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Shoot A Classifier More Than Once?


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How many folks shoot the classifer of a given local match more than once?

It seems I see a lot of posts of folks shooting the classifer many times, either with different gear or the same gear. I didn't know if it was local customs or what, I know I've rarely seen it at my clubs.

Just curious.

Edited by Flexmoney
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I usually shoot it in multiple divisions, but it depends on the classifier. If it's a good one, like Indoor Rapid Fire, then I'll shoot it in a few divisions. It also depends if I am trying to get my % up in a division.

Local custom is they let you do it if they have the time and you have extra $5.

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Pretty much nobody does around here, except at classifier matches and even then only occasionally. The $5-if-we've-got-the-time is in effect, but very rarely used. It's sorta vaguely frowned-upon to reshoot a classifier for score in this area.

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I have shot classifiers twice, once with the match pistol, then I'll hustle back to the truck and change gear to another division. When I was moving up rapidly I would re-shoot a classifier if I tanked the first one because of some kind of malfuntion.

After I made M in three divisions, I quit doing the re-shoots. I wanted to make M in the remaining divisions cold and on demand. I learned the only difference between re-shooting or not re-shooting a tanked classifier was waiting a month to shoot another classifier. Either you can shoot the score or you can't.

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At the club I shoot most, you have to shoot the classifier for score in the divsion you are shooting the match, say Limited, then if time permits ( it usually does) you can shoot it again in another divsion like L-10 with the same gun. The first one counts for match score and the second one helps to establish a % in the other. I have done it once, I think, when I needed 1 more classifer to establish in Limited.

I have never seen anyone do it in more than one other division and it has always been to establish and not try to move up or try for that M or GM score. I think that would be frowned upon by most of the guys I shoot with, but I could be wrong.

Shooting a classifer in Ltd, then L-10, then production and finally busting out the open blaster after warming up and trying to shoot a 90+ seems to me to be opposite of the spirt of the game.

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Generally, grandbagging (shooting the same stage over and over until you get a HF you like) is discouraged, if not prohibited in Area 8, where I shoot most. But, as Matt said, if time permits and you pay the $, you can re-shoot in another Division.

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...not try to move up or try for that M or GM score.

I think I have shot a classifier at a match in more than one division three times. I did it for the purpose of moving up because I really felt that shooting in a class below my known ability level was not very sportsmanlike. For the life of me I don't understand why other shooters would frown on that.

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I think I have shot a classifier at a match in more than one division three times. I did it for the purpose of moving up because I really felt that shooting in a class below my known ability level was not very sportsmanlike. For the life of me I don't understand why other shooters would frown on that.


You motives sound pure to me but I'm not so sure that everyone is of the same cloth. I think that if you have M abilities and want to shoot a major match as a M, then wanting to be classified as such by getting an appropriate score is a noble deed.

The concept of sandbagging and granbagging has been beat to death so I'm going to leave that horse in the ground :D

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I'm with Ron.

If a shooter is improving quickly...they get ahead of the classifier system.

Locally...unless I wanted/could drive all over creation...I could shoot 1.5 classifiers a month (3 every 2 months, actually).

If I don't re-shoot a tanked classifer...it would take a relatively long(er) time for my classification to get where it should be.

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I would say it's ok to re-shoot, for classification purposes only, if something weird happens like your gun malfunctions , or if you have a brain spasm on a string and forget to shoot weak hand or whatever ( i.e. 99-17 ). The point is to test your current shooting skill. I guess you could argue that remembering the procedure during the heat of competition is part of the skill being tested and well you are right, but it sure does suck to see that 10% score published on the USPSA web-site for all eternity.

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