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Hammer follow


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I was shooting this morning and my hammer stopped locking back. I have about 6k on the gun. I won't be able to tear it down until tonight and I have a match tomorrow, of course. And a major match next week.

Brownell's sells gunsmith in a can.... :devil:

Just tweak your sear spring a little thet might be good enough until you have time to really look at it.

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-Loose grip screws: Tighten em (on a 2011).

-Sear spring losing adjustment or too loose: If you drop the slide while keeping the trigger in place and it follows, the left most spring may need adjustment. If you hold the trigger in place (like from the side) and you drop the slide and it follows, you have trigger bounce. Adjust the center spring toward the front of the gun to apply more pressure. This assumes your hammer/sear interaction is already spot on. Don't drop the slide a ton of times as it is hard on the hammer/sear engagement. If possible drop the slide while feeding a dummy round FROM the magazine into the chamber. Do not put a round into the chamber by hand. You are not slowing down the cycle as it was designed, and you are gonna chop your extractor.

-sear/hammer interaction worn: replace parts or see if a good smith can get them back into good condition

-Here is what plagued me for two months! Sear spring and hammer strut were making contact with each other! Had to reshape the bend in the sear spring fingers AND also shaved the hammer strut a little for bit of clearance. That little bitch had me furious for two months. Runs like a machine now.

Never had to deal with this stuff on my Glocks. LOL.

If it still follows after you have checked all that, just do yourself a favor. PM me and I will take that pesky thing off of your hands. :roflol:

Edited by JaeOne3345
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Whatever you do to it, test it properly, both dry and live fire, before shooting it in a match.

AMEN! We all want a gun that goes bang every time we pull the trigger but not one that goes bang when you load it!

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