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Idiot employees, you know the ones..


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Like the H.D. lumber side girl, that tells you, you must walk the one board your returning to the opposite store side, 12' board, to the return desk, rather than keep it and call down to the return desk and tell the you returned it to the lumber desk so you can just take the receipt down without hitting the displays or other customers. Or the Target manager that has the identical item in their store marked higher than the other nearest one with who sold out and wouldn't sell theirs, but whould have you drive to the third one 20 miles away for the identical item sale priced as the 1st. Overall, they just can't see the big picture and would rather let a paying customer walk out over a $2 difference on a $100 dollar item. Do yall smell what I'm scratching?

Edited by lora
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"I'll be right with you"

translation: let me answer the phone and talk to this lazy ass customer that figured it was easier to call the store and see if they have something in stock, instead of speaking to you, who took the time to come in person to the store...and incidentally was first in line before the phone started ringing.

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"I'll be right with you"

translation: let me answer the phone and talk to this lazy ass customer that figured it was easier to call the store and see if they have something in stock, instead of speaking to you, who took the time to come in person to the store...and incidentally was first in line before the phone started ringing.

Winner, winner, happened today!!!!

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I work a retail gun shop.

I will refuse calls if I have a customer with me. One guy at the shop will ALWAYS bring the phone over to me and ask if I am busy.

I AM WITH CUSTOMER, OF COURSE I AM NOT BUSY, I JUST STAND AROUND WITH MY THUMB IN MY ASS WAITING TO BE INTERUPTED. God he can be a dick head. Best part his days are numbered. Next month I am the boss! :devil::devil::ph34r:

BTW we need a sarcasm emoticon.

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This is almost always a management issue. Management either:

1. Hires bad employees (usually because their management practices suck, and they have high employee turnover. Hence, they will hire the first warm body that will take the job.)

2. Doesn't adequately train their employees.

3. Doesn't adequately coach the employees on their job performance (hence, the employee rightly gets the impression the management doesn't care or is too inept to correct things)

4. Implements ridiculous store policies that the employee then has to try to explain and defend to the customer.

5. Sets up a culture where the only important things are the sales numbers or other trackable metrics. Therefore, if a customer is not actually handing them money, they don't want to deal with you.

Management always wonders why sales are down. They try to use gimmicks to "chase the numbers", and this never works. Why not? Because the sales numbers are the end result of the issues above. Fix those things, and you'll have folks flocking to your establishment.

Employee problems are always the result of management problems.

Sorry. Rant off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That my friend was a very well presented rant and worthy of a pin on things I hate.

I hate incompetent management!! I absoulutely support your comments. It is always management!! And yes, I have been management many years.

The problem is management who fails to look in the mirror, take responsibility, and most of all, lack leadership. Candor is a must that has taken a back seat to fear a lack of courage.

As a former Infantry Officer, the courage to do right, to stand for what is right, and never fear cowards who hide behind regulations/orders as reason for doing wrong, was constantly reinforced.

"Leaders are like Eagles, they don't flock... you find them one at a time"

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I hate the whole phone answering thing too, especially when I'm the guy waiting there......

I've only ever worked in one business -- camera store -- where literally the guy on the phone was more important than the average guy on the counter. But that particular store shipped $60k per day in phone orders, and sold maybe another $10-15k across the counter....

In most businesses, it's just idiocy......

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Good leadership, financial incentive to excell. Absent either the worker won't give a crap and the job is just a placeholder in the book of life.

To many companies want more than they are willing to pay for. Old adage is true, "you get what you pay for".

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