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Remembering Nick Berg

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I am really fighting not posting this in the HATE section, but I'm trying to restrain myself......

Nick Berg was a 26 year old American that went to Iraq to help rebuild THEIR Country. He was captured by Islamic Extremists, bound, and then five of them held him down and beheaded him. Of course they had to video this, and parade around the room holding his head. Fortunately, FOX wisely chose not to show the footage.

This makes me sick.

Pray for Nick... pray for his family... and pray for our Troops...


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How could this be? Al-Qaida in Iraq?

NO WAY! That would mean the President wasn't lying and Al-Qaida has been operating in Iraq.

The main thing to remember is that we don't want any of our soldiers damaging the honor of any of the terrorists. You could give them a complex or something and they would need therapy. After all, a gang of thugs who kidnap a non-combatant and cut his head off on a web site are totally honorable men. They shouldn't be subjected to any "fraternity style" hazing, these are men of great dignity.

Whew! At least Bush was wrong about the WMD's. There's only about 40 briefcase nukes missing from the former Soviet Union, but don't worry, no way has Bin-Laden & Co ended up with any of them. ;)

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I think this thread will probably get nuked shortly, but...

Isn't it distressing that even thou we all know the rules we still can't avoid expressing our outrages? The thought of sullying our little home away from home sucks but current events are so riveted with emotion.

Guess this shows the level of our disgression.

I hope we all grow from the example of others here...

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CIA Employment Office ...since you asked, or...

Sandline International

Military Professional Resources

Vinnell Corporation

Betac Corporation


Armor Holdings, Inc. :ph34r: ...that's right, parent company of Safariland


Source: The World's Most Dangerous Places 4th Edition, p. 105

Maltreatment of prisoners disgusts me, period.

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I think this thread will probably get nuked shortly,  but...

3QT, yes, it probably will. That's why I did TRIED to make a very negative hateful message, into a positive message.....

PRAY for our Troops. GOD BLESS AMERICA! :wub::wub::wub:

Hopefully, I am still within the rules.....

One other thing I will add..... I am sure that many of the forum members made it to Quincy for the 2001 Nats. Well, that was the first Nats I worked, and there have been few moments in my life that were as moving as when the range went silent to respect those that perished....

I will ALWAYS remember that, and will remember the American flag we had flying over Stage Two (there is a story behind that as well, but not for public display).....

Moderators: you have the power. Do what you may have to....

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I can't remember which famous person said it, but it went something like this:

"Few people realize the times in which they live."

Can you imagine trying to explain to your grandchildren what it felt like to watch those two towers fall?

Do you suppose that when Hitler started invading, first this counrty and that, in Europe, that anyone said, "Hey this is WWII, it's going to spread to the Pacific and Africa and kill millions of people?"

So far, we have Al-Qaida attacking in the Phillipines, Afganasitan, Pakistan, Spain, Iraq, USA, and who knows where else. I just marvel that so many people seem to be in denial about it. Like we can somehow adopt a "policy" that will stop the hostlities. The only policy we can adopt to satisfy these people is to kill ourselves first. Yes, it's frightening. We have an enemy who will gladly kill himself just for the glory of killing us. There nothing we can do, short of converting to their religious beliefs, that will assuage them. Somehow, I don't see us doing that.

Maybe history will record that this was the beginning of WWIII?

Will they stop because we say we're sorry? Were we wrong to go after a threat that we percieved to exist in Iraq? Opinions will vary. That's OK. Let's just be respectful of each other and try to get along as everyone comes to grips with "the times in which we live".

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Thanks for the info, but that's all a little to PC for me. I'm looking for something a little more, shall we say, blunt.

Job Start Date: As soon as you hit the helo

Position Location: Syria/Iraq border

Job Reference Number: ManDressCleaner254

Category of Position: Anti-Al Qaeda Operations

Title of Position: Senior Taliban Whacker

Description of Position: Off every stinking funny-hat porting / man-dress wearing / AK-47 toting / RPG chucking M'Fer within a 600 yard radius of your current position. Call in air ops to eliminate every dirtbag who is out of range. Those equipped with 50 cal rifles will be required to engage targets out to 1500 yards.

Salary Range: None. Compensation on a per-scalp basis.

Benefits: Liberal ammunition dispensation policy. Free helicopter rides (Pilot plays "Mr. Brownstone" full blast over the loudspeakers to and from your position.) Get to push the daisy-cutter out the back of the Herc periodically. (Fun for the entire family.) Excellent Dental and HMO plan. Full matching 401K.

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Free helicopter rides (Pilot plays "Mr. Brownstone" full blast over the loudspeakers to and from your position.)

Two things,,,

Riding in a Huey with the doors open is definetly one of my memory highlights!!!

Wouldn't 'One in a Million' be better in that occasion??? ( assuming of course the 'Mr. Brownstone' that you are refering to is the GNR song )

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Since groups of people, whether squad size or nation size, are but collections of people, no group of people may in good conscience do that which no individual may do.

When, after watching the news to see what horrible event has transpired today, I feel the urge to pack up my M1A and all the rounds I can carry, it helps to sometimes visit my web page:


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I haven't watched the video. I've seen plenty of islamist barbarism in video and print that haunts my fragile American dreams already. I know what it looks like without seeing it. I can see them slice through his neck, sawing like it's a side of beef even now, I can see his eyes squint shut against the pain and horror, but I haven't seen the video and I don't intend to. I don't need yet more images, proof that evil exists, rattling around in my head to keep my fire up.

This war is just begun. The barbarity of the middle east will land on the front page again and again. It's been a long time coming, and it will be a long time before we rest.

We will not be defeated. The only question is how much mercy can we stomach to present to our enemy. We choose to bestow our mercy only to salve our own souls, our enemy has no appreciation for it.

- Gabe

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I can see them slice through his neck, sawing like it's a side of beef even now, I can see his eyes squint shut against the pain and horror, but I haven't seen the video and I don't intend to.  I don't need yet more images, proof that evil exists, rattling around in my head to keep my fire up.

Supposedly, 35 seconds..... seems like a small amount of time until you stare at your watch and think about how long that really is..... :angry:

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Since groups of people, whether squad size or nation size, are but collections of people, no group of people may in good conscience do that which no individual may do.

When, after watching the news to see what horrible event has transpired today, I feel the urge to pack up my M1A and all the rounds I can carry, it helps to sometimes visit my web page:



All of those quotes mention first action. 3QT's and Eric's responses are correct. They are responses. According to your quotations, the people in those countries broke their own religious code and are reaping the fruits of their labors.

The clicker on this, though, is that they do not consider us people. We are not part of Islam and therefore are animals to be slaughtered. If we convert, we are to be pitied and put out of our misery for our own good. There is no resolution they can see that allows us to live as people on this earth. They do not see us as people and never will.

I will leave off the cynicism and bitterness that is running in my mind right now because it does nothing for the discussion.


Okay, there goes the thread. :ph34r:

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The clicker on this, though, is that they do not consider us people. We are not part of Islam and therefore are animals to be slaughtered. If we convert, we are to be pitied and put out of our misery for our own good. There is no resolution they can see that allows us to live as people on this earth. They do not see us as people and never will.

That sums it up. Sad but true.

Where is the outrage by the "friendly" Islamic "holy leaders" over this slaughter or the slaughter of the Blackwater personnel?

Nonexistant - becasue they all view us in the same way. We freed the Shites from the oppression of the fomer regime - and they still hate us. Nothing we can do for those people will satisfy them because they can't escape their medivel thought patterns. I also believe they're incapable of self rule without a totalitarian government.

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While I would love to say find the general area these bastards are in , and waste it. There would be innocent people who would die in the process, and THAT is what sets us appart from them. We try, though not always succesfully, to spare the lives of the innocent.

Still, what do I see more of on the news this morning, almost nothing about Nick Berg, but tons about the Iraqi prisoners and who is to blame. Makes me sick. :angry:

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I think this thread will probably get nuked shortly, but...

Isn't it distressing that even thou we all know the rules we still can't avoid expressing our outrages? The thought of sullying our little home away from home sucks but current events are so riveted with emotion.

Guess this shows the level of our disgression.

I hope we all grow from the example of others here...

Locked maybe but not nuked. ;)

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