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Braking In Corners


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An open letter to all the morons without a grasp of high-school physics:


Dear Moron,

It is snowing. The roads are slick. So, why on God's green earth do you insist on braking AFTER you're driving in the corner? If you're carrying too much speed, you're screwed anyway. All braking is going to do is make you fly off tangent to the path you're travelling. This would all be academic if not for the fact that your total incompetence is screwing over me and the ten people behind me who actually know how to drive.

Do your braking BEFORE you are in the corner! Got it? Excellent. I'm so happy we've come to terms on this. Now get the hell out of my way.

Yours Truly,


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But but but...these new fangled anti-lock brakes and all wheel drive on my $45K SUV make me immune from the laws of physics! Don't they? ;)

Sheesh. :P;)<_<:wacko::blink:

Oh well...at least they probably have a DVD and game system to use while they await the tow truck.

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I will say this about the new SUV's - my buddy's Tahoe just rocks in the snow. The electronic 4WD is the best system I've ever seen for preventing power induced skids. It won't do squat on a corner with black ice at 50 MPH, but what it does do is damned impressive. It's better than my Subaru - which heretofore I swore was the best AWD system on the planet.

Now, as for that dumb brunette in the Oldsmobile from Florida who pounded her brakes all the way down 4th of July pass - bad JuJu on you!!!

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Snow ? you expect them to drive well in the snow ?

Most of the truly moronic drivers can't even manage rain.

And some can't even manage dry pavement.

I won't go on for fear of really getting started...

Travis F.

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On one hand I'm going to give the folks here in Eugene TONS of credit for the caution they display when things go sub-freezing here... which is only occasionally. Lots of major slowing down, lots of space between vehicles, lots of people just choosing NOT to drive in it at all. Granted, there are some people who HAVE to drive, have honest little accidents while trying, or can't help having to get from Point-A to Point-B in bad conditions, but for the most part we're a gracious lot who pay attention to what's needed. And boy, am I grateful. B)

But I'll tell ya', all it takes is ONE LONE IDIOT (or a couple of them) :wacko: to mess up a LOT OF PEOPLE with their ignorant driving practices, lack of common sense, no knowledge of the laws of physics (a major shortcoming, I heartily agree!!), or too intoxicated to know the freakin' difference. :angry:

It's even the HONEST accidents, though, that tax our community services to bits. They can happen all at once and put the system on overload for hours and hours... and if there's even the romote hint of a power failure during any of this, well... kiss your life-of-convenience goodbye. :(

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I used to travel Highway 20 a lot between Donner and Nevada City. It's a twisty 2-lane road that connects to I-80. Every single vehicle I saw off in a ditch or up against a tree, and I saw a lot of them, was an SUV or a pickup, presumably all 4WD. Not a single one of any kind of other vehicle, including Subarus, Quattros, or other car-like AWD/4WD vehicles.

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In Colorado, apparently the WEATHER WORLD COMMAND sends a special message out to drivers when snow is in the forecast: "GO FASTER! GET HOME QUICKER! HURRY HURRY! DON'T WORRY, BECAUSE YOU'VE GOT AN SUV!!!"

Well, I've got an SUV, too, and you can NEVER BEAT PHYSICS 101!!!! Never, as in not ever!

Whew! Glad I got that out of my system. Got 6 inches of snow yesterday and a few more predicted for today. It was like a demo derby out there yesterday (jeeeez, like it's never snowed here before!).

I was lucky enough to take a week-long ice driving class up in Montreal a couple of years back for a magazine article. If you get a chance, take one immediately! It has been amazingly useful.

Michael B

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The Interstate-5 roadway doesn't count. It's IN TOWN that they're cool. Get 'em out there on the freeway and they think they're in a slot-car and aren't going to hit anything. :angry: Any vehicular speed over 20 mph on snowy or slippery roads/straighaways is about the point where they screw up and start forgetting the physics lessons. And, of course, by then it's too late. :rolleyes:

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I used to travel Highway 20 a lot between Donner and Nevada City. It's a twisty 2-lane road that connects to I-80. Every single vehicle I saw off in a ditch or up against a tree, and I saw a lot of them, was an SUV or a pickup, presumably all 4WD. Not a single one of any kind of other vehicle, including Subarus, Quattros, or other car-like AWD/4WD vehicles.

But back in '93 when I worked in N. Idaho and lived in WA state, I used to do a bit of commuting on the interstate. One afternoon the freezing rain came in droves. The sides of the highway looked eerily similar to the road going out of Kuwait during Gulf I. There were SUV's EVERYWHERE - most of them overturned and seriously f'ed up. I lost count after a dozen.

Our typical problem drivers are here moron rednecks and relocated Californians. Surprisingly, both think their cars can do the driving for them.

Fortunately for me, like most rural residents, my Dad had me driving on ice very early on. By the time I was 15, getting out of a skid was second nature.

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