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Atkin's Diet

Dan Hefta

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I'm still loosing but it has slowed down. Been hitting the gym hard and can't help to think that muscle gain is what is countering the weight loss. I have seen the biggest change in my waist.

You'll never know unless you get your body fat percentage checked. If you use a Tanita body fat scale, you'll have to be consistent with how you use it. Ex...only in the morning after peeing. That's the best time to use it. The reading on a BF scale will change significantly throughout the day depending on your hydration status.

I got the cheapest model and it works ok if I'm diligent about when I use it.

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You'll never know unless you get your body fat percentage checked.

As tubby as I was I think its pretty obvious.

Now that the tubby is a was...you may want to invest in a Tanita. You can now get one that will update your Twitter feed! A tip I got from an endurance diet book was that monitoring weight/body fat on a daily basis is one of the keys to weight loss success. It's a psychological part of the process that is as important as what goes into your mouth.

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Portion control and cutting out the crap was the key for me.

Good work, man. This has worked myself. I started by studying weight watchers, which teaches portion control and paying attention to what (and how much) actually is in the food you eat, and how much of it is appropriate. I'm down 29.5lb, but still have 25 to go.

Bikram Yoga has pretty much cured my asthma as well.

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I'm still loosing but it has slowed down. Been hitting the gym hard and can't help to think that muscle gain is what is countering the weight loss. I have seen the biggest change in my waist.

Body measurements tend to be more accurate than the scale.

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I am down 17 lbs so far and feeling strong and confident... I have been eating more carbs... I am drinking a lot more water and eating several times a day... I feel that I have changed my bad habbits and will continue to eat low carb meals and stay away from candy and goodies. My wieght is slowly coming off but in the long run that's a good thing. :cheers:

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In Oct 2010, I was 360 lbs or more. I'm 42 years old, and 6' 2". I left high school weighing 185 lbs.

I knew I needed to lose weight. I also knew I couldn't do a fad diet, or try to eat something just to lose weight if i couldn't carry on that way after losing the weight. I sat down and reviewed what I was eating, and what I could give up without too much struggle.

I cut out my normal fast food lunch, my coffee shop bagels and coffee in the mornings, and my afternoon Coke. I worked within a 2000 calorie diet. I made sure I had fruit in the fridge at work for snacks.

I did well for the first few months. I realized that while I was losing weight and counting calories, I had too many carbs and too little protein.

My dirty secret are fired eggwhite omlettes with just a sprinkle of shredded cheese. The 500ml cartons contain the eggwhite from about 16 eggs and are cheaper than whole eggs. The fried eggs with cheese might be 60-80 calories. Most days I have them for breakfast and lunch, either on it's own, or as a sandwich. Depending on what's for dinner, I may try to skimp on the carbs earlier in the day.

I still have a normal dinner, just with more realistic proportions.

I'm down 70 pounds so far and rarely hungry.

Now I just need to bust another 100 pounds.

Edited by Canuck223
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The Atkins diet is kind of broken. Sticking to it is hard, sticking to it long term is nearly impossible. Pushing yourself into keytosis is not necessary either.

The guy was right about the basic science behind it, but turned it up to 11.

For those having trouble sticking to it, google for "low glycemic load diet." It's the net result of what atkins started with regards to applying actual science to diet. It also explains why one can eat 1200 calories a day and still be fat. A calorie isn't a calorie, kind of like the 20th tablespoon of water dumped into a container that only holds 19 tablespoons of water isn't the same as the first. Despite being essentially the same.

I've been following a simplified glycemic load diet (instead of a detailed glycemic load diet) for almost a year. I haven't been hungry, feel better, lost 75lbs, dropped my cholesterol 30 points, triglycerides by 200 points, brought my fasting blood sugar and a1c into line, and lowered my blood pressure to boot.

If I had the time and patience to be be more aggressive about the diet and add the recommended exercise to it, I'd probably be much better off.

Good post.

Re: Atkins Diet, TAKE FIBER!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I started Atkins about 9 months ago at 5'8" 205. Today, I'm a svelte 160. There is a lot of misconception when it comes to eating any carbs at all. You need to find your personal balance once you get to your goal weight. For example, my limit is 40-50 grams of carbs a day. For some people that are more active they can go higher because they need those carbs. Its all covered in the book.

I think its a completely realistic lifestyle. Its about discipline and eating smart. Also, don't be afraid to splurge once in a while. For my birthday I ate a crap load of pizza and cake. Just don't make it a habit. Also, lean protein is your friend. Steak is awesome, but there are better options.

The best part is that I'm not out of breath at the end of a stage.

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I started Atkins about 9 months ago at 5'8" 205. Today, I'm a svelte 160. There is a lot of misconception when it comes to eating any carbs at all. You need to find your personal balance once you get to your goal weight. For example, my limit is 40-50 grams of carbs a day. For some people that are more active they can go higher because they need those carbs. Its all covered in the book.

I think its a completely realistic lifestyle. Its about discipline and eating smart. Also, don't be afraid to splurge once in a while. For my birthday I ate a crap load of pizza and cake. Just don't make it a habit. Also, lean protein is your friend. Steak is awesome, but there are better options.

The best part is that I'm not out of breath at the end of a stage.

Did you just say that you need to READ the book and actually follow the guidelines......that's crazy talk.....Atkins just says you can eat bacon and hotdogs and ribeye steaks and lose weight :goof:

The reality is it may not be for everyone but I find that most who give it a blanket dismissal have never taken the time to read the actual program. Those who do and follow it for more than a short time usually see impressive results.....it was certainly borne out here.

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Did you just say that you need to READ the book and actually follow the guidelines......that's crazy talk.....Atkins just says you can eat bacon and hotdogs and ribeye steaks and lose weight :goof:

The reality is it may not be for everyone but I find that most who give it a blanket dismissal have never taken the time to read the actual program. Those who do and follow it for more than a short time usually see impressive results.....it was certainly borne out here.

Good points and good info. What sold me was a long term study I saw that compared the results of a low fat diet vs. that of the Atkins plan (followed correctly). The results were almost identical in the end, but there was one big difference. Doing blood work showed both groups had great LDL levels (bad cholesterol). However, those on Atkins had higher levels of HDL (good cholesterol) i.e. you want higher levels of HDL.

The end result I was looking for was better cholesterol levels and to lower my high blood pressure. My cholesterol is back to normal, and I just got off my blood pressure medication.

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  • 2 months later...

I am down 32 lbs now and still have 10-20 to go perhaps more but I am not going to worry about it. I feel so much better than I did last winter. I am watching my carb intake but not excluding them, I am not even really trying to loose wieght anymore it is just coming off slowly, about a pound a week or so. It's fun to wear pants that I have not worn for 5-6 years. I definately feel that I have made a lifestyle change. :cheers:

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I made the mistake of taking the Flip camera to the Double Tap Championship last month. We had a great time videoing each other.

The problem is, this is possibly the first time I've had my picture taken since a driver's license photo back in '99. My only hope was the camera adds a lot more than 10 pounds.

I'm on the second week of the Atkins Diet induction. Down 12 pounds so far. Hoping to drop another 38 pounds to my ideal healthy weight.

Did Atkins many years ago when I was a lot healthier. This time I have to work with my doctor to cut back on the meds that not only contributed to weight gain, but can also slow down or even halt weight loss.

All the skinny clothes went to Goodwill years ago so may get to go on a shopping spree. First on the list is a smaller CR Speed belt.


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I am down 32 lbs now and still have 10-20 to go perhaps more but I am not going to worry about it. I feel so much better than I did last winter. I am watching my carb intake but not excluding them, I am not even really trying to loose wieght anymore it is just coming off slowly, about a pound a week or so. It's fun to wear pants that I have not worn for 5-6 years. I definately feel that I have made a lifestyle change. :cheers:

That's awesome Dan! Have you noticed a drop in BP, resting HR, and all that stuff? Oh, and we need some pictures to praise you a little more for sticking with it :cheers:

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