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Easyloader Fail


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Took everything apart just fine and got everything filed just so. Get the carrier situated with a punch holding it all together. Get the carrier back on the trigger group and cannot for the life of me get that stupid roll pin all the way through. I messed one up somehow but thankfully had a backup. Tried tapping the pin in behind the punch. Tried going in both ways. Tried pressing it in with a pair of channel locks and pliers. I hate when ya get stumped on something as ridiculous as a roll pin.

Guess I'll pray and hope that the only gunsmith in town is still in business. Hopefully he'll have better luck. I also hope I didn't screw up the backup roll pin as well. Sigh, spent way too much time on it and only half way done. Almost makes me wish I had bought a Benelli. :wacko:

Crazy thing is having a friend apply pressure against the roll pin with the punch and still would have problems with getting the roll pin through. It seemed the roll pin always got caught up in the hole of the fat piece. Whether going thru either side it would get hung up. Spent about 5 hours total so far and nothing to really show for it. :angry2:

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supposedly, somebody here on the forums did or has done a tutorial on how to install an EZ loader gate. Or at least they were planning to.

From what I recall when I searched EZ loader gate threads about 2 years ago, people were breaking roll pins left and right and there was some super secret fix for it. Maybe installing the right sized piano wire down through roll pin... or maybe they made their own pins...or they bought extra Remington pins through Brownell's.

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Easy loader tutorial

Use a longer "slave pin" (a drill bit of the proper size works well) to line up / hold in place all the parts before installing the poll pin. Let the roll pin push out the slave pin (as you tap the roll pin into place).

A slight taper or bevel on the end of the roll pin will help it line up as it moves through the holes on the various parts too.

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Yeah I put a punch through the loader, carrier and spring clip and then chased it out with the roll pin but, the roll pin kept getting hung up in the fat part of the easy loader. I tried tapping the pin in both sides and it still hung up on the fat part. Maybe I'll try a piece of piano wire or maybe I'll try a gunsmith for this part.

I was following that link to the install last night as well.

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I just installed mine and it was a total PITA. I had the roll pin in there, but was afraid that it wouldn't hold, so replaced the roll pin with a length of music wire. THAT is not going to break, it is harder than the hinges of hell, it took a little mini pair of bolt cutters to cut it.

My question is, I have read some guys have "peened" the ends of this wire, but I don't see how, it it so hard, I could not mushroom it. How did you guys that have done this peen the end?

I ended up cutting it a bit long (~1/8" sticking out of each side) hoping that it won't "walk" out of the hole. The extra length didn't seem to affect anything, it worked fine playing with it manually.

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I just installed mine and it was a total PITA. I had the roll pin in there, but was afraid that it wouldn't hold, so replaced the roll pin with a length of music wire. THAT is not going to break, it is harder than the hinges of hell, it took a little mini pair of bolt cutters to cut it.

My question is, I have read some guys have "peened" the ends of this wire, but I don't see how, it it so hard, I could not mushroom it. How did you guys that have done this peen the end?

I ended up cutting it a bit long (~1/8" sticking out of each side) hoping that it won't "walk" out of the hole. The extra length didn't seem to affect anything, it worked fine playing with it manually.

Happen to know the size of the music wire you used? Was it like a guitar string or piano wire?

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Gotcha. I emailed Dave asking if he installs the loaders on peoples trigger groups and asked how much if so. If not, I guess I'll go downtown to our only music store and see if they have some high carbon steel wire that will work.

Thanks for the help :)

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STOP! The roll pin should go into the EZ Loader reasonably easily. If not, the hole may be too small. I suggest you email Dave at DMW and tell him about your problem. A while back I got an EZ Loader that was not drilled straight - Dave sent me a prompt replacement with no quesations asked.

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Let us know when you get it resolved. Don't feel like you were the only one with issues either. when I bought mine I read all kinds of reviews saying " I installed mine in 30 minutes." I can now wave the B.S. flag on those statements. It took me about 4 hours over 2 days to get that little bastard in. Never again. If I would have known a little better a few years ago I would have initially just bought and M2 and gotten it over with.

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Another option is to remove the 1100/1187 carrier assembly and lockwork and replace it with an 870 carrier. It loads just like an 870 with no release to push, cycles faster (since the bolt isn't being held back for every shot), and no roll-pins to break. The only downside is no last round bolt hold open. I switched from the EZLoader to this setup and it has been working great.

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Another option is to remove the 1100/1187 carrier assembly and lockwork and replace it with an 870 carrier. It loads just like an 870 with no release to push, cycles faster (since the bolt isn't being held back for every shot), and no roll-pins to break. The only downside is no last round bolt hold open. I switched from the EZLoader to this setup and it has been working great.

Not a bad idea at all. I'll have to weigh my options with the bolt holding open vs not holding open. Thanks for the tip.

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I installed one on mine a few years ago, I remember it being a pain. I'd be glad to look at it for you since we don't live that far from each other. Send me a PM

I will send you a PM whenever I hear back from Dave. He told me yesterday he installs them for $30 but that it'd take a couple weeks to get it back to me. Course its not like I NEED the shotgun right now but, it'd be nice to have it done and over with. I sent him an email back wondering if maybe the holes weren't drilled 100% straight or that the fat tab hole is JUST slightly smaller in some way.

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I had heard from buddies of mine that it was a total PITA...I took it to a local (NJ) gunsmith who really isn't well known and he completed it within a couple of days for about 20 bucks. What concerns me about the EZ Loader is apparently how fragile it is. He explained to me to use caution when dropping it in barrels or putting it down because if it bends out of place its like hell to get it bent back. Good luck with the installation, let us know how it goes because I'll only see mine lasting a match or two lol. :cheers:

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Yeah now that I look at it all I might just be better off putting an 870 trigger group in it or returning it to stock. I just picked this 1100 Tactical because it was a semi decent deal and all. Figured the roll pin would be the least of my problems. Dave did send me another email saying to use a roll pin punch with a hole in it for the roll pin to sit in. Not sure if that is my problem or not. On the first try I got it all the way thru from right to left side but then it got stuck in the fat tab and no amount of tapping or hammering would get it to go through. Hell at this point even if I go back stock I hope I can get the roll pin back in LOL.

I have that feeling in the back of my mind the first time or two I put it in the barrel it will get bent or snap off completely. And I also hear even if that doesn't happen the roll pin has a good chance of breaking and needing replacing every so often. Not sure if I could deal with that LOL.

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I have been running an 11-87 with the same self-installed EZ Loader for 15 years. I had the roll pin break once many years ago, but since then I always insert a tight-fitting piece of music wire inside the roll pin before pounding it in place. I have not had one break since. I've installed a couple on other guns and they have all held up well. Nowadays, I suggest folks shorten their EZ Loader to about 60% of original length because this modification makes it more reliable. However, I have NEVER seen one bend or break because it got caught on a barrel or whatever - it is actually a pretty robust casting, and the roll pin is really by far the weakest link.

The EZ Loader can be a challenge to install as you have noted, but with patience and care it can be perfectly functional and long-lived. I suggest you carefully try tapping the roll pin into the EZ Loader outside of the gun/trigger group. Does it go in OK? If not, you will be in a better position to find out why not. A burr on the hole? A distorted roll pin? Some other problem? If there is a particular spot where it hangs up, look at whether you can gently chamfer that area. Maybe come in from the other side. Try some lube. Hell, go out to Ace Hardware and buy a few more roll pins and see if you can find one that goes in easier.

I cannot recommend the 870 carrier. While I am sure it works for some, you are much more dependent on perfect timing of the action and shell feeding... bypassing the hold-open feature leaves you much more vulnerable to functional problems IMHO. Just my 2 cents worth.

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FINALLY! With a little more patience and running a 1/16" drill bit by hand through the loader I finally managed to get it all assembled. Now I just need to cut off about 1/3 of it and fine tune it so the bolt will stay back all the time.

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Another option is to remove the 1100/1187 carrier assembly and lockwork and replace it with an 870 carrier. It loads just like an 870 with no release to push, cycles faster (since the bolt isn't being held back for every shot), and no roll-pins to break. The only downside is no last round bolt hold open. I switched from the EZLoader to this setup and it has been working great.

I've never heard of this, but it sounds great. Did the 870 shell carrier/lifter require any modification?


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