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SHOT Show Multigun Match

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Great job guys!! Th match was a lot of fun and I got to shoot with some great folks. The Firebird Custom owners, Smokeshown, and most of my shooting family! What a great time. Thanks again Charlie, Pete, and crew.



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Learned a few things this weekend....

1) Anytime you get a chance to shoot a match with the Gibson's take it.....(You may thing Travis is the character of the family, but he has some work to do to catch up to a distant third) :roflol:

2) Charlie Brown and the whole crew continually demonstrate that they want to produce good matches for their shooters....Strong work and much appreciated.....THANKS! :bow::cheers:

3) If you occasionally turn the cmore switch to some visible level on your open gun it is much easier to hit partial steel behind barrels :rolleyes:

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Learned a few things this weekend....

1) Anytime you get a chance to shoot a match with the Gibson's take it.....(You may thing Travis is the character of the family, but he has some work to do to catch up to a distant third) :roflol:

2) Charlie Brown and the whole crew continually demonstrate that they want to produce good matches for their shooters....Strong work and much appreciated.....THANKS! :bow::cheers:

3) If you occasionally turn the cmore switch to some visible level on your open gun it is much easier to hit partial steel behind barrels :rolleyes:

LOL!! Nice!! All of it! :D



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It was an absolute pleasure to see everybody that came out for the match!

I gotta give credit where credit is due; This match would've never happened without Pete Rensing, Tahnee Torres, Matt Stanger and Mara Wanderer. I never heard one complaint from any of them from setup on Thursday & Friday through cleanup on Sunday. You wouldn't know it to watch them shoot but they're all 1st year 3 Gunners! You guys are AWESOME! :bow:

One way you can spot people that really love this sport is when you meet folks like the Crew from Salt Lake City that drove 6-1/2 hours each way just to shoot this match!

Scores are in the works. We have all the score sheets but I forgot to keep a copy of the signup roster that lists the Division each shooter competed in :blush: . I'm running out to the range shortly to get it so we can finish up. Results will be posted here and on the Area 2 website.

Thanks again to everyone that came out for this match. This was the biggest turnout we've ever had for a club match with no prize table. We'll see what we can get going for next year.

Best Regards to All,


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We'll see what we can get going for next year.

One thing I think would be cool, and let me know if you agree\disagree, is to leave the stages up and give people the option shoot it again on Sunday. You could essentially double the $ on entrance fees, and give us a chance to re-shoot the stages the way we "wish we would have". You could average the days scores, score them separately, or just take the best of the 2.

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I've got a quick review of the match up at Way of the Multigun here: WotMG, Sin City 3 Gun Match.

Nice pics. I just wish the damn results would get posted. ;)

At this point if I had results I would be hanging on to them, as it is would be much more fun watching you post and whine about em :devil::D

:)I know, I'm as impatient as they come, though we are pushing a week now.

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Given that this is was the first multigun match I've shot in quite some time, and my performance was less than stellar, I'm not sure I want to know the results.

Mine wasn't what I wanted it to be either, but I STILL want to know how I did!!! :blink:



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I'm starting to get concerned now. Can anyone confirm the whereabouts of the score-sheets and/or those in charge of posting them to the web?

Affirmative...I can 100% verify they are not on my kitchen counter, and they are NOT on the front seat of my pickup. Other than that, I can tell you absolutely nothing.



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Given that this is was the first multigun match I've shot in quite some time, and my performance was less than stellar, I'm not sure I want to know the results.

Don't worry man when the results come out, I'll take a bright orange highlighter circle your name and tape it to your door. It Should give you motivation to practice before SMM3G :)

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There is no need for concern. The score sheets are in the proper hands. Just unfortunately, those hands are usually slow at getting them compiled and posted. Feel free to be frustrated, angry, mad, incensed, or whatever else floats your boat, but no need to be concerned!

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At long last, please see the attached match results. Most of the delay was my fault (see post above). Then Jeffrey's EZWS Database crashed and wouldn't let him enter the match. Many thanks to our Sin City Pistol MD, Kevin Acuff, for getting it done after work last night.

Here ya go....

Multigun All divisions.htm

Multigun All divisions.txt

Multigun Finals All divisions.htm

Multigun Finals All divisions.txt

They should be posted soon to Area 2 as well.

Edited by Blockhead
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