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hello, i went to the range today to shoot my xdm 9mm and rented a glock 35 just because i have never shot one before and i totally fell in love with it. i shot more accurate the grip angle fit me better and it just seemed like the gun was meant for me. so iam going to buy a glock 34 to shoot in uspsa production to replace my xdm. i love my xdm but i shoot the glock much better so the winner for me is the 34 or 35. just wanted to tell you all my first glock story

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i shot my buddy's G21 and the next week bought one for myself and put my XD to govebox use instead of daily carry. Im actually thinking about selling the XD soon and maybe buying another glock... :mellow:

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To be fair, all of my carry guns are Glocks :) I'd probably pick something else if I could, but rules are rules and it doesn't really bother me...I know they'll always go bang and hit what I'm aiming at. R,

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yeah i might have to change my screen name lol. i never figured i would own a glock but i cant wait to compete with the 34, its my poor mans STI. LOL

Shoot the xd for another year, in that time save your pennies and dimes, then buy the S_I. They aren't that much more than the Glocks, but they are much more pistol. You'll never be sorry about buying the S_I.

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if i could afford a $3000 dollar STI i still would not have one my plastic guns fire and go bang and i have fun thats all that matters. unless those guns wins me big money but they never do. just my 2 cents

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if i could afford a $3000 dollar STI i still would not have one my plastic guns fire and go bang and i have fun thats all that matters. unless those guns wins me big money but they never do. just my 2 cents

$3,000? Look again my friend. They can be had for much less than that.

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iam not shooting uspsa for every tenth of a second i do it for fun and when i can afford to do it then it is fun for me. most of the guys at my club with the open guns are in it for a big wiener contest. i just go and shoot have fun and spend my money else where.

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if i could afford a $3000 dollar STI i still would not have one my plastic guns fire and go bang and i have fun thats all that matters. unless those guns wins me big money but they never do. just my 2 cents

$3,000? Look again my friend. They can be had for much less than that.

Here we go again. Ugh.

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thanks for the support guys, i like the production division its simple and fun. some of you might like the bells and whistles but not me. iam just starting out and honing my skills with a affordable gun that i can shoot well. if you like the open guns thats cool they are nice but i like the production guns and thats the cool thing about uspsa they have different divisions

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a big wiener contest

Thats funny! :goof:

Sarge, I was trying to point out that S_I makes more than just open guns. I'm not slamming Glocks. They are a fine weapon, well built, dependable, and relatively cheap. They just aren't for me. I don't like the grip angle. If someone buys a new Glock, one of the first things they are gonna do is change the barrel, then the trigger, then the sites. Add all that cost up plus the gun, you have the cost of a very good used S_I, which has already had all that done to it (and the trigger will no doubt be better than the Glock). For what he is doing with it, and how he is shooting it, the Glock may be his Excalibur. I was just trying to let him know that there are better "blades", so to speak, out there for around the same price, as his Excalibur (and not open blasters either!).

You guys hear S_I, and instantly think, open blaster....Open is one of their smallest sections!

Edited by GrumpyOne
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grumpyone i understand your point but i do like glocks now that i have shot one, i like it better than my xdm. i shoot it well and it comfortable and i feel confident with it.. you like your tools and i like mine. thats why there are so many different guns to choose from. there is no perfect gun. i drive a truck because i like my truck, someone could not like it but there not the one driving it.

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grumpyone i understand your point but i do like glocks now that i have shot one, i like it better than my xdm. i shoot it well and it comfortable and i feel confident with it.. you like your tools and i like mine. thats why there are so many different guns to choose from. there is no perfect gun. i drive a truck because i like my truck, someone could not like it but there not the one driving it.

I agree with that wholeheartedly. You should shoot what you shoot best and what is most comfortable for you to shoot (and what you can afford! ;) ).

By the way, what kind of truck? :lol:

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