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A few for ya


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I would say your stance needs to be just alittle more aggressive towards your targets. Your upright which allows the recoil of the gun to move you back. Take a look at the starting position of your elbows before your first shot. They are in front of the stick in the backgound target. The recoils moves your elbows all the way backwards past the stick and into the target.


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Yeah, I don't know why I was so bad on that one, it's not as obvious on the others but I do have to get more aggressive behind the gun.

What class are you?? Watched the rest of the videos and I can see some little things but most of the stuff are just small. Watching your videos you know what your doing and since your just getting back into shooting your just rusty. You look pretty sharp to me. The other videos I watched I was impressed with your stage management. You knew exactly where every target was and you didn't hesitate. You snapped the gun to each target. I would say you just need to shoot some more to feel comfortable again. Overall everything is solid.

What does your shooting feel like to you??


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M class

I'm getting more confident again, worked a lot on group shooting both off the bench and freestyle this month. I found after doing some Drillmaster drill that I need to drive the gun a bit more and relax behind it. I'll still get pretty tense if I'm not careful, though I don't think I was too bad at this match....being exhausted from designing and setting up the match will keep you from getting too wound up about match performance...lol

right now it's just a bunch of subtle things I'm looking for, I'm not sure why I got back on my heels on the one stage in particular, perhaps the unloaded start? I'm looking at my draw to see where I'm wasting time and my reloads, movement ( bobbing into boxes) and of course accuracy. On the stage you pointed out I fired 10 rounds for 6 poppers (3 large and 3small) because I got caught looking back at the first ones as they were taking a long time to fall, so I wasn't looking at what I was shooting at (a couple of other shooters had this problem as the forward falling poppers would seemingly hang for a long time before dropping. Even though the shots were called when you see in the corner of your eye that they haven't moved it sucks you into wondering why...

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Stage 3 – Having the gun up and ready to shoot before you got to the shooting positions would have saved you some time. You also take three steps toward the second shooting position then have to back track to the end. It would have been better to walk diagonally towards the last shooting position as you engaged the second set of targets.

Stage 5 – Your body is indexed to the extreme left target which by the speed you engaged it was one of the easiest targets to shoot. I think you would have been better off having your body indexed to the steel in the middle that way you would be shooting from the most optimal stance while engaging the hardest targets in the string. This also gives you a good left to right balance in twisting up your body either direction. Verses starting left and getting increasingly twisted up to the right.

Stage 7 – At the start you dip then take off from the start position. You could have been standing in a slight crouch ready to simply push off with your back leg at the start. That way you could simply launch into movement, verses dipping then launching. When you start shooting you are too close to the ports/walls and it forces you to pull the gun back and push it back out between shooting positions. Staying back about a foot more would have allowed you to keep the gun out the whole time so you could shoot as soon as the gun passed the vision barriers. In the fifth shooting position you made the shooting harder than it had to be by backing out of the shooting position too soon. All of the time you gained by backing up to the 6th shooting position was lost by needing to stop and wait to complete your reload. If you planted for the first and second target in the 5th position and then started backing up on the third target then you would have had your reload done and been ready to shoot the first target in the 6th position as you were entering. This way you could have shot the targets in the 5th position faster and more aggressively.

Stage 6 – I am not sure if you shot this stage the best way. Most people can shoot more accurately and aggressively as they move forward verses backwards. It may have been faster to engage the left hand targets first then the right hand targets second. That way you could shoot the fist target on the left as you were entering the shooting position and by the time you were settled you could be engaging the second target. Then swing to the right aggressively and shoot the rest quickly or advance towards them if one was visually blocked. I just think that your shooting and movement could have been faster if you were moving forward and shooting verses trying to back up as you shot.

Overall I think you are shooting pretty good. You just need to polish up the small stuff and you will be a force to be reckoned with. I think its crazy how you guys have the stages interlaced within each other. Seeing a bunch of shoot targets that are not associated with the current stage being shot would throw me for a loop. But I am sure you guys did the best with what you had to make the match work and be fun.

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The camera angles might have fooled you a bit. On stage three the movement was sideways to the last door way, I ran forward towards the targets to avoid any 180 issues, then sideways to the door. The gun was up the whole time.

On Stage 5 I was aligned naturally on the poppers but turned to face the first target so I was unwinding onto the long shots.

Good points about stage 7 and something I have to work on. I do move pretty aggressively backwards as it is much easier to shoot accurately backing up.

On stage 6 I used a lot less movement than would have been needed to go all the way into the door then back out to engage the targets, one of the targets on the right was low behind a barrel and could only really be engaged from the first doorway. I moved a little too aggressively into the area and just barely got that target, I was shooting at about only a third of it (second target engaged after door) I find it easier to shoot accurately and aggressively backing up as there is less movement in the sights since you are landing each foot on the toes instead of the heel.

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What class are you??

In the early days of the forum, Pat and Brian were pretty much the bulk of the [good] shooting advice givers.

Pat, being aggressive in stance. I suspect many get that (lack of) from dry-fire...and the fact they know they don't have to deal with recoil. Easy to get "lazy" in df and not be aggressive.

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Hmmmm, thats a very good point Flex, oddly I notice with the .45 I don't tend to shoot as upright, could be that between DF and the Open gun (where you can get away with it to some extent) I have gotten lazy.I'll have to video some dryfire and see what I am doing.

I have some specific things I need to rebuild, my draw and reloads need some work, entering positions so that I don't "bob", stance, and I'm always working on accuracy now...

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Hmmmm, thats a very good point Flex, oddly I notice with the .45 I don't tend to shoot as upright, could be that between DF and the Open gun (where you can get away with it to some extent) I have gotten lazy.I'll have to video some dryfire and see what I am doing.

I have some specific things I need to rebuild, my draw and reloads need some work, entering positions so that I don't "bob", stance, and I'm always working on accuracy now...

Oh Pat, it's obvious you have gotten soft in your old age. Tell you what; I'll come pick you up on Saturday and we'll go run the hills at 16 mile creek using my patented "knapsack-full-of-metal" technique. That will get you leaning forward more aggressively!

Sorry I missed the match by the way. Looks like it might have been more fun than the yard work I did all day.

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1. Standing up too straight - pushed back a bit by each shot. Possibly partially influenced by the reload before the start.

2. Looked good, except you should have had the gun up higher right away from the start.

3. Looked good. Maybe just a bit "stiff" on the first shot though.

4. Overall - nice. You could have shaved 2-3 tenths getting out of the gate more deliberately. Just smooth first step is what's required - with no backward movement at all.

Get the feel for the exit move by practicing at home. Stand with pretty much all your weight on your lead foot, and at the buzzer just lift it.

5. Same as #3.

General comment: More foward lean overall when shooting standing.

Overall - nice work. Stick with it.


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Dryfiring today working out some of those issues, amazing what a small change can make a huge "feel" difference. Also working on Index, draws, and reloads. I find I am losing time on reloads because I was holding the gun too high on the reload. The ones on video don't look too bad. With the gun to high I lose time getting the gun back on target, if I do it just below the line of sight I pick up the sights more naturally coming onto target.

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Worked on this today. Interestingly not only did my splits at every distance improve but so did my draw times. Where I had been struggling to get below 1.10 at 15yrds, today with a more aggressive stance I was pushing low 1.0s (1.03, 1.02) and hit the odd .99 to my A hits at 15yds and my 7 yd targets were all under .99 with a couple going into the .88 zone.

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