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Everything posted by 38superman

  1. Over 700 posts and 10,000 views. [In my best Keanu Reeves voice] "Whoa"!
  2. As USPSA grows, companies like Kimber will pay more attention. Make it your mission to recruit at least one new shooter every year. "If you build it, they will come". T
  3. I've found that trying to gameplan a stage off these descriptions is an exercise in futility. The are cool and serve a purpose. They give you a round cound plus a general idea of the layout of the stage. However, when you start trying to set your reload points, etc. you find that the reality of the stage varies somewhat from the graphic. You may think you have it all figured out and it looks good on paper. But when you actually see the stage, things aren't always what you expected. Targets you thought were visible from a certain point may not be and vice versa. Timing of movers and props can't be figured in advance. In my opinion you shouldn't try to read too much into the stage description. Keep the pre-conceived notions to a minimum and study the stage when you're standing on it. Just my $.02 Tony
  4. I agree. I don't remember ever seeing them as sponsors. STI, Para, Springfield, S&W, and others seem to give us more support. However, let me point out that they do advertise in front sight. The latest copy has a full page ad for Kimber on the back cover. That is a form of support for USPSA. IIRC, they had a special pistol that generated a donation to the USA Olympic Shooting Team each time they sold one. That too is support for shooting sports. They could do a better job for us, but they are not without merit. Tls
  5. then your gunsmith is very good. Actually, the gun builder is very good. The gun has run from day one. The only time a gunsmith ever touched it was to put a fiber optic front sight on it. I'm with you ZH. I've never had any negitivity toward Glocks and I don't want to be responsible for stirring the pot. Therefore, I will bid this thread farewell. Tony
  6. AMEN brother! I'd put my G21 up against "ANY" 1911 or 2011 pistol "Anyday" "Anytime" The jealously clouds their judgement. I'll take that challenge. If you love your Glock, .... fine. You think it's supremely reliable, ... fine. But if you think my SVI won't run you're crazy. I have owned it for almost 4 years and run more rounds through it than I can count. It has never malfunctioned. Let me say that again. It has never malfunctioned. Can you do better than perfect? Tls
  7. Welcome to the forum. There are people out there shooting Kimbers. SS is one of the smaller divisions and those that shoot it have a lot of guns to choose from. There are quite a few manufacturers building 1911's, but Kimber certainly has their share of that market. I suspect that if you went to a few single stack only matches you would see more of them. Tls
  8. I feel your pain. I too lost my grandfather a few year back to lung cancer. He was in the Navy during WWII and I was astonished to learn that he was middle aged with 3 children when he went off to war. I grew up in a small house that he built with his own hands. I don't know what it was about that generation. Those men were proud and fiercely independent. They had a sense of duty that defined everything they did. They set the bar high. I just hope to some day measure up. Tls
  9. I'm glad to see SSES now has a "Judge of all photos". ysued takes outstanding photos. However, he isn't the only member that knows his way around a camera.
  10. "No Desire to Shoot It" ?????? Tod, hurry to your doctor and get your testosterone level checked. BTW I wish you guys would stop talking about how great Rusty's work is. He's been my gunsmith for years. I get quality work, decent pricing and quick turn around. He's the gun world's best kept secret. Let's just keep it that way. T
  11. The stages look like a lot of fun. I was trying to decide which division to shoot until I saw all that steel. Then it came to me. [In my best Dustin Hoffman "Rain Man" voice] Dot gun, ....... definitely dot gun. Tls
  12. That's a beautiful handgun. I'd really like to know your impressions of the SV Magwell. I've been tempted to put one on my Springer but based on Zhunter's experience I'm worried about the magwell being too tall. The height of the magwell seems to make it tough to reliably push the mags up far enough to lock in place. Tls
  13. I wouldn't dismiss it too quickly. If someone like Taran begins to play around with it and wins a few matches, I'd say it will gain some instant credibility. Tls
  14. Easy now. I didn't see lawmans post as approval of gun control in any form. It was just a statement of fact that the Saiga shares some of the same attributes that got the USAS reclassified. Saying a gun could be reclassified is not the same as saying it should be. It wasn't my intent to start a politcal firefight. I only wanted to know if you guys thought the USAS was appropriate for 3-gun duty. So far only one person has answered that. Let's not get carried away or you can measure the life expectancy of this thread with an egg timer. Tls
  15. Lynn, This shotgun wasn't banned or restricted by any act of congress. It was simply declared a DD by the Treasury Dept under the Clinton administration. If it can happen to the USAS it can happen to the Saiga. Shortly after the ruling, I inquired about grandfather status to the BATF. They responded with a decidedly threatening letter. If I didn't get it properly registered within 60 days, I would face a $100,000 fine and/or 10 years in prison. However, they were kind enough to waive the $200 license fee. I wrote them back and pointed out that I approached them. I voluntarily took that initiative because I wanted to stay in compliance with the law. Under those circumstances, threating me with prosecution is conduct unbecoming of the United States Government. The exact language was a little too salty for this forum. Before getting mired in regulatory discussion, I would like to hear from anyone that is familiar with a USAS as to whether you think it's viable for competition. Tony
  16. Please excuse a slight thread drift. I don't own a Saiga but do own a USAS-12. The Saiga is based on the AK-47 and the USAS on the M-16/AR-15. I have been tempted to try the USAS in 3-gun open competition. I haven't done so because of the weight of the gun. It would have been so much better with an aluminum receiver. However, it does have some distinct advantages. It would be quicker to reload and magazines are fed straight in as on the AR-15 There are 10 round mags and a 20 round drum available. It would also be more portable in tight spots as it is much shorter overall than a tube fed shotgun. If you can tolerate the weight it might be viable for competition. The biggest problem is availability. They are hard to find and expensive. One thing for sure. It's great fun to shoot. One more thing. I had to get a federal license for a destructive device for this gun. Does that apply to the Saiga? If so, anyone thinking of going to the Saiga needs to be aware of the special requirements for licensing an NFA weapon. Tony
  17. +1 If price is the issue, 4756 does a good job and is readily available. I'm curious Boz, what is your load with the 121 MG. I shoot the 125 Zero hollow points, or at least I shoot them when I can find them. My gun seems to like this combination but the dot movement gets out of hand quickly when going much above major. At around 168 PF, all is well. 8.5 grains of 4756 gets me there. Go higher and the gun doesn't behave as well. I hadn't considered the 121 bullet because it is .355 instead of .356. What kind of accuracy are you getting? Tls
  18. ZH, This is your birthday? What a coincidence. Today is my 35th wedding anniversary. That's 35 years with the same woman. As opposed to 35 women in the same year. I guess we are opposite sides of a coin. Anyway, happy birthday man. Tls
  19. I am so pleased to accept this honor. First I want to thank USPSA and the board of directors, my wife and family for standing behind..... No wait,... wrong speech. I was saving that one for something else. ZH, you found your way home. Tls
  20. That is without a doubt, the greatest effort I have ever seen toward political correctness in a disclaimer. I hope I didn't offend any big boys or little boys, and oh yeah, forgive my sins. That about covers all the bases. I was so impressed, I forgot the question.
  21. It's not just about Glocks. There seem to be two camps among competition shooters. The Glock/XD/M&P crowd and the SVI/STI folks. There's a lot of good natured ribbing that goes back and forth but it means next to nothing. I own two STI's and an SVI. All three of these guns have polymer grips / trigger guards. It would be pretty silly for me to stand there and seriously ridicule someone else's polymer gun. The bottom line here is simple. There are a lot of guns in use for IPSC and a lot of guns that aren't. Competition is brutal on guns and it doesn't take long to separate what works and what doesn't. Guns from both "camps" have proven their worth. Otherwise, you'd never see them on a stage. We like to poke fun at each other, but it should never be taken too seriously. Play nice in the sandbox kids. Tls
  22. I suggest that you go to Matt Burkett's web site and look at the archives for his radio shows. They can be downloaded as podcasts. Look for one with Max Michel as the guest. I seem to remember Max on one of the shows discussing the number of rounds he shoots and the number of hours spent practicing. Hope that helps. Tony
  23. All kidding aside, I really do think that if you are serious about what you can achieve in USPSA, it is best to stick to one division. However, I don't think you should just pick one at random or as a consequence of already owning this gun or that gun. If it is expected that this will be a long term pursuit, then I think it is important to try them all before making that decision. I also believe that its not something that you can do in one match or two. You need at least a year in a division before you can really get a feel for it. I expect that I will eventually settle into Limited. That is where I seem to be the most comfortable, with Open running a very close second. Until then its SingLimOpen10. Tony
  24. Open, Limited, Limited 10 and Single Stack. I don't think you make enough progress bouncing around between too many divisions. Therefore, I am going to pick just four guns and stick with them. Tls
  25. Where could he be? ZH,.... leave her alone and come back to work. Tony
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