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Futuristic Magnetic Holster


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I just received mine this weekend. It exceeded my expectations. It is simply the best holster avaialble. The futuristic design makes it the most comfortable and fastest holster. It can be adjusted in many ways to achieve the exact fit you want. It is also very secure once you place it in the holster. And the material and workmanship is second to none. It is sold by Universal Shooting Academy in Florida. It has to be the biggest secret for no marketing has been done to promote it that I know of. It is Inevitable that once the news about this holster spreads by word of mouth the price will shoot up. I recommend it without reservation.

Cons; I really do not think that it has any major problem. Once the gun sits in the holster it has a slight movement however it is very secure. I might like to see a larger locking knob but once you get use to the one it has its good enough.

Pros; How the holster works, design, material quality, etc., etc., etc.


Miami, FL.

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Send me am E-mail. This way it will be easier for me to take a picture with my I-phone and forward it. And at the same time it will not appear as if I am trying to promote the product for I have no financial interest what so ever..............

I only wish that there was a similar product in mag pouches. The closest thing that I know of are the JR Holster mag pouches.


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I did order the optional leg support for $ 25 and I am glad that I did. I never thought that I would say this but it is worth the price. It makes the holster more comfortable. And once again the material and workmanship is first class. The shooter on my club that has the holster had recommended that I purchase one.

Now if I can only find mag pouches comparable in design and quality !

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I got mine from Manny last year right before Nationals. I REALLY like it!

Mr. Chirpy, I may be at CC on the 31st if the weather isn't horrible and I can sneak away on the holiday. You check it out in person if I make it.

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Manny is a gentleman. After not finding the optional insert on their web I forgot about it. And then when I remembered I sent them an E-mail requesting information. Manny threw one in the box and told me to drop a check for $ 25. This type of customer service is from the old days when you closed business deals with a hand shake.

A GM in our club swears by the hoster. He says that it gives him a competitive edge. Shooters that know him well say that he is drawing faster.

Happy shooting !

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Great holsters. Once I got mine "tuned" to the way I wanted it, I could really tell a difference in my draw to accuracy. I switched mine around quite a bit by turning the mounting plates around, and using a small file to get a better angle, though.

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I'm a new shooter who started out with this holster. I played with a Ghost and CR Speed initially, but decided to go with Mannys holster after reading all of the great reviews and after talkng to Manny on the phone. The build quality is very solid and the lock is easy to get used to and operate. Drawing is simply lifting the gun up. Reholstering is just as easy, the gun seems to know where to go. It will not fall out unless the gun is lifted up or you are jumping. In that case, just put the lock in the middle position and sweep it off while drawing.

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I ordered the holster without even knowing about the leg pad until I saw one on another shooter. I e-mailed Manny with an inquiry about the leg pad, and asked him send one. He replied within a few hours ande advised me he would put one in the mail and have his officer personnel e-mail me an invoice. the next day I sent a money order and on the third day the leg pad was delivered. He sent me the part before receiving the payment. How about that for service?

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I ordered the holster without even knowing about the leg pad until I saw one on another shooter. I e-mailed Manny with an inquiry about the leg pad, and asked him send one. He replied within a few hours ande advised me he would put one in the mail and have his officer personnel e-mail me an invoice. the next day I sent a money order and on the third day the leg pad was delivered. He sent me the part before receiving the payment. How about that for service?

Same Service Here. I Haven't Ordered Or Needed The Leg Pad Yet.

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Just asked manny if he has a lefty version. He replied that night, confirming he had 2 LH holsters left, and asked if I would like 1. I responded yes with the hip pad. He asked for my address, and told me his "Awesome" assistant would send it out the next day. That was yesterday. I have the invoice in my inbox and the holster/pad are on the way. If I'm half as impressed by the holster as I am of the customer service, this holster will rock!

Thanks Manny!

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