moron. If you were using a paintball handgun, it's still going to hurt like a bitch though. Be Careful. :ph34r:

Words to live by.


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