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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by matteekay

  1. Speaking of... the forecast doesn't look terrible (low 80's) but remember that a lot of you will be coming up in terms of altitude. Start hydrating now!
  2. We'll keep a seat warm for you. ...it's pretty unavoidable given that the match is in Eaton during the summer, but y'know, it's the thought that counts.
  3. It's been pointed out that we're trailing behind the Mesquite Mayhem Revolver Classic by less than 20 shooters. We have a week. Time for extra hooplah.
  4. Here we are, a week out, and the Match Director pointed out to me that we have more wheelguns than any other 2022 match other than (assumedly) the IRC. Hooplah: engaged.
  5. So, who's going? I just squadded today on the early Friday, late Saturday schedule.
  6. I really dislike leather for a competition holster, but I can wholeheartedly recommend Garrett Holsters' leather-lined "Silent Thunder" line. I have a Ranger model for an N-Frame but the STX looks good, too. You can request Tru-Hide Whisky kydex for a holster that looks like leather but has all the advantages of kydex.
  7. I've used these for a few matches now (IDPA and bowling pins) and here are my thoughts... I tried these with .357, .38 Special and Short Colt (all 8-shot), .40S&W and 10mm (6-shot). Retention was good on all of them. One thing I like is that the little hump that's used for retention fits between two rounds so it keeps the moon indexed in the exact same position, meaning your fingers grasp the same spots every single time. The HoldAll also moves the moons further away from your belt compared to other options. Retention also might be a little too good. The belt loop is pretty big and fairly flexible (it's folded-over kydex) so the whole unit has a tendency to bend outward if the moon hangs up at all during extraction. This sounds minor, but it effectively stops you from pulling the moon off unless you rip it out. A really sturdy belt helps prevent this from happening. The other minor quibble I have is that the diameter of the center posts are slightly larger than the diameter of the screws that hold them in. This creates a ledge that 6-shot moons can get hung up on. Not a big deal for normal usage but they would be a nightmare for unloaded starts. Overall, these have more positives than negatives. I'm going to hold onto mine and use them for bowling pins (where there are no unloaded starts and I rarely reload). I'm sticking with my RSC posts for ICORE/USPSA and my modified Safariland holders for IDPA as they both have "good enough" retention but less of the HoldAll's negatives.
  8. I can try it with .38 Short Colt, .40, .38 Special, and .357 so I'll let you know!
  9. Looks like it. I'll report back once I've had the chance to play with them in case anyone else is interested.
  10. Ordered. What the heck, cheap enough to give them a shot
  11. Yeah, new rulebook as of 6/1/22 that loosened a ton of gear rules. For moonclip holders, they dropped the language that said they must "cover at least 45% of the diameter and 100% of the cartridge height when viewed from the front" and now only state that the moon needs to be held by tension and a post through the center.
  12. Anyone tried them? Thoughts? It looks like a good design, and they'd be legal under the new IDPA rules.
  13. That's awesome insight and I appreciate it.
  14. I know there aren't many of us wheelgunners but I figured I'd throw it out there. For as long as I've shot IDPA, I've run an ESR rig. I'm shooting an ICORE match in Classic in a month so I figured I'd give SSR a go for a few matches. Who's shot both? Which do you prefer? I'm feeling like the ESR reload will be faster but the reduced recoil in SSR might negate it...
  15. Sure, because you pretty quickly learn where the 8-shot and 10-shot (and now 15) guys run out. Now it could be anywhere on the stage or not at all. Admittedly, it becomes easier with the "one in the pipe" rule change and "impossible" might have been overselling it, but it does add yet another layer of complexity to SO'ing. I should have put more emphasis on the part about reloading being a big component of the game. I'd be totally fine with going to "whatever fits in the box", but I'd want the same rule for all divisions (including me bringing out my 8-shot revo's). Don't make versions of the rules where some guns have a fixed number and some have a size restriction; that's annoying enough with Prod/CO in USPSA and that's a sport that puts way less emphasis on reloading compared to IDPA.
  16. Me too, but that becomes impossible to SO. It also means SSP guns are basically playing a different sport than everyone else (since reloads and reload rules factor so heavily into IDPA).
  17. Yes. Your hit will be scored and you'll be assessed one miss, but you won't get a procedural for not firing enough shots since it's a disappearing target.
  18. (Almost) Buying a new gun is usually my default state when leaving a match, lol.
  19. Hey there Classic shooters, L6 guy here. Why does the Comp III have those little tabs around the rim? It seems like they stop the loader from going all the way down to the cylinder... but why would that be a bad thing?
  20. Nice! I'll switch over to it if he needs competition (not that I'm actually competition for a GM, but at least I'm a warm body to race against).
  21. GET HYPED. I've seen the stages and we're looking at a good match. Even better - minimal teardown on Saturday because we're shooting the same stages for USPSA on Sunday (and we can make those shooters do it ). Also, no one is signed up in Classic right now; I'll flip over to that division if someone wants to come play with me. See you all soon!
  22. I missed that; I think you're right, and the PCC rule wasn't revised to reflect the new master rulebook. Good catch!
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