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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Star Wars Trilogy IV, V, and VI


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Digitally re-mastered plus a bonus disk with over 4 hours of special features! :D

Came out yesterday and I got my copy today! WOOO-HOOO! :D:D

I know it's forty bucks I should have spent on bullets, but everyone has to have a hobby ... right? :P

"Do, or do not. There is no try." - Yoda

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True but it's still WRONG. The original version is far superior. It detracts from the whole purpose of the scene: portraying Han as the anti-hero in a bit of a Eastwood spaghetti-western vein.

Geek mode on:

George Lucas has stated that since Han has become a cultural icon he did not want him to be a murderer. This cuts into the whole story arc of the Solo character who goes from freelance smuggler mercenary to noble freedom fighter. Han starts out as a shady character. Likeable sure but shady nonetheless.

Secondly (prosecutor mode on), shooting someone under a table who is pointing a blaster in your face and telling you that they're going to kill you is not MURDER, it's a justifiable homicide. Lucas has whimped out.

Geek mode off.

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Oh I agree, it's a shame that with all the technology available in DVDs, lucas doesn't bother to actually exploit the medium.

There's no reason you couldn't have one disk that had the retouched original (i.e. cleaned up mattes, color corrected, and nothing else) and the "director's vision". DVDs are capable of doing branching scenes.

The guy is truly annoying. I think he suffers deeply from an essentially unlimited budget. The first one worked so well compared to all of them. When you get down to it, I think it was because lucas was forced to go "if I put this in, I have to take soemthing else out" and thus only kept the important things. Phantom menace was kind of like the homer-mobile.

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I was a Star Wars fan back when I was very young and could remember lots of comics I piled up. But for the life of me I can't remember how Jabba the Hut looked in the old film. Was he in a costume that also looked like a very big "worm"?

He didn't appear in the original Star Wars. That's one of the things Lucas added.

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