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Everything posted by 38superman

  1. Mike, I don't know if I would be comfortable shooting Titegroup in a 40 with a 200 gr. bullet. Titegroup is a little fast for that bullet IMHO. I wouldn't recommend going any faster than N320 with a 200. There are a lot of folks out there that shoot Titegroup with a 180. I shoot the Montana Gold 200 with N340 and I am working up a load with N330. What powder are you currently using? Tls
  2. I don't own a Glock but if I were to buy one it would be the G34 Much has been said about the longer sight radius and added muzzle weight. Both are a definate advantage. The G34 doesn't clear the holster as quickly but that is a minor issue in the scheme of things. However, there is another reason to go for the longer barrel. You mention using it as a house gun. The 9mm is a smaller, lighter slug as compared to a 40 or 45. For a self defense load with a smaller bullet, velocity is paramount. A longer barrel will produce higher velocity and therefore more energy. I'd think that's pretty important when the shooting is no longer a game. Tony
  3. Okay Jeff, It's official. You are no longer Barrettone. You have become Car-tone. Tls
  4. I think it's 6-3 Hop. Didn't Georgia win their bowl game? Tony
  5. Okay Siggy, I wouldn't have a problem with it if it makes you happy. I just want to know one thing. If there is an add in front sight with some male model hunk sporting an SVI over his speedo, will you buy one and become SVI Lady? Tls
  6. Heck Auburn beat UF 27-17 and all we got was this Middleman, I bleed Blue & Orange too (the Auburn variety) but I'm afraid my Tigers will have to settle for the distinction of being the only team to beat the national champs (and LSU). It's our own fault. If not for that miserable outing against Georgia it may have been OU vs. AU. Borges better find a way to get some production out of that offense next year. Man I'm glad the championship game is over. Pulling for Florida caused me more stress than I care to deal with. Now I can go back to my normal contempt. I think what you are seeing is the latest "hot" offense put to good use. In football those that adopt and perfect innovative systems are ahead of the curve until the rest of the world figures out how to defense it. Remember when Texas and Alabama adopted the "Wishbone" and slaughtered all comers? The next big thing was the "West Coast" offense. Now defensive coordinators know how to defeat it. Now comes the spread offense and the temporary prominence of the teams that have embraced it. Has Ohio State faced this spread this season? Fla probably gave the Buckeyes more formations and "looks" in one game than you would normally see in a whole season. Tls
  7. Sorry Flex, This is what happens when Urban Meyer has too much time to prepare. Welcome to my world. Tls
  8. Gators just kicked a field goal to go up by 24 - 14. Hang in there boys. You can do it. When I become King, the first law passed will be: Showing any commercial more than once during a football game is a hanging offense. If I have to watch that robot punch the truck one more time I am going find a Dodge and set it on fire. Football is life. The rest is just to fill in time between games. Tls
  9. You scared the crap out of me with the title of this thread. Considering the uproar over the SVI ad, I can't image where a discussion of alternate lifestyles might lead. Back to the subject. I've never had any problem with swingers, movers, drop turners, or any other moving target. I can't say why but I always seem to be able to hit them without a problem. However, something new has been added. I don't know if there is a formal name for them so I will simply call them "Rolling Targets". As in the targets on Stage 13 at the last Lim/L10/Revolver Nats. These targets give me fits because they appear and disappear faster than I can double tap with any accuracy. Now two of these devil spawn targets have shown up at our local club. I am quickly learning to hate them. Tls
  10. Why does the choice have to be between the 1050 or the two 650's? If you must turn one of the presses, keep the 1050 and sell one of the 650's Set up the 1050 for whatever you shoot the most and do your caliber conversions on the 650. You can get another primer assembly for the 650 from Enos and it takes no time at all to change them out. It's a two bolt operation + change the plunger. Tls
  11. I don't own a 1050 (yet) but from what I have read the 650 is easier to change calibers and the preferred choice if you are going to do a lot of switching. The 1050 is the preferred choice if you just want to crank out mass quantites in one caliber. You mention 45, 40, 9mm, 38 spl. If you must choose, it sounds like the two 650 set up for large and small primers is the best way to go for you. My advice: Forget the CMP rifles and keep all three presses. Set up the 1050 for whatever you shoot the most. Tls
  12. If any of you wheel gunners want a rifle, I would expect it to be one of those long barrel revolvers fitted with a shoulder stock and a scope. T
  13. Chuck, The posts I've read in this thread all have one thing in common. They are based on the premise that the system is about public safety, law, justice, etc. Perhaps I'm just being cynical but I don't see it that way anymore. It's just about relocating $150 from your wallet to the local coffers. When the ticket was written what was the charge and what is its legal basis? Simple, the heart of the matter is vehicles must be registered, (that generates revenue). If you don't display proof of paying your tax, the tax police nab you and you pay fine. (More revenue). If the tax police are not justified in their charge, you can fight it in court. Win or lose you pay court costs. (More revenue). Even if you win, the antaganists are not held to account and there is no consequence to them. Why should they care? Where was the incentive for this cop to not write the ticket if he knew it was questionable? Unreturned phone calls and belligerent clerks are just part of a system that is determined to process you. You have become grist for the mill. You may be stuck in the legal system but you can get out. All you have to do is give them what they want. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ Sorry for my rant. It's early and I haven't had enough caffeine yet. Tls
  14. I always look upon a Notre Dame smackdown as bad karma. I guess it's because I see them as getting special consideration. Like a parent that gives preferential treatment to one child over another, the football world seems to give a free pass to Notre Dame football. Consider that Notre Dame is the only team with it's own seat at the BCS table. They are guaranteed a berth if they finish in the top eight. Period. Why? The Notre Dame mystique. The name recognition, the history, the large fan base, the TV ratings....... the money. None of this is Notre Dame's fault. You can't blame them for taking what they are given. I blame the lords of the BCS. I hope they are happy with the Sugar Bowl blowout. They can all go home now and count the money. T
  15. For the record, I do not find the picture of Carmoney to be the least bit objectionable. It is however, a little puzzling. I expected to see a Dremel slung over his shoulder while he shoots. Tls
  16. Okay, I've seen the SVI ad but I'm still searching for the objectionable part. You don't have to look far to find racier pictures than that in the public domain. In fact there is so much of it out there I barely notice anymore. After all the fuss I went back and looked for the ad. I realized that I had seen it when it first came out but never gave it a second thought. Anyone that has a problem with this will lose their minds if they ever turn on a TV. Tls
  17. It really depends on how you define "good". I am a B class shooter after 2 years in IPSC and still improving slowly but surely. I'm guessing I put about 20,000 rounds downrange during that timespan. However, I have been on many casual shooting outings with friends, co-workers, police officers, etc over the years and I could outshoot any of them by a wide margin. Based on what I have seen, if you are an average IPSC shooter you're already in the top 5 -10% of the general population. This is due to the fact that most civilians and even M&P simply don't come close to shooting the number of rounds each year of a competitive shooter. I'll say it again, Good is relative. Good as compared to who. If you mean good as compared to the elite shooters in IPSC you are comparing yourself with the best in world. Some people manage to climb to the top of the sport in 2-3 years but they are the exception not the rule. Others peak at C class and can get no farther despite their best efforts. How long it takes is really a matter of personal talent, potential, and level of commitment. Just keep chopping wood and let good take care of itself. Tls
  18. Obviously, wheelgunners are always on a mission to recruit for and to promote their division. The strategy Hop suggests is more of the same until others start to take notice. I agree that the strong showing at the Nationals deserves more recognitition. Perhaps more exposure in Front Sight and other forums would make recruiting and promotion easier. More shooters should mean more recognition, more recognition should mean more shooters. Tough to get either one without the other. It's catch 22. My suggestion would be to find someone in the ranks of the round gun and write your own article. If it is done well and submitted to FS I'm sure it will find it's way into print. You could petition USPSA to split off the Rev Nationals into its own event. I expect it to be a tough sell. It takes addtional effort and resources to put on another dedicated match. I doubt USPSA would agree unless they could reasonbly expect participation in triple digits. Like single stack, it would likely draw competitors that normally shoot in other divisions if it doesn't have to go head to head with them. Tls
  19. While were on the subject of SEC football, I have to share a cute story with you all. Couple of years ago I was working for a German Company that had an office in Montgomery Al. Most of the employees were here on temporary work visa and lived in Stuttgart. One of the guys, a man named Steffan went exploring on his day off and wandered onto the Auburn University campus. Quite by accident he discovered Jordan-Hare stadium and was overcome with what you might call "shock and awe". The next day at the office we had a conversation that went something like this: (In heavy German accent) "Tony, I vas in small village of Auburn yesterday, and saw huge coliseum". "Yes, that's Jordan-Hare stadium" "Vat must they do there?" "That is the stadium where the university plays American football" "How many seats in this stadium?" "I would guess close to 80,000". "How many people live in village of Auburn?" "I would guess about 20,000" "Vas is need for such large stadium in such small place? "You don't understand, College football is a major event in this country. People travel great distances to see the games". "Perhaps ve could see ein match?" "I can try but it's almost impossible to get tickets". Mien Gott!, How can be no tickets with 80,000 seats ????? I still can't think about it without LMAO. Tls
  20. "Yes we made mistakes, yes we lost some games (blind officials) but we're the best in the league anyway". I like the way you think Ray and I admire your loyalty to LSU. In fact, I am going to adopt that philosophy. Yes, I may be old, short and fat but I'm a sexy beast anyway. LSU is a talented, powerful football team and deserves their BCS slot. I have nothing but respect for them. Should LSU be playing for the title? Yes. Should USC be playing for the title? Yes. Should Wisconsin be playing for the title?, Yes. Should Louisville be playing for the title?, Yes. Should Boise State be playing for the title?, Yes. It's called a play-off. For now, let's set all that aside and worry about who is the best team in the Sugar Bowl. Now go stomp the Irish. Geaux Tigers.... Go Gators. T
  21. Well, by my count we are 4-3 now with 2 games to go. I'm kinda surprised with the Vols. I really thought they would handle Penn State. Not so surprised with the Hogs. Figured that one could go either way. We tangled with the Badgers last year and it wasn't pretty. Those guys can play a little ball. Thankfully, my boys took care of the Huskers. If we could get our team to play for more that one half in a game it would be nice. Oh well, that's the story of this season. It's never pretty but they find a way to win. Who would have thought that 2 losses in a 13 game season would be considered a mediocre season? You'd have to be crazy to want to coach a program with those expectations. War Eagle. Tls
  22. I'm with you Hop. Go Gators. Smack that Yankee team. I still havn't forgiven 'em for burning Atlanta. I agree that the "school up the road" gave a valiant effort without their head coach. I almost feel sorry for them, but that would be blasphemy. As for the boys in Knoxville, I'm going to give this a try so bear stay with me. Goooooooo V.......V V V...., gasp.... Vols. Man, that was tougher than a 3 second El Prez. By the way, congratulations to Kentucky for a big win over Clemson. As if there weren't enough competition in the SEC, I guess we have to start worrying about them now. This league is starting to become like the NFL. There are no easy games. Anybody can beat you on any given Saturday. T
  23. Merlin, I should have known it was you when I saw the cat trying to claw his way through the back window. T
  24. I love this time of year. We can finally stop beating the crap out of each other and spread the love. SEC.....SEC....SEC It's the time of year I find myself actually pulling for LSU, Fla, and ..... Bama? . Okay, LSU and Fla. War Eagle. Tls
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