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Shooting Gallery

Shooter Grrl

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Our episode on top women USPSA shooters airs tonite at midnite eastern and Sunday at 10:30PM Eastern.

It features Kay Clark-Miculek, Lisa Munson, Julie Golowski and a cast of thousands.

I like the show, but to get it on the air I had to--and I use this phrase in the most GODFATHERLY, as opposed to Paris Hilton-ly, manner--"go to the mattresses."


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You actually had to *work* to get a show with Julie Goloski's mile wide, America's Sweetheart smile on the air? Lisa Munson wasn't personable and talented enough?! Sheryl Cruz drilling A's at a mere warp 8.6 - not enough for the wise, all-knowing TV exschmuckutives?

What's the world coming to?! :unsure:

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I liked this show so much I wrote to The Outdoor Channel!  If y'all feel like spreading the kudos, email them to Jake Hartwick (Vice President) at jhartwick@outdoorchannel.com

Thanks for the tip, Shooter Grrl. I just sent off a very nice note to Mr. Hartwick. B)


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Uncah Michael! You forgot to tell us why you had trouble getting the show aired! Tell us!

It was much, much better than the show with Bill Rogers, by the way. That show didn't really explain to me why his school is any different from others, or why they do so much stuff with one hand only.

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Well I finally got to see the show tonight and my daughter was so happy she got to be on TV. I didn't think they would use any of the stuff they taped but they showed her shooting and even used the bumper she made. She was so happy that she got to show off her grips. The wierd things kids think about!!!! Well I do think that Shooting Gallery is getting alot better and have enjoyed most of the shows. I hope they can stay around and show alot more action shooting. Thanks

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That's her! Her name is Shea and she had turned 9 three months before that match! I never wanted to push her into the sport but thats what happens when Mom and Dad both shoot! Her Mom is supper competitive and my daughter is just like her! One of the problems I am having at our range is some of the new guys are getting beat by her and they get mad! She also has a big love for steel and man on man shot offs. Every 2 months we have man on man bowling pin shoot and she will go atleast 4 rounds. Me I am the range bum I just go to have fun! I even comeout in the show as the fat boy in the back ground talking to Kay in the beginning of the show! My wife hid from them the whole time!

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Hearing a proud dad talk about his kid is almost as cool as seeing the kid in action! Awesome!

Just think how good she'll be when she's in her twenties ... I'm thinking of how kids approach things they love ... you can't stop them from mastering the skills (like video games) and then before you know it, they are scary good!

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Their heads aren't full of stuff that distracts them either. Every now and then I catch myself dropping back into the weaver stance I learned and mastered many years ago as a pre-teen.

I have been darn impressed with Shooting Gallery. Now that I have TiVo (how did I live without it?) I get to see them on a regular basis. The wife will watch the action pistol ones with me but the minute the tactical stuff starts she goes off to do other things. I think it spooks her.

Can't wait to see what the next season brings!

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The wife will watch the action pistol ones with me but the minute the tactical stuff starts she goes off to do other things.

Our household is the same way. We both like the competition stuff best and find the tactical stuff a bit boring. I watch it all, 'cuz I'm like that, but my wife will only watch the defensive stuff if I call her in for some important tidbit that I think she needs to see.


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  • 3 months later...

I didn't even know the show "Shooting Gallery" existed until I bought TiVo. It learned my watching habits and suggested it. Now I've got a "Season Pass".


Just watched the Todd Jarrett episode. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I think his tips on the correct hold for a 1911 will really help me.

I think I was doing it wrong...


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I like the Todd Jarrett episode especially for the part about trigger reset. He demonstrates that you can have some of the best marksmanship skills on the planet and allow your finger to leave contact with the trigger pad.

Far too many people refuse to believe you can "slap" the trigger and get good results when you require the best combination of accuracy and speed.

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