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Profanity On The Range...


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Seriously, if someone is so offensive and out of control with their language that it bothers some of you, then man up and go address the situation as it develops. Sounds like, "I don't have the morale courage (or balls) to deal with it, so I want a new rule to do it for me".

Admonishment time again???

Jack this is not about you or me or the guys we shoot with. It is about having an organization and events that draw people to it and want to see growth. USPSA's fastest growth comes from women and juniors and we can either make them feel comfortable or foget them. There are those in this sport that want to "personalize" everything. That is the wrong view. There is a time and a place for everything and if some members allow their 4th graders to use the F bomb at home that is their business. But that is not going to be tolerated at school, at church, in the gallery at a PGA event or even around most adults. It should also not be tolerated at our events.

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The gutter talk makes our sport look bad. It's a real shame some refuse to admit it, and even defend their right to do so. We have rules in the book to deal with this and it's time they are used.

We also have a Bill of Rights in this country and as I recall the Freedom of Speach was placed pretty high on the list, apparently because it was important. What number was it?

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Seriously, if someone is so offensive and out of control with their language that it bothers some of you, then man up and go address the situation as it develops. Sounds like, "I don't have the morale courage (or balls) to deal with it, so I want a new rule to do it for me".

Admonishment time again???

Jack this is not about you or me or the guys we shoot with. It is about having an organization and events that draw people to it and want to see growth. USPSA's fastest growth comes from women and juniors and we can either make them feel comfortable or foget them. There are those in this sport that want to "personalize" everything. That is the wrong view. There is a time and a place for everything and if some members allow their 4th graders to use the F bomb at home that is their business. But that is not going to be tolerated at school, at church, in the gallery at a PGA event or even around most adults. It should also not be tolerated at our events.

Charles I agree with you 100%, but sometimes we just need to police up our own. That is where I think we need to have the morale courage and responsibility to do this. That is our mentoring responsibility. This is the reason we have to have a rule book which covers every facet of the sport in great detail, because we did not set proper standards of conduct and sportsmanship to start with.

It has gotten to the point where it seems like we need adult supervision to run a match. You can have a bunch of kids out playing baseball and they don't need a rule book or adult supervision to know how to play the game by the rules.

We have let it get out of control by not stepping up and doing the right thing when we see a problem developing.

That has always been my job as a club president and or match director to ensure the match is run in a fair manner and people conduct themselves appropriately. Got no problem asking someone to leave if they don't comply. We have a couple people out there in our sport who are notorious for their foul mouth with total disregard for who they may offend. This can be dealt with in a professional manner and if a person refuses to comply, then don't allow them to participate, or in my case threaten to kick their ass and get banned from another range. Oh well!!

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There are those in this sport that want to "personalize" everything. That is the wrong view. There is a time and a place for everything and if some members allow their 4th graders to use the F bomb at home that is their business. But that is not going to be tolerated at school, at church, in the gallery at a PGA event or even around most adults. It should also not be tolerated at our events.

If a shooting range, where I'm competing among 95+% men (often 100%) isn't the place to swear then what is? And I'll ask you again, what words are bad? Just the F-word? Piss? How about "bull" my grandma used to have a hard time with that one.

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There are those in this sport that want to "personalize" everything. That is the wrong view. There is a time and a place for everything and if some members allow their 4th graders to use the F bomb at home that is their business. But that is not going to be tolerated at school, at church, in the gallery at a PGA event or even around most adults. It should also not be tolerated at our events.

If a shooting range, where I'm competing among 95+% men (often 100%) isn't the place to swear then what is? And I'll ask you again, what words are bad? Just the F-word? Piss? How about "bull" my grandma used to have a hard time with that one.

And this Sir, is the mentality this thread is trying to address.

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Seriously, if someone is so offensive and out of control with their language that it bothers some of you, then man up and go address the situation as it develops. Sounds like, "I don't have the morale courage (or balls) to deal with it, so I want a new rule to do it for me".

Admonishment time again???

Jack this is not about you or me or the guys we shoot with. It is about having an organization and events that draw people to it and want to see growth. USPSA's fastest growth comes from women and juniors and we can either make them feel comfortable or foget them. There are those in this sport that want to "personalize" everything. That is the wrong view. There is a time and a place for everything and if some members allow their 4th graders to use the F bomb at home that is their business. But that is not going to be tolerated at school, at church, in the gallery at a PGA event or even around most adults. It should also not be tolerated at our events.

I guess it depends on one's standards, personally, I enjoy shooting with good looking women with lots of tattoos and curse like a sailor!! :devil:

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i was brought up in a house with respect and i think my parents have heard me swear maybe 2 or 3 times in the past 26 years, and the worst one may have been $h!t. I watch my language around them bc i know they dont like it. I dont swear around kids. I dont swear around people who dont like it. Now if im with friends and they all use foul language im less careful and things sometime slip out. its a matter of knowing your surroundings and beign careful with what you say.

As for it on the range, i can see why most people dont care, its a bunch of guys with guns. why not throw out every word in the book? but i dont want to be spouting off f-bombs all day and not know there is a first timer in my squad and turn them off to the idea of the sport or our range. I have no problem telling someone to watch their language if it gets out of hand at the rangeand if its continues I see no reason the MD couldnt issue a DQ for unsportsmanlike conduct.

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The problem is a societal problem. Every public location you go to you will hear these words.

While it is not right you might as well get used to hearing the words you don't like to hear. It's here to stay.

You are correct and unfortunately many people just give into it and accept bad manners. As stated earlier it is my choice/decision to allow my children to be exposed to this. I also agree that it is everywhere we go. I also don’t feel a NEW rule will change it, just enforce what’s already in place.

The difference for me is that IF it occurs, I address it, and it continues… then I have a serious problem. <_<

This is a family sport. We want our sport to grow and the kids are our future. I want our sport to be presented in a professional manner. Lord knows we have enough problems with perception why add to it with foul language

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I had to DQ a guy once related to his use of profanity... I could care less if a guy is throwing F bombs all over the place... but in this case it was his attitude and the anger behind the language that made me DQ this competitor... he lost his cool and that doesn't sit well with me when guns are involved. Unsportsmanlike Conduct, it's a no brainer!

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i was brought up in a house with respect and i think my parents have heard me swear maybe 2 or 3 times in the past 26 years, and the worst one may have been $h!t. I watch my language around them bc i know they dont like it. I dont swear around kids. I dont swear around people who dont like it. Now if im with friends and they all use foul language im less careful and things sometime slip out. its a matter of knowing your surroundings and beign careful with what you say.

As for it on the range, i can see why most people dont care, its a bunch of guys with guns. why not throw out every word in the book? but i dont want to be spouting off f-bombs all day and not know there is a first timer in my squad and turn them off to the idea of the sport or our range. I have no problem telling someone to watch their language if it gets out of hand at the rangeand if its continues I see no reason the MD couldnt issue a DQ for unsportsmanlike conduct.

This is kind of my opinion on the matter. Know your surroundings. A buddy of mine brings his kid to the range....guess what happens, we all turn into perfect angels. Guy brings his new to the sport wife to the range, same thing happens. When its just the regular group of us well then its just the regular group of us and we have a good time, like when your in the basement watching football, drinking beer and scratching.....well things. :devil: If there are people that don't need to hear language floating around and somebody is dropping bombs left and right ask them to PLEASE refrain. They might not know as its not the norm that a lady or child is present as like somebody else has said its 99% grown men playing this game.

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I really don't see this as a huge problem. Most of the guys I shoot with are prone to the occasional colorful word or phrase when they screw up a stage - and I'm quite guilty of this myself! I really try to watch myself around the kids and ladies, but if you think they haven't heard these words before - you're deluding yourself. Unless your kids are home-schooled, never watch TV, don't go to WalMart, the Mall, or the Movies, and are so socially awkward that they have no friends - trust me, they know all the "bad words". And brace yourself now for a huge shock - they even say them when you're not around!

What I don't want is "big brother" trying to police what I, or anyone else, says. We're mostly all adults, and we've deemed our "juniors" mature enough to run around with loaded pistols - I'm certain that the competitive shooting community can, and will, take care of itself without another rule.

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A suggestion. For those of you that cuss when something doesn't go right at the range, just change it around. It's not the word that is making you feel better about what happened, it's the venting that's doing that. So, instead of saying "Da*&!" say "Smurf!", or "That stupid mother smurfer just wouldn't go down, I hit the smurfing thing like, 16 times!" I'm tired of all this smurfing talk, We all know what is polite in society. Someone once said that violence was the refuge of the incompetent, perhaps smurfing profanity is the refuge of the ill edumacated. So, tell that to the smurfing smurf heads.

Alright, I'm off my smurfing soap box, so smurf this and all other conversations about mother smurfing profanity.

See, it's actually kind of funny..... :roflol:

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I really don't see this as a huge problem. Most of the guys I shoot with are prone to the occasional colorful word or phrase when they screw up a stage - and I'm quite guilty of this myself! I really try to watch myself around the kids and ladies, but if you think they haven't heard these words before - you're deluding yourself. Unless your kids are home-schooled, never watch TV, don't go to WalMart, the Mall, or the Movies, and are so socially awkward that they have no friends - trust me, they know all the "bad words". And brace yourself now for a huge shock - they even say them when you're not around!

What I don't want is "big brother" trying to police what I, or anyone else, says. We're mostly all adults, and we've deemed our "juniors" mature enough to run around with loaded pistols - I'm certain that the competitive shooting community can, and will, take care of itself without another rule.

+1 Can't please everyone and some are more easily offended than others. It ain't the country club, it is a physical sport and the emotions will get elevated. Deal with it!

What I see here is a few, trying to force their morality on the majority. Sound kinda familiar?

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All it would take is a reporter with a hidden camera coming to one of our matches...USPSA would look so good with the teeange locker-room gutter talk. Ask yourself, do you really want to be the shooter that makes us all look bad? I'm sure USPSA's sponsors would love that. Are you really that selfish? If so, you're a very sad person.

So, keep your F-bombs, dirty jokes and the like going...It's your "Right."

"Family friendly sport..." R...I...G...H...T...

"Focus on Jr.s" S...U...R...E....

If your club has 95 to 100% male attendance, there's a good reason for it:

Look in the mirror.

Edited: There is a rule in the book to address unsportsman-like conduct. MD's and RO's should step up and enforce it.

Edited by BlackSabbath
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All it would take is a reporter with a hidden camera coming to one of our matches...USPSA would look so good with the teeange locker-room gutter talk. Ask yourself, do you really want to be the shooter that makes us all look bad? I'm sure USPSA's sponsors would love that. Are you really that selfish? If so, you're a very sad person.

So, keep your F-bombs, dirty jokes and the like going...It's your "Right."

"Family friendly sport..." R...I...G...H...T...

"Focus on Jr.s" S...U...R...E....

If your club has 95 to 100% male attendance, there's a good reason for it:

Look in ther mirror.

Edited: There is a rule in the book to address unsportsman-like conduct. MD's and RO's should step up and enforce it.

BlackSabbath, on Apr 4 2008, 05:49 AM, said:

Damn good product! Dave is a nice guy that does great work. I've done business with him since he took over the company in 98, or, 99. You will not be unhappy.

BlackSabbath - a couple years ago you chose to use the word "Damn" here on this very forum. When I was a kid, saying "Damn" would have earned me a good whipping. Why do you advocate restricting others use of colorful language on the range when you use it right here where everyone can see and read it? Is "Damn" profanity or isn't it? My mother certainly thought it was! Pot - meet Kettle.

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All it would take is a reporter with a hidden camera coming to one of our matches...USPSA would look so good with the teeange locker-room gutter talk. Ask yourself, do you really want to be the shooter that makes us all look bad? I'm sure USPSA's sponsors would love that. Are you really that selfish? If so, you're a very sad person.

So, keep your F-bombs, dirty jokes and the like going...It's your "Right."

"Family friendly sport..." R...I...G...H...T...

"Focus on Jr.s" S...U...R...E....

If your club has 95 to 100% male attendance, there's a good reason for it:

Look in the mirror.

Edited: There is a rule in the book to address unsportsman-like conduct. MD's and RO's should step up and enforce it.

Seriously, Have you considered counseling?

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All it would take is a reporter with a hidden camera coming to one of our matches...USPSA would look so good with the teeange locker-room gutter talk. Ask yourself, do you really want to be the shooter that makes us all look bad? I'm sure USPSA's sponsors would love that. Are you really that selfish? If so, you're a very sad person.

So, keep your F-bombs, dirty jokes and the like going...It's your "Right."

"Family friendly sport..." R...I...G...H...T...

"Focus on Jr.s" S...U...R...E....

If your club has 95 to 100% male attendance, there's a good reason for it:

Look in the mirror.

Edited: There is a rule in the book to address unsportsman-like conduct. MD's and RO's should step up and enforce it.

Seriously, Have you considered counseling?

Personal attack? Seriously, is that all you've got?

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All it would take is a reporter with a hidden camera coming to one of our matches...USPSA would look so good with the teeange locker-room gutter talk. Ask yourself, do you really want to be the shooter that makes us all look bad? I'm sure USPSA's sponsors would love that. Are you really that selfish? If so, you're a very sad person.

So, keep your F-bombs, dirty jokes and the like going...It's your "Right."

"Family friendly sport..." R...I...G...H...T...

"Focus on Jr.s" S...U...R...E....

If your club has 95 to 100% male attendance, there's a good reason for it:

Look in ther mirror.

Edited: There is a rule in the book to address unsportsman-like conduct. MD's and RO's should step up and enforce it.

BlackSabbath, on Apr 4 2008, 05:49 AM, said:

Damn good product! Dave is a nice guy that does great work. I've done business with him since he took over the company in 98, or, 99. You will not be unhappy.

BlackSabbath - a couple years ago you chose to use the word "Damn" here on this very forum. When I was a kid, saying "Damn" would have earned me a good whipping. Why do you advocate restricting others use of colorful language on the range when you use it right here where everyone can see and read it? Is "Damn" profanity or isn't it? My mother certainly thought it was! Pot - meet Kettle.

Read the whole thread. I said I've been guilty of the same. Doesn't make it right. Big difference than some jerk going around the range dropping F-bombs.

Oh, and ouch....you really got me with that one.

Edited by BlackSabbath
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All it would take is a reporter with a hidden camera coming to one of our matches...USPSA would look so good with the teeange locker-room gutter talk. Ask yourself, do you really want to be the shooter that makes us all look bad? I'm sure USPSA's sponsors would love that. Are you really that selfish? If so, you're a very sad person.

So, keep your F-bombs, dirty jokes and the like going...It's your "Right."

"Family friendly sport..." R...I...G...H...T...

"Focus on Jr.s" S...U...R...E....

If your club has 95 to 100% male attendance, there's a good reason for it:

Look in the mirror.

Edited: There is a rule in the book to address unsportsman-like conduct. MD's and RO's should step up and enforce it.

Seriously, Have you considered counseling?

Personal attack? Seriously, is that all you've got?

Sorry, actually I meant it in a good way.

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All it would take is a reporter with a hidden camera coming to one of our matches...USPSA would look so good with the teeange locker-room gutter talk. Ask yourself, do you really want to be the shooter that makes us all look bad? I'm sure USPSA's sponsors would love that. Are you really that selfish? If so, you're a very sad person.

So, keep your F-bombs, dirty jokes and the like going...It's your "Right."

"Family friendly sport..." R...I...G...H...T...

"Focus on Jr.s" S...U...R...E....

If your club has 95 to 100% male attendance, there's a good reason for it:

Look in ther mirror.

Edited: There is a rule in the book to address unsportsman-like conduct. MD's and RO's should step up and enforce it.

BlackSabbath, on Apr 4 2008, 05:49 AM, said:

Damn good product! Dave is a nice guy that does great work. I've done business with him since he took over the company in 98, or, 99. You will not be unhappy.

BlackSabbath - a couple years ago you chose to use the word "Damn" here on this very forum. When I was a kid, saying "Damn" would have earned me a good whipping. Why do you advocate restricting others use of colorful language on the range when you use it right here where everyone can see and read it? Is "Damn" profanity or isn't it? My mother certainly thought it was! Pot - meet Kettle.

Oh, and ouch....you really got me with that one.

Yes - I certainly did.

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It makes me :roflol: when people are so sensitive about "bad words".

They're WORDS. They're strings of letters crammed together. How people can be so offended by a word continues to baffle me.

Exactly. We (people) are the ones who give them meaning and/or their empahasis.

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All it would take is a reporter with a hidden camera coming to one of our matches...USPSA would look so good with the teeange locker-room gutter talk. Ask yourself, do you really want to be the shooter that makes us all look bad? I'm sure USPSA's sponsors would love that. Are you really that selfish? If so, you're a very sad person.

So, keep your F-bombs, dirty jokes and the like going...It's your "Right."

"Family friendly sport..." R...I...G...H...T...

"Focus on Jr.s" S...U...R...E....

If your club has 95 to 100% male attendance, there's a good reason for it:

Look in the mirror.

Edited: There is a rule in the book to address unsportsman-like conduct. MD's and RO's should step up and enforce it.

Seriously, Have you considered counseling?

Personal attack? Seriously, is that all you've got?

Sorry, actually I meant it in a good way.

Sure, if you need psychological counseling....I'll help you out.

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All it would take is a reporter with a hidden camera coming to one of our matches...USPSA would look so good with the teeange locker-room gutter talk. Ask yourself, do you really want to be the shooter that makes us all look bad? I'm sure USPSA's sponsors would love that. Are you really that selfish? If so, you're a very sad person.

So, keep your F-bombs, dirty jokes and the like going...It's your "Right."

"Family friendly sport..." R...I...G...H...T...

"Focus on Jr.s" S...U...R...E....

If your club has 95 to 100% male attendance, there's a good reason for it:

Look in ther mirror.

Edited: There is a rule in the book to address unsportsman-like conduct. MD's and RO's should step up and enforce it.

BlackSabbath, on Apr 4 2008, 05:49 AM, said:

Damn good product! Dave is a nice guy that does great work. I've done business with him since he took over the company in 98, or, 99. You will not be unhappy.

BlackSabbath - a couple years ago you chose to use the word "Damn" here on this very forum. When I was a kid, saying "Damn" would have earned me a good whipping. Why do you advocate restricting others use of colorful language on the range when you use it right here where everyone can see and read it? Is "Damn" profanity or isn't it? My mother certainly thought it was! Pot - meet Kettle.

Oh, and ouch....you really got me with that one.

Yes - I certainly did.

Not really...weak at best.

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