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Whale Wars


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I don't watch much TV and did not know this has been on for a while. I flip the channel to this show on animal planet called whale wars. I am not choosing a side and thats not why I bring it up. I did not like the way these people did what they did for what they believe in. I did not like the way they feel legitimacy because the cameras are there. I was not giving both sides of the story and that always leaves me feeling like someone is trying to dupe me. I guess I should not have expected any different, it is Animal Planet. If they wanted to teach me about the evils of whaling, I did not find it, only the lengths some people will go

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Watching the commercial for this the other night with the wife. The captain says how he asked each member of the crew if they would be willing to put their life on the line to save the whales. Without even looking at eachother we both said a soft "no way".

It's not that I don't care, it's just that I have so much to care about already.

I wonder what happened to the old school Greenpeace guys?


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I wonder what happened to the old school Greenpeace guys?


Paul Watson, head of the Sea Shepherds, was actually part of Greenpeace. He branched off of them because he was too militant.(this is what I remember from seeing on TV, I could be wrong).

Anyway, i watch Whale Wars every week, decent show - I watch it for entertainment value, but to keep with the theme of the Hate forum I will now add to the rant. I HATE how inept these guys/gals are! They are ridiculous. Every time they try to do something, it takes them forever, and the Japanese either get away, or get the whale ( watch last season when the Japanese pulled two whales onto the processing ship as the Sea Shepherds watched and cried). My girlfriend started watching this season and I warned her..."be prepared, these guys are like the Keystone Cops, everything they do seems to get screwed up". She watched one episode and was shocked how right I was.

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If you watched the last episode when the Ady Gil was "trimmed" a bit, you see the SS (Sea Shepard's) gab to the cameras how they hate the Japanese, want to sink the factory ship to the bottom of the ocean, etc. Yet when they are "surrounded" by 3 harpoon ships and the recon vessel, they lose all the bravado and sound like a bunch of cry babies. Also who the hell would want to play chicken with the Japanese? you are not going to win.

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What the SM#2 did the the Andy Gil was wrong, if not criminal. The Gil was sitting dead or at least still in the water and the SM#2 turned into her deliberately. In those waters, minutes count and the SM#2's actions really come close to attempted murder.

While I understand that the Japanese are skirting if not breaking International Law with the whale hunt, I just don't understand people like the Sea Sheep. Blocking the harpoon ship access to whale pods, sea borne versions of the protest line and sit-in I can understand, but the acts they take are criminal.

And the Animal Planet TV is very obviously biased to the Sea Sheep's cause.

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Paul Watson long ago sold his soul. Any origional stirring of environmental awareness was long ago sold out to his money grubbing and attention whoring nature. That this television network underwrites his activities pretty much excludes it from my set.

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