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2013 3GN Points Matches?

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I hope that 3GN asks or strong Arms the matches that want to participate in 3GN to use similar rule sets for division requirements. If a match doesn't offer a division it should t be a part of the division series. It would be really nice to be able to use the same guns in the heavy divisions at all the matches too!

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I hope that 3GN asks or strong Arms the matches that want to participate in 3GN to use similar rule sets for division requirements. If a match doesn't offer a division it should t be a part of the division series. It would be really nice to be able to use the same guns in the heavy divisions at all the matches too!

Or they could just drop the smallest divisions from the division series, since that would affect fewer shooters than dropping whole matches from the series :P

On a more serious note, I think that 3GN trying to strong arm matches is likely to just turn off MDs and shooters. There are already quite a few shooters that arent too happy about 3GN and I think a move like this is likely to annoy more shooters than it would please...

Edited by gose
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Why "Strong Arm"? The carrot works better than the stick. 3GN ought to easily be able to come to the table for any non-affiliated major match and say "Do things this way for us, and we can offer ..". They should have the connections to make that package sweet enough that major 3 gun matches would be willing make some minor adjustments. The problem is that most of the spring matches are already deep in the planning and prep phases, possibly too late to change.

I think if 3GN can get its feet firmly under it and stable then they can begin to really reach out to the non-affiliated majors. You really have to be at the table 6-12 months in advance to make a change to the way a match is run.

Yes, I agree that a match which is paying 3GN Points should "offer" all 3GN Divisions, but a minimum shooter count would be needed.

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I wish they had another way of qualifying for the Pro Series. As it stands now you have to shoot a bunch of 2-3 day matches (5 days total when you add travel on both ends) across the country throughout 2013 for a chance to get into the Qualifier match for 2014. I won't be spending my 2013 shooting budget that way. The Pro Matches are a totally different deal and I'd be completely on board with that schedule. Fly in on Friday, shoot on Saturday and home on Sunday at least according to Keith. I could shoot matches and keep my clients happy. Because of the requirement to have shot the Semi-Pro series to get into the Qualifier match a National 3-Gun Champion can't get in and that's sad for him and the series.

I should have signed up and paid the money in 2011 when I would have earned enough points to get the Pro card. Oh well, shoulda, woulda, coulda...

Good Luck to you guys in February.

I'm done whining now

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I wish they had another way of qualifying for the Pro Series. As it stands now you have to shoot a bunch of 2-3 day matches (5 days total when you add travel on both ends) across the country throughout 2013 for a chance to get into the Qualifier match for 2014. I won't be spending my 2013 shooting budget that way. The Pro Matches are a totally different deal and I'd be completely on board with that schedule. Fly in on Friday, shoot on Saturday and home on Sunday at least according to Keith. I could shoot matches and keep my clients happy. Because of the requirement to have shot the Semi-Pro series to get into the Qualifier match a National 3-Gun Champion can't get in and that's sad for him and the series.

I should have signed up and paid the money in 2011 when I would have earned enough points to get the Pro card. Oh well, shoulda, woulda, coulda...

Good Luck to you guys in February.

I'm done whining now

I'd hit up the MD's about a one day shoot with the RO's. Every time I RO'd and shot in one day I would have welcomed extra hands resetting!

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I emailed Pete a few questions the other day regarding some Semi Pro rules. He told me that we would be looking at the 2013 Semi Pro rules within the next 7 days. That was 2 days ago. He didn't say if that would include the schedule also. I feel pretty certain that if it doesn't, then the schedule will not be far behind. I have a feeling that they will not wait very long. They know we need the schedule since the matches are opening up for registration.

I wonder if theyre going go change it to Tac Optics only, since I dont think any of the top finishers this year actually competed in TO?

That was one of the questions I asked him. Some of the Top 25 did shoot all TO, but many did not. I'm happy for everybody that made it and I wish them the best of luck in the open match. Congrats also to the top 4 who get to have a shoot off.

One of my teammates and I discussed doing some division hopping next year if it is still allowed. We decided we are going to stick with TO only (which is what we did this year) because if you make the Pro tour you will have to shoot TO only anyway. So, we decided that if we can't make the top 25 by shooting TO only in the Semi Pro, then how in the hell could we compete with the Pro's? We might make it to the open match, but only to have our ass kicked from there on.

Im sorry but You're thinking is completely incorrect. If you're best chance at going pro is to shoot with a side by side shotgun high point pistol and a Ruger 10/21, DO IT!!!

I can tell you that being in the pro series opens a lot of doors in the sponsor world. Getting my a$$ kicked on National TV by Keith Garcia, Kalani Laker and Rustin Bernskoetter has been wonderful financially despite the smack talk and abuse I have to listen to daily via text message. There are a lot of rumors about the show going to an hour long format next year as well which means even more opportunity for you to be on TV wearing your sponsors logos in front of millions of viewers.

Think about it. As a sponsor would you rather have your logo on a semi pro shirt being viewed by 150-300 shooters at 4-5 matches a year or would you rather see that semi pro making his way onto TV? No matter how you finish in the pro series, no publicity is bad publicity. I know everyone can think of several shooters with gobs of sponsors that you might say why does he or she have all those sponsors when I beat them at the match last weekend. Its because that shooter is getting him or herself out in front of shooters who are potential customers better than you are. I know how I would spend my sponsorship money!

I know we all wish there were certain things we could change about 3 Gun Nation. But like the show or not they are making the sport more visible to the world. They are also brining more prizes and money into the sport which means all of us benefit. Do whatever it takes to get yourself involved in 3 Gun Nation.

Why do you think I have zero finishes in TO in the Divisional series? At this point I'm not going to beat Horner. So I stuck myself in HO and won. I got my ugly mug on the cover of 3GN multiple times, I get to carry around a big ass $5,000 check at SHOT show and on the plane ride home, my sponsors got to brag that their shooter was winning. It benefitted me and my sponsors way more than almost any finishes I could have had in TO.

I'm not sure why I have away my strategy at being a pro shooter. I guess I just firmly believe in what 3 Gun Nation is bringing to the table and want everyone to get involved.

I agree with Jesse completely on this one. No shame in jumping around. Saying whatever about TO is one thing but there are plenty of guys who weren't mainstay TO shooters prior to 3GN (Jerry, Clint, etc) that got their spot on the Pro tour started in another division. If 3GN wants to put semi-pro as TO next season then we will roll with it and people will be forced to shoot TO if they want to have a shot at the pro series.

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I was talking to Rob earlier this week. Sounds like the format may change a little and hopefully they add some more regional/state matches like the Area 3/Missouri state championship and the Arkansas section championship so that more shooters get involved in the semi pro deal.

Did he give you an idea of when that will be posted? Like I said, with SMM3G opening later this month, Surefire open, and RM3G opening in December and the list goes on, it would be nice to know.

Not sure how I feel about Area/State matches being included also...it seems like it would be harder to get points at a National level event, and if that is all you go to, you might be competing for points with some guys who just happen to have 3 area matches close to them. Point being, not as many big names at area matches so easier points, and I find it hard to justify time off work and $1000 in travel to go shoot an area match. I think I might actually be mad if say I had 250 points from shooting National matches, and some dude that shot 3 area matches beat me out with 251 points.

you would be pissed no matter how you lost. Especially if it was by 1 point

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to hear about the point series list, especially the Nationals. It seems a shame to leave them out of the points series as it hurts the shooters on the west coast and other than the prize table it was a great match.

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I would like to hear about the point series list, especially the Nationals. It seems a shame to leave them out of the points series as it hurts the shooters on the west coast and other than the prize table it was a great match.

Yeah, I was hoping to do the point series with the Nats being one of my three matches, but I guess I'll have to skip 3GN next year as well.

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Looks like there's evidence on the 3GN membership webpage of changes for next year, unless I just didn't notice it before, membership fee for Semi-Pro has changed for next year but all other information still reflects 2012. Maybe we'll have some direction sooner than later.

Edited by StephensOutdoors
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Seems Registration is open for 2013 but not sure how updated all the material is. Task Force Dagger/AIM posted that their 2013 match is a 3GN Nation Point Match but it is not listed on the SEMI-PRO or DIVISIONAL page.

The Registration pages show $50, but the rules still show $25. So looks like they are trying to get everything caught up.

Edited by JFlowers
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Whatever. I like the 3G Nation matches. The red target ones. The ones that require no shotgun reloading, no slugs. Probably best shot with a tactical shotgun with a cylinder choke, and a carbine. Who is making the money? This format will have pro shooters shooting ghost matches with 40-50 shooters that show up on TV, having to pay for that themselves, the bigger matches will have the usual shooters minus "pro shooters" with real jobs, and 3GN will make some money for somebody, but it's not NASCAR, or the PGA. The money is just not there. Clubs are not going to run 3 gun Nation type matches, and the whole thing is looking foggy, messy, and a little like quiz shows from the 50's. We know what happened to them. 3 Gun competition has peaked. I like the Noveske Match planned for Colorado. The Iron Man entry for last year was non-existent. So it probably will be this year. Superstition is still the best match at the best range. Ft. Benning is greatly missed. Rocky Mountain has always been a good match and should continue to be. The Blue Ridge is what it is. The FNH match has great potential. I see 3 GN taking from the sport, not adding. Which was not its original goal. But here is only so much time allotted to shoot and money allocated for shooting. The Larue Match had risen to be be in the top two or three matches to shoot, and it's gone. Good luck to all you Pro shooters.

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What do you mean Texas Multigun is gone? Registration is open. Might not have Larue barbecue but will have even better stages and props along with a huge pile of suppressors on the prize table.

I totally disagree that 3 Gun Nation takes away from the sport. I think it adds volumes to the sport through introducing new shooters and pumping up prize tables.

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lol....not sure what you are smoking, but i have been all over the country this year, and the sport is growing everywhere. more matches, more sponsors and more shooters....not sure how it could possibly be seen as the opposite. and larue has just changed names....

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Stlhead has it for sure. I think I am going back and playing fantasy female beach volleyball this next season!

now lemme see if i got this straight----Kurt in a thong bikini on the beach. call Green Peace, we might can save this one. Now that is a visual image i don't need.


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