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Posts posted by rvb

  1. I have tried two new extractors and all new parts on the gun. Tried the HERD extra power extractor setup as well. No difference. Well before the gun wouldn't run for more then 100 rds. Now it's reliable again. But I have to wear a hat to keep them off my face.

    Three matches, multiple practices, new parts with and with out the HRED extra power extractor setup. Zero failures.

    I replaced every wearable part on the frame and slide with new Glock Parts. Then tried the HRED and stock Glock spring for the extractor. Both ran fine but the HRED needed 300rds to smooth out. Before that it was worse. I also have a 14 lb wolf setup for the recoil spring. I was running a 15lb before but the 14lb is better and the 12 lb made it worse. I don't get brass in my face anymore. Seems to eject about 2-3 ft.

    My old parts were clearly worn a little.


    I'm a little confused. You stated you tried all new parts and the HRED, but no change. Then you stated all new parts plus the HRED solved the problem once broken in. Can you please clarify what you did to fix the problem? And how old were the worn parts you replaced? Seems I see failures starting at around 1000 rounds, give or take a couple hundred.


  2. Started dryfiring a couple nights ago with the G34. I have to get it running. Even if that means sacrificing some local matches due to malfunctions to ensure it works. First round of testing is w/ the Gen 4 ejector...

    Upped the recoil spring to 15 lb (with the 13lb it wouldn't pass the vertical closing test and wouldn't always close if I short cycled it just to reset the trigger).

    I'm going to start dedicating part of my evening to dryfire. Even if doing work from home, 11-midnight is going to become dryfire time. I have to quit thinking that I need to get something else done for work and putting off dryfire "til tomorrow" because that's gotten me down to 1-2 nights per week max, if at all. I was content with not improving, just maintaining... but I'm no longer even maintaining. The IN Section lit a fire.

    My index needs rebuilt. My recoil timing is off. My shot calling needs refined (though this has perished the least). I think some of that is due to switching platforms and never putting in the time with the Glock I should have. Unfortunately only the index can be improved in dryfire and I don't know that I'll be able to increase my livefire frequency


  3. Congrats on 1st Prod Master! :D

    Gamble or not, you did something right. Keep it up!

    Are you shooting a Beretta? I saw your posts in the Beretta sub-forum...


    ps. Thanks for some extra motivation to tell work I'm done w/ the long days, I need to pratice! :)

    Thanks RVB!

    I was running a G35 with some 150PF loads - I made the "mistake" of buying a .40, and I've sorta loved it ever since.

    Up until a few weeks ago, I couldn't really tell the difference between softer shooting loads. I've been toying around with some lighter loads, but I've got piles of this 165gr load sitting around and I'm just going to shoot the rest of it...

    I am planning on switching to a Beretta - I've got big hands. That and I'm seeing that shooting 130pf 9 is WAY easier than what I've got...

    Oh, and... F*&k work! There's always too much of it!!

    If you go w/ 92-series (vs PX4, which I know nothing about), let me know if you have any Qs setting it up. I was getting pretty good at the trigger work on them...

    I agree about work!


  4. Sounds like you like the 19 waaaya more than the 34

    You bet. It works!*


    * Oh crap! I just jinxed it!

    dammit Corey. I blame you for my ejection failure on stage 11.



  5. Nice chatting with you on Saturday. I took your advice on the stage. Thanks.

    Good chatting w/ you, too. I think I had as much fun catching up w/ folks as I did shooting (and that's saying a lot!).


  6. Over-all, while I was disappointed with my finish (I was going for top 5 and top M), I think I shot the best match possible given my lack of practice and match shooting and distractions with gun issues.

    I ran it totally out of control, way past my "pocket". I'm sorry my gamble paid off...

    Congrats on 1st Prod Master! :D

    Gamble or not, you did something right. Keep it up!

    Are you shooting a Beretta? I saw your posts in the Beretta sub-forum...


    ps. Thanks for some extra motivation to tell work I'm done w/ the long days, I need to pratice! :)

  7. Apparently, Allegehney Gun Works has a way to mill the slide to convert an FS model to G.

    Waiting to hear back if it actually works.

    Only been < 1yr since shooting berettas, and that's new on me. cool. I always thought it wouldn't be hard to do, just need the right equipment (which I don't have access to).

    Just remember that would NOT be production legal since you are disabling a safety. You still need a G slide to shoot production. Same end result; one method is legal and the other is not.


  8. Shot production in the 2012 IN section this weekend.

    8th in the division (81.6%), 2nd master, 68th combined. Not sure if anyone ahead of me is from the section...

    I shot my carry gun... G19. Had one ejection failure, which was disappointing since up until then it hadn't jammed like the 34s. I also had one mag not drop free which screwed a reload. I suspect the part of my palm that hangs off the short grip was rubbing on it.


    - Only 4 Ds and 1 M. The M was frustrating only because I called it and could have made it up, but I hesitated and then fell out of the shooting area. No other penalties.

    - no first-stage bobbles.

    - all plans executed to plan...

    - when entering shooting areas, I felt I did a great job of being on the trigger the instant I was legally in the box.

    - shooting on the move.


    - total lack of confidence in my index and where the gun is hitting at various distances led to dramatically over-aiming anything moderately long or tight.

    - 62 Cs!! Ouch. Only shot 88.7% of the points.

    - mis-timed an activator on stage 10 requiring me to take 1/2-head shots

    - never got that adrenaline dump all day and felt I could have maybe been a little more aggressive.

    Over-all, while I was disappointed with my finish (I was going for top 5 and top M), I think I shot the best match possible given my lack of practice and match shooting and distractions with gun issues.

    Looking forward to next year. Hopefully. Get the 34 running and can have a solid spring practicing.


  9. Had a real "off" dryfire session tonight. Horribly tense. Couldn't hit a draw to save my life, finally started to get back in the zone by the end of the session.


  10. For the IN folks, if anyone is interested, I'll have a couple things with me at the Section match for sale. Shooting Saturday.

    1) STI Spartan .45. <2k rounds. never a hickup.

    2) Mossberg 590 12ga pump

    3) Warren/Sevigny carry front sight (w/ tritium), 0.215 tall. Only installed for a couple hundred rounds.


  11. 90-95% is a convenient little metric for match performance, but that's not the take-away I was going for...

    "if you want to get fast, sometimes you have to go so fast that you miss."

    I'm talking about sometimes in practice not worrying about 90%, or shooting As, or even always seeing what you need to see... rather just going balls out and see what you see.

    "...literally driving the gun faster than you know how. If you concentrate, pay attention to the gun and what you’re doing, you’ll find yourself seeing the sights faster. You’ll feel the trigger faster. Essentially, your eyes and your brain will catch up to the speed of the gun."

    The takeaway I was going for is in your practices, sometimes it's ok to get a bit out of control and work to speed up the vision instead of always letting the vision be a rev limiter on your speed.


  12. Good practice tonight. Production with the G19. Shot some 10 yd groups (above). Shot one group at 25 yds, but my target was way too little.... I couldn't find it when focused on the FS. Throwing out one flyer that I called WAY high (aiming at the wrong spot), it was a 4" group. Would like to try again soon w a 2-3" target.

    Ran the dot drill (above).

    The the rest of the slackers showed up. We set up a small stage 4 turtle targets and a bunch of plates/poppers. Could have been a little cleaner on the steel on both runs. Second run was much better.

    The we set up a 7yd 2-2-2 drill on paper plates. Tried pushing the speed too much and never got all the hits on the plates (times weren't all that great anyway).

    Ran one el prez. I think it may have been one of my better ones in production ever*. 5.14s 10 A 2 C on a turtle target (which still had the paper plates on them).


    *edit: d'oh. Not a personal best; I just recalled it was at 7 yds. :(

  13. Ran this after you left tonight. 41/50. Def going to run it again hopefully this weekend. Everything for me was low and I pulled shots I should not have. Plus I want to do it on the timer.

    Cool! Distance?


  14. Dot drill with the G19.

    46/50 is 99.57s (not counting the first slow-fire dot).

    I was very disappointed in dot 10 :(


    Distance? Circle size? Looks about like mine. When I miss it's usually center low. Darn that visual patience!!!

    Oops, meant to put that in the post.... 5 yds. 1-7/8" circles.

    I was VERY happy with dot 8, the WHO dot B)


  15. Dot drill with the G19.

    46/50 at 5 yds in 99.57s (not counting the first slow-fire dot). 1-7/8" circles.

    I was very disappointed in dot 10 :(


  16. Just installed the 0.245" Sevigny tritium front sight on the G19. Hopefully that corrects my POI being way high. Tomorrow is my last chance to try it before the IN state match.

    New sights (5 shot groups at 10 yds)..... MUCH better!


  17. I dunno... I like some time pressure for everything but the first group. I don't see why to even bother with the reloads and draws if I give myself all the time in the world to make the hits; it's just shooting groups at that point. I use a cumulative comstock time* for the whole drill minus the first dot. I do believe the focus needs to be getting all the hits, not the time.

    * I dont yet have a baseline because I've never remembered to rehit the start button on every string, or I've goofed and accidently cleared it between strings. Hoping to fix that tonight.

    The good thing about shooting drills is you can always be free to modify to your needs/goals.

    The circles in the printed pdf from the link I sent you a while back has 2" circles IIRC.


  18. How far are you running the Dot Torture? Ive never done it but have some printed out for tonight. Website says 3 yards?

    Great minds!!! I just printed out 3 for tonight :)

    Previously I did them at 3 yds like the site says. I'm torn whether to stay at 3 for consistency, or go to 5 or 7...

    Assuming I can get out of work when I want (always difficult), I plan to be at FWRR @ ~3:30.


  19. Anxiously awaiting apex's new extractor


    What I was seeing from the gun as it ran appears to be a loss of control of the brass. When you see a gun start tossing them everywhere and not ejecting some at all you need to look hard and the extractor. To my mind it is not controlling the case coming out of battery and into the ejector. What happens is the case just hits the ejector and goofy angles or just gets thrown at it if it's not being controlled properly.

    Not just Glock, but if the ejector isn't long enough and the case contacts the breech at the same time or just after the ejector this can cause the issue too.

    My bet is the extractor not controlling the case.

    My 2 take it or not...


    Take a look at this and especially posts #1 and #14:


    The reason your ejection is erratic and undependable is the extractor is failing to maintain hold on the fired cases and therefore presents them to the ejector in various attitudes, resulting in different ejection patterns. The new Apex extractor addresses those issues very well.

    I agree, guys. :cheers: That's why I'm looking forward to the apex extractor.

    I may give the .40 extractor a try. Not sure if it was here or elsewhere that I read that sometimes helps things. I don't think it's a polishing issue.... it seems to start out ok then run worse and worse. By then I can see smoothed-down areas from wear. Which points more to a spring issue, or part of the extractor wearing down.


  20. Also took out the 9mm AR.... Too much fun, both to shoot and to see everyone's inner child come out. :goof:


    Matt shooting the 9mm AR.


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