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Head Cam for Training


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One thing…one of many things…I lack as I train and shoot matches is a coach. Someone to observe and give unbiased feedback. I noticed one or two of the guys at matches wear head cams. I assumed they were just posting their great adventures on YouTube but then I wondered if it was for training. I asked one of them and sure enough, no YouTubing, the videos were strictly for training purposes. He felt it was very beneficial.

Investment is about $250 which isn’t a back breaker. There is the POV mount on the hat of hearing protection but I could also see clipping to whatever in back of the firing line to capture my movement during a stage. I’m sure that will make me cringe.

Worthwhile? Anyone try it?

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I don't think a hat cam is the most useful training aid, it does not show all the places people lose time, like reloading, transition and the like. You are better off to have a squad mate film you or put a camera on a tripod.

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I picked up a Contour HD when they were on clearance at Amazon (new models were being rolled out). I use it at every match I shoot and it has been great, but it leaves out a lot of the things I want to see. For that reason, I have a squad mate film me with a little Flip HD Ultra. I'll then combine the footage and review.

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Agree that a head cam is not the most useful training tool but videoing yourself I believe is a must! I've been training under Mike Seeklander since Jan and he stresses the importance of video. I video tape every training session and before the next session I make time to watch the last session to critique my technique. I can't tell you the number of things I see that I'm doing wrong and am able to correct them on the very next training session, and not go weeks or months training the wrong thing. Best of all, no help is required. I simply setup my video camera at the start of my session, turn it on & do my drills. The only time I turn it off is when I'm changing drills & have to resetup.

For matches it's a little tougher if you don't have a friend who shoots with you but even that is easy to fix. For the 3rd match I shot I was at a new range I've never been to so I knew absolutely no one. However, as my squad was getting prepped for the first stage I was chatting with someone and just asked if they wouldn't mind videoing me & in return I offered to video them. Most people jump at that chance because they've never had video of themselves. I just got his address after the match and sent him his videos & presto, I had 3rd person view video of my entire match!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've tried IKam glasses, contour hd, but they just don't capture what I want to see.

Then again, even with total filming, I don't know for sure what to be looking for and whether it is being done right or not. One of the problems with filming and viewing yourself. You don't know what you don't know. You have to have someone else view it and evaluate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm very new to USPSA shooting and find that it's hard to think back and evaluate what you have done. I use two camera's to capture what I'm doing, a Midland XTC 100 which I got at Scheels for $45 on clearance, available for $50 from Amazon, and a flip camera run by whoever happens to be nearby... Flips can be had for ~$150, but honestly your average smart phone will do the same job now days.

This gives me two views of my performance, the hat camera captures my hands, reloads, malfunctions, etc quite nicely, and the flip camera gets a good wide angle view that shows the big picture.

Flip: three w's, dot, youtube dot, com/watch?v=6dQuGVkHkzE

XTC 100: three w's, dot, youtube dot, com/watch?v=9v00EQlPB_s

(Apparently I can't post URL's because I'm too new, so some assembly required if you care to see the results.)

I see benefits to both... someone suggested I get a hat camera and stick it on the RO because they will have the best perspective view of my match, looking over my shoulder watching my gun the whole time, but I figure that's a bit forward... "Pardon me, let me clamp this on your hat before we start..."

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They are sometimes poopooed but I really like my HD hero cam. I use the headband mount - don't even know its there. They have a wide fov and you would be surprised how much you can see. Plus with a gorillapod I can mount the camera at strategic areas in the course of fire to get 3rd person view.

Maybe not the best but it works for me.

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  • 3 months later...

I've tried IKam glasses, contour hd, but they just don't capture what I want to see.

Then again, even with total filming, I don't know for sure what to be looking for and whether it is being done right or not. One of the problems with filming and viewing yourself. You don't know what you don't know. You have to have someone else view it and evaluate.

An update to this post. Just had some friends film me shooting last week and again yesterday with my own hd camera. Have not seen last weeks yet,but based on what I saw yesterday, I don't need anyone else to critique me - glaring examples (to me) and I shot pretty well. Much better than the head cam or eyeglass cam.

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I don't think a hat cam is the most useful training aid, it does not show all the places people lose time, like reloading, transition and the like. You are better off to have a squad mate film you or put a camera on a tripod.

I agree. The holy grail is using both though. This guy does a good job of blending them together. http://www.youtube.com/user/mustanggreg66

I run a GoPro right now but want to add in the extra angle

Its a bit more cumbersome than the contour, but shooting is not all I use it for. I also prefer the top down view VS the off to the side view that most contour users have.

Edited by TommyD
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