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Samual Adams Chocolate Bock


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This has to be the best beer ever. It is not something you would drink while eating a hamburger. It is a dessert beer (if there is such a thing.) It is full of flavor and body, and did I mention that it is beer that tastes like Chocolate?


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I tried a local seasonal microbrew yesterday - a Coffee Creme Stout from Tamarack Brewery, here in western MT. My learners-permit son almost became the designated driver! Really, really good.

FWIW, my tastes run toward thick, dark beer. I haven't much use for beer you can see through. YMMV, of course


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Gonna have to head to the beer store for some chocolate beer. I've had banana beer and cherry beer (both Belgian) and they are a little on the soda pop side. My all time fave beer is Verboden Vrucht. It is brewed by the Hoegaarden brewery in Belgium. Can't find it here. VERY flavorful. There was a local pilsner in Prague, Czech Republic, that was really refreshing. Thing I loved about Prague pubs was the beer lady keeps bringing them around on a tray. If you want one, take one. If not, get one the next time around. No waiting to order, they just keep coming.

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Sounds interesting. I tried Young's Double Chocolate Stout a while back, but did not care for it much. I do, however, really appreciate most of the offerings from the Boston Beer Company, so I may have to give this one a try.

Chocolate is a hard ingredient to brew with as the fat content can really mess with head formation/retention. Takes some skill to get it right.

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That Sam Adams choco bock is good stuff. My wife makes the perfect compliment for it. She starts with a softened Rolo chocolate candy on top of a mini pretzel topped off with a whole pecan half. Baked in the oven until the nut sinks into the chocolate. Cool and serve with choco bock. WOW.

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