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If you shoot long range for the challenge, then why not...


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Sounds like they've had some good shooting at Thunder Valley...

That bbl appears to be 14" long or so judging by an 8" Savage action. I think I just wet my pants laughing. :roflol::roflol::roflol:

Peach State Classic is next weekend at Ft. Benning. NRA sanctioned 1000 yard match, would love to see some of those pistols there!

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If thats funny - I'll bet you would laugh at my precision rifle too...cool.gif

Ya rifle snob, you....devil.gif

My question now is... Would you stand at 1000 yards and flip him the digit?

Nah, precision rifles rock!

Edited for poor taste in choice of words on my behalf, my apologies to anyone I offended.

Edited by kgunz11
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What didn't you like about shooting the long range pistol setups that you've tried to make work?

For some reason I can't get my head to stop moving around behind the scope without a good cheek rest to rest my melon head on... :blush:

I remember one of the first issues of Shooting Times I picked up back in '87 had an article by Layne Simpson on the Remington XP-100 in .223 with a Burris 2-6x scope on it. Being 14 and living in western Nebraska i.e. prairie dog and coyote heaven, I thought that was just about the coolest thing ever. I probably could have swung the money for it, but my old man was on the Sheriff's Posse and toted a Colt Trooper .357 Mag revolver... he still thought semi-autos were a fad and unreliable and inaccurate to boot :rolleyes:

After I got out of the military, the Rem XP-100 that I wanted wasn't in production any more, and the examples I saw for sale were priced like they were gold plated. I opted instead for a T/C Contender with a 10" barrel in .22 LR and a 14" barrel in .223 Rem, but found out quickly that the reason Uncle Sam & I parted ways early (f'd up right elbow joint) made that Contender no fun at all to shoot: one, the process of 'snapping' the action open hurt dearly, and not very many shots of .223 55gr ammo had me chugging the Tylenol bottle. 12-13 years later, the joint is a little less tender, and I've been getting tempted again...

I ran into Dan Bower a couple times at gun shows there in Alliance, NE, and I've chatted with a couple guys from the Specialty Pistols forum at the Boomer Shoot the last couple years, so I don't doubt the guns can be made to work. If F-Class rules didn't state 'fired from the shoulder' I would have already tried one at that venue just for giggles.

Like I said, one of the biggest problems I seemed to have with the guns (other than the physical injury issue) was that I could barely keep the target in view, even with the gun setting in/on a solid rest. It was like I was doing some dang bobble-head routine back there, watching the crosshairs wiggle on the target as my field of view came and went. Nowadays I'm a little more persnickety about zeroing parallax out, so that part wouldn't be a problem but even when I shoot F/Open with a gun with no cheek rest I can feel the neck muscles start to tremor by the end of the day. A good solid cheek piece has its benefits... :wub:


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Yup, we did have a pretty good day at Thunder Valley although it was only the short course out to a bit under 600 yards on 12 inch plates with some wind picking up as the day went on. This was our first time there and you shoot from 3 different locations at 4 targets at each location at varying distances. Dale and I both did well on all targets we could see, 1 was tucked in the woods in the shadows and unpainted and I just could not see it well enough to get a good shot on it and another out in the middle of the field was just plain impossible to see in my pistol scope. Not many of the rifle guys with their big scopes hit it either so I don't feel to bad but at 500 yards neither of us should have missed it. Can't hit what ya can't see though. I got first round hits on all the farther targets and ended up with a 90 out of a possible 120. Dale got a 85 and had same problem as me with not being able to see some of the targets. A bit of paint would have done wonders for us. Top score shot was a 110, I think we only finished one target down from the FNH USA team guys so we're pretty happy with our overall scores but think if we could of seen the other targets we could have possibly cleaned that short range match. Maybe next time.

Kgunz11, this isn't a precision rifle match with benchrests but whatever makeshift thing you can come up with or shooting prone on a hillside at varying distance targets in varying wind and lighting conditions with targets maybe in the woods, or tucked behind a pile of rocks or in front of a batch of cattails. There were some high dollar guns and scopes and also some common hunting style rifles used. When we did finish the regular match we did stop off at the 1000 yard benches and yes we can hit the 1000 yard plates but as for groups. No we can't shoot tight lil groups at a known distance but on steel plates in a match they group good enough we aren't embarrassed with our scores.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I shot the ITRC this year as well, and would recommend it to anyone looking to enjoy some fine shooting opportunities. There where a couple of fellows there rocking the pistols, not sure how they placed, but I bet they had a good time! As a revolver shooter I can appreciate the decision to shoot a platform that may not offer as many advantages as other platforms. The most important choice in selecting a weapons system used for recreational shooting should be the amount of personal joy an satisfaction you will receive from using it. The whole tactical training aspect is lost on me when it comes to long range shooting. I am not a sniper, I shoot long range for fun, there is no defensive scenario imaginable where I would need to engage a target anywhere near a 100 yards let alone at 1000. As for hunting, I hunt steel plates and cardboard, and if I am lucky enough to bring home a trophy I prefer it to have the letters H.O.A. on it somewhere. Shoot whatever you like, like whatever you shoot, most of us do this for fun, never forget that.

Edited by Stlhead
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  • 6 months later...

Added another video of some shooters at Rayners during a match. Some rifle, some pistol. My son is shooting the lightweight 7-08 XP that seems to be rising way above his head but it's really not a hard kicker. We've found that particular gun shoots best with a very light hold. The last few shots in the video is of him dinging the 990 yard plates with the last shot hitting the 8 inch circle at 1000 yards. That shot was for you Kgunz. Dale is shooting the rear grip XP in 260 also.

For this year my son has upgraded his gun to a Lilja 3 groove 260 and we've both added new Vortex Viper 4-16x50 PST FFP scopes which have really helped seeing the targets better.

Come on out and join us and all the rifle shooters. 4th Sunday of each month except for April this year.



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Flex, if it was any easier we'd have to switch over to revolvers :)

I guess it's easy now but took a lot of load work and lots of practice to get them to perform but it really isn't that hard once you get it all figured out.

You really should get with Dale and join us for an afternoon. I'll bring some extra rounds and you can see it is actually that easy.

See Ya


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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Flex,

Thought I'd post an update since the last one from long ago about how the pistols are doing. Upgraded to Vortex Viper 4-16PST rifle scopes on both of ours which really helped a lot to see smaller targets. Also did away with the VGM mounts since the Vortex has enough travel to let us shoot to 1000 yards using turrets.

Did manage to finally break the 300 barrier which is still a milestone even for the precision rifles to achieve. Shot a 310 after two bad matches which were caused by the rear action mounting lug breaking loose from the bedding. It was allowing the action to move all over the place. A bit of dremel work, a new larger lug and some new bedding and it solved the problem. That was good enough that day for 5th place out of 64 rifle shooters.

We did build two new Savage 260 rifles over the winter and jumped immediately into the mid to high 300s. Son is bumping close to 400 which has never been shot before. The rifles are a LOT easier but still a challenge since the stakes are higher shooting at the smaller and higher valued targets. 300 is still a challenge, a couple gambled small targets and misses do to wind and you're right back to high 200s again.

Really had planned to get down to HardRock in AL but their season ends this month and I thought it ran into next month. I believe that is where Kgunz is from and would have liked the chance to shoot with him and Chris Self (he made our VGM mounts).

Anyway, just wanted to update on the pistols, my friend DaleT has also switched over to rifle scopes on his LR handguns and his scores have also increased. He's keeping us on our toes and anytime I can keep up with him I feel I've had a great day. Here's a great video we made at Rayners during a practice day. We've talked about how once everything is lined up and ready you really shouldn't have to even look thru the scope while squeezing the trigger. Same goes for our rifles, well DaleT got all ready and below is the results.


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Everyone has their own passion. Personally hand rifles never did it for me. Yes they are very accurate. But their not practical at least not for me. I prefer pistols to fit in a holster and rifles to use slings. If I have to sling a pistol I would just prefer to carry a rifle. Its kind of like modern muzzle loaders. To me the fun of shooting a muzzle loader is to shoot period guns not to make a modern rifle front load. But to each his own and shooting anything is good.


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