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I really hate it when there is someone new that asks a question and the response is "The search button is your friend". It just comes off rude to me and if I was new and got that response I would not stick around for long.

If we should do a search everytime we have a question then there is no reason to even have this forum anymore. It can just be archived due to the fact that just about any and all advice, good or bad, that can be given is most likely posted somewhere in this forum.

Anyone that has trained people for anything can tell you that you can say the same thing 10 different ways but they will not all be understood by the trainee. They might sort of get it with a few, be completely lost on a few, and have that "Oh!" moment on one where they understand completely. Let them ask their questions so that maybe someone can phrase it in a way that they will just get it.


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excellent post.

thanks for making that statement, there are indeed nicer ways to point someone in the right direction, i.e. toward the search function.

chances are, a newbie may not even be aware of the search function, yet, and may feel like he's being cut off.

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I have a hard time with the new search. I would like it if instead of just saying search, tell us what key words you used and any special searchfoo that was used. Help us learn how to find things here, not just say search.

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I have a hard time with the new search. I would like it if instead of just saying search, tell us what key words you used and any special searchfoo that was used. Help us learn how to find things here, not just say search.

+1 to that brother. The new search isn't as easy as the old one was. :(

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I've been guilt of "search is your friend", but I normally add an answer or link(s) to the threads so they're not left hanging. What does get annoying is when someone obviously didn't spend even a minute looking for the answer....as in three or four threads down from the top.

I don't like the new search quite as much, but I'm learning it can do most of what the old one could. R,

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If I could have 'Search in current Topic' back.. that would be great...

It's still there. Scroll down a little bit and you'll see a window on the lower left of the thread that says search topic. R,

Edited by G-ManBart
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A value of The Forums lies in its ability to organize vast amounts of different information.

The good thing about seaching before posting is that it helps keep discussions on the same topic in the same Thread. It's that simple.


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The more times the same question gets asked, and answered in new topics, the less information gets put into each one, and the more information gets fragmented across the forums. This makes it much harder to find answers by searching, and reduces everyones willingness to post answers to new questions.

So if you value the forums, Do a search :excl:

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I would much rather find 1 thread with 3 or 4 pages of solid information than find 15 threads with 3 posts. There are quite a few times that new threads are needed whether its an info change or a segway from the original topic. then feel free to post it. Reminds me of the old "tutorial" video: 'Posting and You', haha. :roflol:

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If I could have 'Search in current Topic' back.. that would be great...

It's still there. Scroll down a little bit and you'll see a window on the lower left of the thread that says search topic. R,

G-Man.... thanks much!

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