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Frustration VENT-Ladies how would THIS make YOU Feel?

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I think its one of those comments which could be viewed one way or another, depending on context.

Something to remember, is that men talk VERY differently to one another, if there are no women around. Women say mean, cutting, things about one another, and often mean it. Men almost never do.

Now, there is a, very remote, chance that he honestly regrets the presence of women - and it depends on how he might have perceived her intentions being there. Gyms have turned from athletic centers to social ones - I don't think shooting would ever go that way, but I wouldn't have expected it to happen to gyms either.

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Anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. I would respectively suggest you let it go. A jerk can not be cured, but with the grace of god he can be tolerated in shorts bursts. I like shooting with women, they bring a different mental game to the table than I possess.

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I just don't like the idea of assassinating someone's character over an offhand comment that, from reading it, could easily have been a joke that didn't quite hit the mark with the intended audience.

Calling the guy a jerk, or saying "he's winning" or whatever presumes a lot. Would any of us be surprised if the guy got on here and had a very different side of the story?

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He is winning! He is sitting somewhere fat dumb and happy and she is wasting brain cells over it. She needs to let it go because she is the only one of the two parties involved who is probably even thinking about it.

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He is winning! He is sitting somewhere fat dumb and happy and she is wasting brain cells over it. She needs to let it go because she is the only one of the two parties involved who is probably even thinking about it.

Ah .... Gotcha! And you are right. ;)

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Well, I for one KNOW that it's absolutely silly, to STILL have this, on "play back mode" in my brain, for such a long time,,,,(I do honestly DO, have more important things to do). And it is why I waited for a few days to let it replay BEFORE I posted, to see if I were the only one that thought that it was an asinine remark. Now, with that being said,,,,,, yes, it was the WAY it was said, that pretty much, "skeeved me out". It was kinda CREEPY, and It certainly is NOT the way that anybody wants to be thought of.

I just pity him. The delivery of the remark had EVERYTHING to do with it, and I guess it was THAT particular point, that bothers me. I have lived life in a wheelchair as well, and the comments from folks, were often just as awful. I really have heard, (and been on the receiving end), of some really despicable things, when people think that your ears are disabled as well! My ears worked fine, it was my back that didn't work. But, the crap that manages to come out of the mouths of stupidity, never ceased to amaze me. But, the one good thing to come out of my broken back, is that it has given me, a stronger back bone, and I seriously CAN handle quite a bit.

Believe me, I won't be knocking myself out at my next match, with this thought in my head. As I'm sure with most of us, when that buzzer goes off, it's all I can do, to remember my "plan of action". I just wanted to know what others had to think about this sort of, "Garden Variety Slug" at the range. LOL (and if in fact that there may be others out there) AND, if I have the ability to bring attention to something that ladies, older people, younger people,,,WHATEVER kind of people,,,,my point was to STOP it from becoming a habit of singling them out, as something other than a fellow shooter - That's it, period. In fact, the only person that I REALLY feel bad for, is his wife,,,I was actually embarrassed FOR her, after hearing him make this awkward statement.

It is not something that will keep me away, or give up - THAT would mean that he WAS/IS "winning" - he is NOT - you can trust me on that one. I'm pretty feisty, and it takes a lot to REALLY get under my skin. And, it's only because all that I have been through, and continue to go through, that THIS was a comment, that just struck me the WRONG way, because it has taken me a lot of HARD work, to even get to the point that I am at, with my shooting and just my life in general- Lupus, Fibromyalgia and Failed Back Surgeries, will ALWAYS be with me, no matter where I am, (they always seem to manage to, follow me around, no matter how fast I try to hide) - and THAT is enough to deal with whether I'm shooting, or even just trying to live a "normal life" - believe me,,, I have my OWN Distractions!

My thought process in posting this, is that perhaps,,,Just perhaps that, by possibly just making this post, I can only hope that, it will possibly stop, just ONE LESS rude comment, from being thrown out there, at anybody - after all, we cannot teach our children not to be bullies, if the adults themselves, cannot do it - correct?

Quite honestly, for the better part of three plus years, I have (for the most part), met some of the most incredible and nicest people, on Earth. Hence "The IPSC Cookie Bin" and me being, The Cookie Lady. I shoot because, it REALLY makes me happy, and keeps me sane. I bake Cookies because it makes OTHERS happy. What comes around goes around, and Karma, is a Nasty thing to play with! Don't think for a moment that, I'm THAT tender footed, to let this guy have the ability, to ruin my game, or my time spent at the range. My life as a shooter will continue as it always has - shooting to improve MY game, not impress (or distract- LOL) others!

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Two things

1) If a man says something that can be taken two ways and one hurts you.....he meant the other one!

2) Don't let anyone live in your head rent free!

A wise and relevant post!

From the opening post:

Honestly, I could care less if you THINK it...

It doesn't look that way. Don't lease that space rent-free. If he's getting in your head, charge him for it.

Lightly run your fingernails up his forearm and say, "I really just don't know where to put those round things...er, I mean, BULLETS!" (or something to that effect).

Grab a cold beer and a lawn chair and watch the meltdown in comfort.


I often shoot matches with ladies. I try to keep my foul mouth in check.

My [hopefully] occasional slip into profanity aside, I'd be more than a bit displeased if anyone tried to make them feel less than entirely welcome, as I would if they did that to a member of my own sex.


Just last weekend we had three new guys on our squad. Theu were blown away by how fast Singlestack and BOZ1911 were running the stages. At one point I asked if they noticed the awfully cute little bonde girl at registration. "Yeah!"

"Well, she'll probably beat both of them. In fact, she'll probably kick all of our collective asses when the scores are totaled." They didn't look like they believed me.

Sure enough, Kaci won the match high overall.


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Without quoting the entire post here, I just read what you said while I was typing.

You sound too cool for school!

If you ever get down this way, you are shooting with the Usual Suspects. Don't argue, That's just the way it will be.


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I am very guilty of saying some strange things that could be taken the wrong way.

Our club lost a few shooters when my wife started shooting with it every month the first year.

Some of them could not handle being beat by a woman. The ones that quit would not have stuck with it any way.

over 18 years later we have a better club than before and the town is a better place to shoot in than 18 years ago. The shooters in all the area clubs have a higher average rating than before.

San Antonio and Central Tex has five times as many events to shoot at thin 18 years ago.

Some areas can only talk about events that -Used to be-

Ladies can help save shooting sports Its clear and simple , any club will be better off two years down the road to have louse five guys to gain one Lady shooter

Any thing said to any shooter that makes them feel less than welcome hurts us all.

If your not helping the sport = your hurting the sport.

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I am very guilty of saying some strange things that could be taken the wrong way.

I"M SHOCKED! surprise.gifroflol.gif

Yeah we have some ladies that shoot with us. They give back as well as they get. I like Mark's idea. Its not hard to mess with our, men's, heads lol.

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I am very guilty of saying some strange things that could be taken the wrong way.

I"M SHOCKED! surprise.gifroflol.gif

Yeah we have some ladies that shoot with us. They give back as well as they get. I like Mark's idea. Its not hard to mess with our, men's, heads lol.

Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive them that trespasse against me.

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I am very guilty of saying some strange things that could be taken the wrong way.

I"M SHOCKED! surprise.gifroflol.gif

Yeah we have some ladies that shoot with us. They give back as well as they get. I like Mark's idea. Its not hard to mess with our, men's, heads lol.

Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive them that trespasse against me.


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