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EZWinScore 4.06 Upgrade Problems

Chris Keen

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Hey everyone. I'm trying to get the Self Squadding started for the Ohio State Championship, but when I tried to upgrade my EzWinScore from 4.05 to 4.06 I now receive a Box that says "CONNECT TO ADAPTIVE SERVER ANYWHERE" and asks me for a User ID and password.

When I try to enter any password I get a respnse that says "Cannot Connect to Infofile Database. EzWinScore cannot run unless it can access the infofile database. Report the following error to USPSA. SQLSTATE = 08001 [sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Unable to start database server

Also see the attached pic.

post-4139-038403300 1297020628_thumb.jpg

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Chris...I got that error when I accidentally removed the ODBC drivers on my system. After I re-installed them, I had to use the username and password for the EXWin software. Make sure you have all the ODBC connections...sounds like the infofile one maybe corrupt or missing.

Will send you a PM.

post-15700-083007300 1297094924_thumb.jp

Edited by Mark R
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I just upgraded from 4.05 to 4.06 and didn't appear to have any issues. Opened Ezwinscore and recalculated last match OK.

I have a special classifier match this weekend...will update if I find any hiccups.

Edited by Mark R
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4.06 worked well for me this weekend when I played guest stats person.

My guess is that the failure the OP is seeing is forgetting to run EzWinScore as Administrator on a Vista or Win7 machine.

Nope. I can't stand Vista, and have never even given Win7 a try so alas, I am stuck using Win XP.

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This is so freaking annoying ........... :angry: I can't even get EzWinScore to start, so I couldn't use a built-in help file if I wanted to. Also since changing over to the new USPSA website, it is allot less user-friendly. The old website had a little more information about EzWinScore support and such.

I got an email from Roger Maier telling me to "check my ODBC database settings" ............. :unsure: Yeah right. If I knew what an ODBC setting was we probably wouldn't be having this discussion! LOL

I'm so frustrated I'm about to delete everything and start from scratch, but the only thing keeping me from doing that is I'm afraid I'll just end up back at square 1, with NO NAMES in my shooters database. Then I'd really be pissed.

Can anybody help me in regard to checking my ODBC database settings?

I've never had to enter a "user id" and "password" to get into EzWinScore before, why now? And when I try to change the supplied user id and PW, it gives me an error, then on the next try it defaults the "user id" back to USPSA and the PW to a string of 12 stars (*) and nothing more. I'm completely lost.


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I did figure out how to access a help file by browsing the USPSA folder, and clicking on the file named Ezwinscore.hlp. I then did a search for ODBC and that lead me to a section that says:

.....updated the file locations in the system DSN definitions (located under ODBC in the control panel)

But I'm more confused now than before. This is certainly uncharted territory for me, so I'm afraid I might just make things worse by playing with these settings.

Edited by Chris Keen
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ODBC means "Object Data Base Connectivity". When accessing various databases, a programmer or user (in your case) needs to access the applicable database files (EZwinScore DB files). An ODBC connector is sort of a driver to open the DB files. Usually the DB software manufacturer will create an ODBC for access to their particular DB files. In this case you need Adaptive Server Anywhere ODBC to access the EZWINScore DB files.

When installing EZWinScore, they install by default...however, if they have been corrupted for some reason or deleted by accident, you need to re-create them.

First thing to do is see if they still exist...

To check your ODBC connector, open your control panel (start, control panel) and select Administrative Tools. You should see a line something to the nature of "Data Sources (ODBC)"...click that.

When the ODBC Data Sources Administrator dialog box opens, select the SYSTEM DSN tab on top. Now you should see a list of ODBC connectors. If you have run EZWinScore for a while you should see a bunch of ODBC connections.

From your earlier post you indicated that the error message showed the INFOFILE odbc as in error. Look in the Name column for INFOFILE. If it's there, you might "Configure" it with userid and password I PM'ed you, or if it's missing, then add a new odbc called INFOFILE. The Driver must be Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0.

At a minimum you should have these odbc connectors...





match (<--not sure about this one)


And a bunch for each match you set up in the past. (not needed anymore)

hope it helps. :cheers:


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OK as of right now, I have tried copying all the files to a different hard drive. That didn't work

Then I tried "downgrading" from 4.06 to 4.05 when I had no troubles ....... That didn't work

What else?

Here's what to do. Copy off your masternames.db file to a safe location. Then completely uninstall ezwinscore. (You may have to do it 2 or 3 times; I'm not sure.) Then install the base version 4.0. Then install 4.06 over the top of that. What this is going to do is reload and recreate all the database connections for you so you don't have to try to manipulate them manually. Then copy back in your saved masternames.db, overlaying the empty one that's there from the reinstall, and you should be set.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK just fired up ezwin to do my classifier match tomorrow and same thing happened to me. Is the only fix to uninstall and reinstall ezwin? If so my wife is going to be pissed she has to help me try and find the disc again.

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Strange that this is happening to you guys... Are you folks doing a System Restore or something that is undoing the registered data sources? Are you logging in a different users on the same machine?

Anyway a small trick once you find your CD. Copy everything off the CD into another directory ("C:\USPSA_CD_BACKUP" perhaps?) on your hard drive. There is no copy protection on the CD itself. Also keep the downloaded updates in that same directory. So if ever you need to reinstall, just reinstall from that backup directory. After installation, run the updates as well to get you up to the latest version.

[Of course USPSA is probably going to be unhappy to hear that you can easily pirate and distribute EzWinScore this way, so use this knowledge for good. :-) ]

Edited by Skydiver
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Strange that this is happening to you guys... Are you folks doing a System Restore or something that is undoing the registered data sources? Are you logging in a different users on the same machine?

I did do a system restore not long ago when I was having issues with another program. If that is all it takes to screw it up, that sux, I am certain I will screw it up again! I'll have to back up the disc to my NAS so I don't lose it again(if I can find it).

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In case this happens to anyone else what I did was: make a backup of the masternames.db file, uninstall everything, delete the USPSA folder, empty the recycle bin, then restart the computer before reinstalling EzWin.

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If you're doing scores for a local cub, Thank you! Now do yourselves a favor: After you score each month's match, e-mail the match database for that month and the masternames database to the match director, or another person involved in running the match. This way, if your computer ever totally dies/gets stolen/burns up, you'll be able to install EZW on a new machine, arrange for your contact to e-mail you the files, and be back in business.....

Not to mention -- should you die, they can easily find someone else to score the match.....

Data integrity and continuity is a good thing....

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I had the same problem and honestly cannot remember what program was conflicting with it. The problem for me was related to a dll file with an identical name used by another program. I did not need the program, one of those installed by the factory on a new computer, so I restored to an a point before the 4.06 update. I then deleted the program and installed the 4.06 update. Been working fine ever since then.

To be clear, my error message specifically mentioned a dll error and not a db error.

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