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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Camo Stock


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in Wyoming most of the folks wearing cammo are salt of the earth.  People go to church in Realtree, and faded BDUs from someone's past military service don't seem to twitterpate anyone at our local ranges.

Let's draw the line at face paint and ghillie suits, and cut the rest some slack.

You Wyoming folks are so reasonable I have to wonder if that part of the country wasn't settled by wandering Kentucky boys. ;)

Warpspeed, I think your camo shotgun will be just fine. B)

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I was out at the club today at the Metalic silohette range, doing rifle bounces and othere questionable things (at least to the old guard) wearing my good old/new pixel deasert cammo. There was an old guy there that wasn't to pleased with what I was doing; moving back and forth with a rifle??? Well it just isn't done!!! After we talked for a while, and he began to understand what I was doing ( Korea vets seem to catch on), the conversation got around to what I was wearing. Seem the club has a NO CAMMO policy!! The up side was he is on the board and he thought they were kind of cool! Those don't look like that ARMY crap! The knees are already padded? That looks like it would be cool in the summer! End line was where do I get a pair of those? By the way, he also liked the forward sight mount for the mouse gun and proceded to hit out to 500M with it, he declaired it "amuseing". Count on seeing them at Mesa!! KURTM

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A rifle bounce is done on two targets at 200yds. You engage both targets with 2 rounds each. On the beep you engage the two targets from any position higher than sitting, move 3-5yds, reengage from any position higher than prone, move, and at the last position reengage from any position. I was using two MGM flash targets. In an ideal world, you would engage 3 targets at 100, 200, 300, one hit each, no more than 2 rounds at any one target ( the old Gunsite way). Now you can see why he was a little concerned...moving....with a rifle....and it's loaded???? KURTM

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And I thought you were hooking a finger in your belt loop through the trigger guard, holding the rifle (er, carbine for kurtm) at hip level, and "bouncing" the trigger to simulate full auto.

Hey you said you were doing questionable things.

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Nope standard "orange" Gunsite drill. I do believe Col. Cooper came up with it.

I thnk I'll try to do something like that at 50 to 100 yards. I don't currently have access to anything beyond 100 yards, so that will have to do for me. As will paper targets!

Now I just have to get the boyz in my crew to do some more rifle shootin'!

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