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International Shooters In The U. S. A.

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Earlier this year I shot at at a "really" high profile 1911 oriented USPSA pistol match. Hint :rolleyes: Hint :rolleyes:

The 3 or 4 international shooters on my squad were relatively well known high level IPSC shooters and basically refused to paint steel,paste targets, or in any way "participate" with the squad. I handed a roll of pasters to one of the shooters after 6 stages and pointed to the targets and--- he dropped it on the ground. This behavior was brought to their attention by ROs and by members of the squad a number of times... but they were just there as shooters..and basically refused to "participate" with the re-setting of stages and acted like the rest of the squad was their staff for the entire match... and it made the whole match painfully slow... and hard work for those of us who carried their weight.

So..... I am now registered for the 2010 IDPA Nat's and see that 9 members of my squad are international shooters.

Is there something I need to know about how shooters around the globe view "squad participation" differently than we do in the U. S. A.?????????????


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Well I speak for me, back in the day in Brazil they would also demand that you pick your brass. Some shooters would reset the stage and others would pick-up brass. Not matter where you from, if you don't work and help you're a piece of you know what. Man that gets my hate meter up really quick, can you tell?

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I run into this quite a bit with American shooters although I must say that they are not that bad. Usually you can shame them into it.

I've shot with Kiwis, Aussies, Germans and Canandians. You couldn't find a better bunch. Most of the time they run circles around us.

I have a good guess as to the nationality you are speaking about but I'm not going to mention it here.

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Personally, I'd request the RO inform them that they either help out, or be DQ'd, as engaging in some form of unsportsmanlike conduct - not just for Euros, but for any physically able person who refused to help.

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Personally, I'd request the RO inform them that they either help out, or be DQ'd, as engaging in some form of unsportsmanlike conduct - not just for Euros, but for any physically able person who refused to help.

Edited by Poison
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You have to take into consideration the high cost of the international shooter. Most of them are paying top dollars to the airlines to get to the competition. Then the cost of the hotel. Also they are paying the inscription fee. I have shot in many parts of the world and they always pay a few kids or their military to do the pasting and the poppers. Who will cover their cost if during a resetting of a popper or so they get hurt and cannot shoot anymore?? I think the organizers are making enough to pay a couple of High school kids to do the work. The USPSA (in my opinion)allowed this helping trend basically to give the shooters an edge. I think they thought it would be a win win situation,which turned into a win situation for the organizers. I know for a fact that shooting in another country is extremely expensive and I will not give out all that money just to go there and work. I will not do that when I am in Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador or anywhere in south America the Caribbean or Europe or any where else so I do not expect them to do it either when they are here.

I am not trying to step on anyone's toe but I think this might help understanding the situation.

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where's a popcorn icon when we need one!

Taping a few targets and resetting some steel can hardly be called work and if you perceive it as too much work feel free to hire your own "caddy" at your expense and laze away.

If picking up a popper causes you an injury that ruins your match then I feel confident your physical condition is so horrible you need to find some other leisure activity.

Regardless how one view's work, if the match did not hire a cadre of stage personnel to reset targets and the rest of your squadmates are doing their share, GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND RESET THE STAGE!


Edited by smokshwn
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You have to take into consideration the high cost of the international shooter. Most of them are paying top dollars to the airlines to get to the competition. Then the cost of the hotel. Also they are paying the inscription fee. I have shot in many parts of the world and they always pay a few kids or their military to do the pasting and the poppers. Who will cover their cost if during a resetting of a popper or so they get hurt and cannot shoot anymore?? I think the organizers are making enough to pay a couple of High school kids to do the work. The USPSA (in my opinion)allowed this helping trend basically to give the shooters an edge. I think they thought it would be a win win situation,which turned into a win situation for the organizers. I know for a fact that shooting in another country is extremely expensive and I will not give out all that money just to go there and work. I will not do that when I am in Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador or anywhere in south America the Caribbean or Europe or any where else so I do not expect them to do it either when they are here.

I am not trying to step on anyone's toe but I think this might help understanding the situation.

I have no clue what is "expected" in any other Country but as my Father used to say "when in Rome, you do as the Romans do", which means here in the US, you are expected to help. I am also confused about the statement "allowed this helping trend basically to give the shooters an edge", how can taping targets and setting steel in the hot sun give a shooter an edge? The edge would go to the shooter that is NOT helping!

Poison, Just to let you know where I'm coming from, I happen to be a 20+year member of the range where this match took place and consider it my home range. I also have had 107 chemotherapy treatments so far, fighting an incurable cancer.

I don't shoot many major matches anymore because it is very difficult for me to shoot 10-12 stages in one day, due to fatigue that is directly related to the chemo.However, I will be shooting my first USPSA Nationals in October and will assist my squad any way I can....

Thank God I wasn't on that squad!




USPSA Member Open Division since 1987

Edited by martyg00
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If picking up a popper causes you an injury that ruins your match then I feel confident your physical condition is so horrible you need to find some other leisure activity.

I've seen more than one shooter suffer a broken ankle or worse from a set popper falling on them as they leave it.

All I know is the matches that I shoot that has the staff take care of those things (big shout out to Linda Chico ;)) run a hell of a lot more smoothly than when it falls upon the shooters to do it.

I understand it from both perspectives.

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Travis had this in every stage description at this years Iron Man 3 gun match, it was read prior to every squad walkthrough on every stage . . . & was made prior to the pledge of allegiance at the first shooters meeting.

Draconian? Perhaps, but necessary because there is always one or two out there.

Your help setting steel/clays and taping targets is greatly appreciated. Failure to do your fair share COULD result in a match DQ for unsportsmanlike conduct. Please help out so we never have to mention this again!! Thank you and have a great stage!!!

I have also seen at local matches where it has been mentioned that "You don't tape & reset!!!. . .You don't get scored!!"

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People that think they are above picking and pasting really chap my ass. We compete in an all volunteer sport and that means everyone volunteers to keep the match running. I've pasted targets and reset steel with Bob Vogel many times. If he will "take the risk", I think that anyone can do it. BTW, he runs a tape gun just as fast as he runs a Glock.

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We had a two gun match yesterday with a single run averaging 3+ minutes of constant get it... It was 100 degrees with no wind and no shade. As the day progressed the lazy human looking creatures who refused to do their share of the reset and tape had a huge advantage over those who did their part.

If the reset and etc is done as part of the matches responsibility thats great, but........

Be "it" foreign or domestic, a lazy bastard is a lazy bastard and I have nothing but contempt for those (who are capable of helping) who shirk.

My opinion - yours may vary. wink.gif

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I was a Chief Safety Officer at the IDPA Nationals years ago when we had a squad of mostly Latin American Nationals come through. The nature of the setup made it easier for the Safety Officers to paste some of the targets. When I started to paste one, a straphanger ran up and told me "it's my job" and proceeded to paste the targets on the stage. Turns out the Latins had brought their own paste and police crew along with them.

If you don't want to paste and police, that's the way to do it.

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I remember both of them well. They were lazy, and they had a really bad attitude.

They also refused to be the first shooter on a stage. When the shooting order was announced, and one of them was to be first up, he somehow miraculously ended up down on the list.

The other thing that bothers me is the fact that they are both sponsored by a well-known gunsmith on this forum.

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If a Range Officer calls for help with resetting the stage, is that a 'reasonable direction' from the RO ? If so, would 10.6.1 apply ? It would seem a tad harsh but as has been pointed out above, a shooter that does not work has an advantage over those that do.

10.6.1Match Disqualification – Unsportsmanlike ConductCompetitors will be disqualified from a match for conduct which a Range Officer deems to be unsportsmanlike. Examples of unsports- manlike conduct include, but are not limited to, cheating, dishonesty, failing to comply with the reasonable directions of a Match Official, or any behavior likely to bring the sport into disrepute. The Range Master must be notified as soon as possible.

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If picking up a popper causes you an injury that ruins your match then I feel confident your physical condition is so horrible you need to find some other leisure activity.

I've seen more than one shooter suffer a broken ankle or worse from a set popper falling on them as they leave it.

I like to think of that as 'sweeping' yourself with a popper. If you step in the danger zone, be prepared to either catch it or get out the way. Or, just don't put yourself in that position.

Be "it" foreign or domestic, a lazy bastard is a lazy bastard and I have nothing but contempt for those (who are capable of helping) who shirk.

My opinion - yours may vary. wink.gif

It doesn't :cheers:

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You have to take into consideration the high cost of the international shooter.

What does this have to do with anything? Shooting matches is expensive for domestic shooters, too.

I have shot in many parts of the world and they always pay a few kids or their military to do the pasting and the poppers.

That's great if you happen to be shooting one of those matches, but at the match in question, there are no volunteers or employees charged with pasting and resetting. The established custom is for shooters to tape and reset, ROs make it clear shooters are expected to tape and reset, and the MD reminds includes this in the shooter's meeting. Stage after stage, squad after squad, whole squads move forward after each shooter to tape and reset. How they do it somewhere else shouldn't matter.

Who will cover their cost if during a resetting of a popper or so they get hurt and cannot shoot anymore??

I guess the same people who'd cover the cost if you fell during a stage or twisted your ankle getting out of your car. You've come to participate in a sport that involves running with guns - is hurting yourself while pasting targets really a major concern?

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You handed the guy some pasters and he dropped them on the ground in front of you? That dude has some stones. Must be a Sweddish shooter? Remember that guy on ESPN World's Strongest Man Copetition, I think his name was Magnus VerMagnuson? :roflol:

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