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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by 38superman

  1. Easy guys. Keen hasn't decided what he wants yet. Patience. The birth of a new club needs to be handled with care. Tls
  2. Every club has to start somewhere. I suggest that you lay the ground rules and solicit applications. You know, something like post a picture of your limited blaster. Must have shot a match in limited division, etc. etc. If you build it they will come. T
  3. I refer you to the Open S-I Super Elitist Club thread. See page 5 post #123 http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=59664 BTW you can't have a limited snob club without Dirtypool. You guys better do some recruiting. Tony P.S. I'm not changing my avatar again for anybody.
  4. Geez, I don't log on for a day or two and come back to find all this. There are people on this forum that are desparately in need of adult supervision. I especially liked the open gun with the training wheels. I first thought it was some new kind of portable bipod. T
  5. I started watching the HBO mini series "John Adams" and was just blown away. The acting, costumes, etc, is all first class. The subject matter was quite interesting as well. Everyone knows a little history surrounding the revolutionary war and the Declaration of Independence but this really brought it to life. T
  6. kgunz11, That's a nice looking collection of single stacks. That Springer with the Wilson Combat grips is sharp. Very nice. T
  7. Reserved? How did that happen? I thought it was up for grabs. Did I miss something? T
  8. Not working when I tried it just now. Somebody hosting the site probably just noticed GUN RELATED CONTENT!!
  9. What's wrong with his avatar? I don't see any plastic. Well, ..... not much anyway. Welcome 9x21. We move ever closer to the coveted member #45.
  10. Mature shaped body? I thought it was due to my wide shoulders, and manly upper torso. That does help, but do you find it a problem to move back and forth between 1911 and 2011 platforms? Tony
  11. Guys, I have a question and this seems like the appropriate place to ask it. I was practicing draws and dry firing with my new 1911 last night. I have two different holsters and I was trying both of them on a CR Speed belt to see which one I want to use. One is a Blade Tech kydex, the other is a Safariland lined kydex. I noticed a problem (with both holsters) with the gun binding a bit as it comes out. This caused the bottom of the holster to kick out and away from my hip. The faster I try to draw the worse it becomes. Adjusting the tension on the holsters did little to correct this. I assume that the nature of the problem is that I am not pulling the gun up and out in a straight line. Nothing I did with my hands and arm seem to matter. After some experimentation, I discovered that the only way to get the gun out smoothly was to bend slightly at the waist, leaning away from the gun. This felt very unnatural but I am sure that I can work it out and come up with a decent draw technique. My question is this. Up until now I have shot Open, Limited and L10 all with wide body 2011's and all from the same speed holster. The grip and draw is consistent with all guns and this is a major advantage. I can easily move from one division to another. The placement and type of holster for Single Stack is dramatically different. If I do the work and become comfortable with this SS rig, am I screwing up my draw with my old gear? I worked long and hard to develop my skills in the high cap divisions and I'm worried that I might take a step backward. What has been your experience in this regard? T
  12. Catfish, If you are seeking absolution, I suggest 10 "Hail Merlin's" and all will be well.
  13. Fellow Snobs, Please join me in welcoming the latest addition to the SSES 1911 family. I just picked it up this afternoon. I was visiting a gunshop in Tennessee and this one caught my eye. I never thought much about a Smith 1911 until I saw this one. I love the black slide over stainless with the Rosewood grips. The black hammer and safeties really set it off. Too much bling for me to resist. I wonder if Doug Koenig has a gun with my name on it? Tony
  14. I have 9 long guns, all of which have been locked away since I started shooting IPSC. As I said in my previous post, I don't like to let guns sit and gather dust, but I can't bring myself to part with them and trying to achieve my goals in USPSA is a full time job. 7 of them are hunting guns. They are expendable. One is a USAS combat shotgun and the other is an AR. I will alway keep those two. It seems clear that when the founding fathers wrote the Second Amendment, they wanted me to be prepared to defend this country. I don't intend to disappoint them. T
  15. Someone asked me the other day "How many guns do you have"? and I answered "I'm really not sure". Guns come and guns go. I had to think about it for a minute and count them up and then I always forget 1 or 2. I don't think I like the idea of "Safe Queens". If I haven't shot a gun in more that a year it's in imminent danger of being traded. Seems almost sinful to let them sit there gathering dust. T
  16. My AET Ultimatch II has a fluted chamber, gain twist riflling, and is coated with titanium nitride. The coating gives it a gold color and its so hard and slick it feels like it has lubrication on it even when it's dry. My best guess would be that it has somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000 rounds through it. After all that use it still looks pristine, not a sign of even a burnish mark. I don't know how much it added to the price of the gun but whatever it was, I have no problem with it. Money well spent. Tony
  17. I'm starting to feel deprived. I only have four now. Maybe that qualifies as a small sh#t pot. I think we need a clarification on this from management. T
  18. I just got my confirmation today from Area 6. I logged onto the self service squadding and noticed that SSTK participation is way up this year. Last year there were 6. This year there are about 22 according to my quick count, which is about equal to L10. The match is far from full so there are bound to be more. Looks like the new official division is off to a good start. I wonder where these shooters are coming from. New shooters?..... L10? ...... shooters from all other divisions testing the water? This could get interesting. Tony
  19. Is it worth it? In my opinion, yes. My limited gun came with a Schuemann Ultimatch and it is absolutely awesome. I own a Para that was shooting groups like a shotgun pattern from the factory. 5 shot strings off a sandbag at 25 yards were in the 5-6" range. Unacceptable by anyone's standards. I had a Schuemann Classic barrel and bushing put in it and it went down to 1-2" groups. My Springfield was shooting 4" groups out of the box and became the most accurate gun I own after the installation of a Kart barrel and bushing. Most production guns will benefit from the installation of a high quality, handfitted match grade barrel and bushing. The question is what is the level of performance you are getting from your Kimber and what are you looking for. If you are already getting 2" groups it may not be worth several hundred dollars to shrink that down to 1"-1 1/2" for the type of shooting we do. If the gun is unreliable or grossly inaccurate, it's a no-brainer. Fit the new barrel and live happily ever after. It's your gun and your money. Choose wisely. T
  20. That's good info. Did you work that 3N38 load up from a lower charge? If so what was your starting load? Did you notice any excessive flash? Tony
  21. RobE, Since this is your first area match let me give you a little something more to think about. There are some things you can do in bigger matches that may play to your advantage. For example: I've noticed over the years that I tend to shoot better later in the match. There are always exceptions, but I usually don't shoot my best scores on the first stage or two. It takes me a little while to get warmed up and get into a rhythm. Because of this, I find I do better if I can shoot the match in a day instead of breaking it up into two days. That way my overall score only has to suffer the "warm up stages" once in a match instead of twice. Also there can be an advantage if the schedule and stages are published in advance and the match is self-service squadding. I look at the stages, consider which ones are low round counts and try to get on a squad that shoots one of them first thing in the morning. That way I'm "warming up" on a stage that doesn't help or hurt much because it is a relatively small portion of the match. On a smaller stage there are less points to win or lose. Some of the "slow start blues" can be offset if the match offers a practice area. If they do take advantage of it. It helps, but it is still no substitute for the real thing. Just a few thoughts for you to consider. T
  22. I have a solution. Round them all up and send them to Parris Island (in July).
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