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Everything posted by sslav

  1. And would they be legal for Limmited/L-10?
  2. sslav

    Recoil Springs

    What is the weight of the spring? I am using a 13lb ISMI spring with a noncaptive stainless steel guide rod on a G-35. Seems to work fine. It is a bit tricky getting it in the first few times. Have not had an issue with it lasting.
  3. Was shooting a small practice match on friday. There is a very simple stage - 5 "turtle" targets and a couple of NS. So I figgure no reason to go through the whole procedure with stripping a round off a mag then loading a full mag (and yes I know you can have 11 in the first one). Five targets - 10 rounds - no problem. On signal I draw and am having a pretty good (by my standards anyway) stage. Until on the last target the gun goes bang-click. Without thinking I rake the slide and end up in a slide lock with an empty mag. By the time I reload and finish the stage I would have been better off taking a mike. That was the last time I ever load less than the maximum I am allowed.
  4. I have to +1 this. If those ads will trigger a sex addiction, won't pictures of guns trigger a homicidal attack? It is ironic that the same people who would fight tooth and nail to defend one right, will either actively trample or passively stand by while another right is being trampled. Unless we all unite and come out strong in support of all individual rights - no matter how objectionable they may may be to us personally - we will eventually lose all rights.
  5. Beat me to it Nik. +1 on the ogive of the different bullets. Another factor may be the crimp on the Reiners vs the crimp on the Zeros. I played around with Reiners and found the crimp I was using for the Zeros was too much and had to back it off for the plated bullets. I then had some issues with the outer edge of the casing mouth sometimes catching while feeding. Loading to 1.125 OAL seems make the problem go away. I think I am going to switch back to Zero JHPs anyway.
  6. Are you going to get the same recoil as even a minor load?
  7. Is it a useful training tool? What can you work on using one of these?
  8. Tek-lock is deffinitely a problem. Just switched to the belt loop and it is really close to making 1 5/8 to the inside of the inner belt. Just a hair over - less than 1/8. But does 3/8th of an inch really make that much of a difference? I can't tell the difference on the draw.
  9. I measured from the inside of the waistband of my pants with the gear on. It is not a tough problem to solve though, a washer on the center bottom screw between the tech-lock and the holster should cant the grip of the gun enough towards the belt to make the measurement. I'll try it out tonight. Can't get it into 1.5" no matter what I do. I can get it to 1.75 as measured from the inside of the tek-lock to the rearmost point of the frame. If I measure from the inside of the waistband it is at or slightly above 2". It is not just the thickness of the inside belt, there is also slight gap between the inner belt and the tec-lock caused by the square edges of the tek-lock. Maybe the belt loop attachment could work better. But as of right now it would not be legal.
  10. I measured from the inside of the waistband of my pants with the gear on. It is not a tough problem to solve though, a washer on the center bottom screw between the tech-lock and the holster should cant the grip of the gun enough towards the belt to make the measurement. I'll try it out tonight.
  11. I measured my Bladetech DOH on my CR Speed belt and it does not make it. The belt alone is over 1/4#
  12. It just seems that a limit on every shot allows for a more inclusive division without disadvantaging or excluding anyone. Seems like a win-win. I believe the 2008 book includes a box for production. Problem solved.
  13. Well what is the difference between a 3lb on every shot Glock and a 3lb on every shot 1911? To clarify - I am not arguing against a limit on every pull. I like it. I just think that if you have such a limit, why not allow SA guns in as well? What is the drawback?
  14. With a rule like that in place, why not elliminate the DA requirement altogether and let SA play too? Wouldn't that elliminate the need for SS?
  15. That is a fair concern. But if the limit is placed only on the first shot - fully deckocked postision, would that not then give the advantage to the DA/SA guns? Would the 3lb first and every other shot of a Glock or an XD be a sufficient balance for a 4lb first shot and 30 or so 1.5 lb shots from a DA/SA gun? Seems like under those circumstances those that would concider a DA/SA gun "non competitive" before would now find striker fired guns "non-competitive" and you once again have a category of guns with no home. So how is this a solution? I am too new to the sport to express a qualified opinion as to whether the trigger weight matters. Everyone that I have spoken with who has any experience in the sport seems to have a trigger job of some sort. So I have to conclude that it does matter. Musashi may have been able to kick ass with a wooden bokken but every other samurai tended towards a pig sticker with a decent edge on it. But this point not relevant on either side of the argument. If it does not matter then obviously the limit is not necessary. If it matters then you end up disadvantaging some class of guns by either having or not having a limit. And are DA/SA guns really disadvantaged under current rules. From what I see in our club there is not an overwhelming number of Glocks and XDs in production. There are plenty CZs and SIGs -- and in use by some of the better shooters of which you are one. So it is not a choice that is being made out of ignorance. So is it a problem that they are trying to fix or the perception that there is a problem?
  16. That is a good question. Sorry, this rule makes no sense. In my professional life (that has nothing to do with shooting) if you spot a problem, you identify the root cause and then you address the root cause. If you are messing with tangential things instead of adressing the root cause that means one of two things - 1. You do not know what the root cause of the problem is. In which case you don't mess with it until you do. Or - 2. You do know what the root cause is but are either afraid to address it or not allowed to address it. If XD (or Glock or whatever) is not DA enough from production division then these firearms should be removed from the procuction division. In the future new firerams should be better scrutinized mechanically before they are allowed into production division. That is addressing the issue. If on the other hand you are afraid of pissing off manufacturerers and members who bought the guns, then back off, and let it be - like milling of slides for BO-Mars. Tangential means are rarely if ever effective in achieving a desired result. And they almost never are free of undesired sideeffects.
  17. I was away from shooting sports for about 15 years untill my recent return. Back then I used to shoot trap and loaded my own shells. I was a poor college student and it did make financial sense. Once I started shooting again I looked at reloading shotgun shells and it simply did not make any sense at all. By my accounting it would actually cost me more to reload than to buy ammo on sale at Dicks.
  18. As a beginner I would caution against jumping into the dry fire drills with a timer. I think Steve's Anderson's drills are great - once you are ready for them. In my case, I was absolutely not ready for them. I was making a slow but relatively steady progress getting good hits and slowly improving my times before I got the timer and Steve's book. The problem was - my technique was not yet well established and instinctive. Attempts to beat the timer made me sloppy. My overall performance took a massive nosedive. I had then put away the timer and focused on propper technique - executing the drills at a comfortable pace and even in slow motion. After lots and lots of repetition I got my technique to the point where I could start practicing with the timer and achieve positive results.
  19. I take it apart every 500 rounds or so for cleaning. So deffinitely had it apart a couple of times in the last month. After the latest batch of doublefeeds I tore down and cleaned the mags. Just measured the feedlips - .374, .376, .376, .378, .380. So .004 - .01 over the top of the reccomended range. Is that too much or acceptable? Shooting minor. I do have an extended slide lock, but I shoot lefthanded so no accidental contacts with slidelock. Just shot a short match tonight - no problems. So I am keeping my fingers crossed and hope that either the shorter OAL or mag cleaning did the trick.
  20. 15 Round mags that I load to 10.
  21. No, actually the opposite after a reload or the initial load the first shot goes off, and when the slide cycles for the first time a doublefeed occurs. Slav
  22. For the last two matches I've had doublefeed problems. Seems somewhat coincidental with a switch from Zero JHP to Rainier FMJTC though I am not sure that thats the cause. Strangely this seems to mannifest at matches and not in practice even though I fire more rounds in practice. At the last match a more experienced shooter observed that my OAL seemed to be high. When I got home I remeasured a random sampling of rounds and they all came in at about 1.135-1.137 ballpark which I thought was fine for a Glock. In any case I loaded up a new batch at 1.125 and went to the range. The only difference between what I do in practice and at a match that I thought could be a factor was how many rounds I load in the magazines. I load 10 at a match and 6 in practice. So for this I was loading 10. No doublefeeds in 400 rounds but I am still not feeling too comfortable. So my questions are as follows: 1. Could the geometry of a TC bullet combined with 1.135 OAL be a cause of doublefeeds while a JHP loaded to the same OAL did not? 2. Is the higher number of rounds in a magazine and a resulting higher upward pressure from the magazine spring a contributing factor? Or if those are not the cause, then what else could it be?
  23. What exactly do you mean "competitive"? Being new myself to USPSA I do not feel that a fully custom STI/Benelli/JP AR would make any difference at all in how competitive I am (which is not at all). It has zero effect on how much fun I have (which is a whole lot). So shoot what you already have or can afford to buy without breaking the bank. Chances are no matter what you are going to get, it is going to be a while before you feel that your gear is holding you back.
  24. If you are going to score L10 minor then why not score SS minor and combine that with Production instead?
  25. I think eating a cost "for the good of the sport" should not be out of the question. But the question is how much cost for how much good? I am not sure that any good has yet been defined so the question of cost is accademic.
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