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Posts posted by rvb

  1. I'll give that a try. Thanks for the tip on the old style extractor. I think that may be what apex has done on their new one is to fix the angle of the hook. I've also read glock has come out with an even newer extractor that works better that I want to try.

    Almost 1k rounds w/o a failure since putting in the Gen4 ejector...

    I put the 336 ejector in mine too. Only been 200 rounds since but no failures in that time.

    I removed the 336 and put in a 90274.


  2. If you have the chance, you could try an OEM non-LCI extractor. I found one from my old parts stash & put it in my recently built Open 17. I found the extractor claw between the old versions are different from the current production LCI type. The claw on the old ones run parallel to the breechface. The new one tapers upward leaving less hold on the case. In theory, when the barrel unlocks, and tilts downward, the LCI type is only holding on the upper part of the claw, the old one has more surface area to hold on to the case. My old G17's never had a problem with ejection & extraction. My Open gun had some issues so I put this one in & now it works consistently. I also switched it to the Non-LCI bearing.

    I'll give that a try. Thanks for the tip on the old style extractor. I think that may be what apex has done on their new one is to fix the angle of the hook. I've also read glock has come out with an even newer extractor that works better that I want to try.

    Almost 1k rounds w/o a failure since putting in the Gen4 ejector...


  3. Got to shoot tonight. First time touching a gun in two weeks other than a little bit of slow fire dryfire.

    Started off with some groups freestyle. Wanted to see where I hit at different distances. Screwed up and forgot my match ammo. My practice ammo was about .5" low at 5 yards, on at 15, and looked to be about .5 - 1" high at 25. Was quite happy w a 3-3/8" group at 25. Tossing a called flyer it could have been close to 2". Something to work towards.

    I discover this week in dryfire if I get my SH grip around more behind the gun so my thumb is more parallel to the gun, I get better trigger control. Especially if I get lower on the trigger. I'm also getting the WH more FORWARD on the gun (thanks to photos of Bob V). Really liking how much more control I had on the gun.

    It paid off in my accuracy, except that when I started going fast and working out of the holster, I started getting ate up by the slide. Going to have a lot of work to do there in dryfire.

    Did a dot drill, and was terribly disappointed with a 42/50. But I realize now today I was at 7 yds, and previously I had baselines at 5.

    Was consistently shooting low when not just shooting groups, especially on the dot drill. Two issues contributing... 1. Vision: I slow fire I can take the time to squint enough to get a clear picture. High speed I'm struggling with good alignment. 2. Anticipation: and driving the gun before the shot is breaking. I blame tension and lack of practice.

    Reloads were great tonight. Consistently in the 1.2x range. Draws SUCKED. But I was continually adjusting my grip to minimize the amount of blood and flesh left on the slide... That was also contributing to the flinching/anticipation.

    Shot a little bit of steel with the FWAPS crew. Much improved over previous weeks. I recall only 1 miss (SHO).


  4. Approx 200 rds today.

    The wolf reduced power striker spring worked 100% with some old loads I had with Win (I think!) primers, so it should be good to go with the Fed primers in my match loads. I much prefer the combo of this spring with the std (non-"-") connector over the factory G34 setup.

    I like the stippling. I could get through 15 rounds in a timing drill without having to adjust my grip, yet I could adjust my grip when necessary much easier than the pro grip type of product.

    Shot some 10 yd groups. Really struggling with my vision in my right (dominant) eye getting a precise sight picture. Can't wait to get some new contacts. Most groups were in the 1.25-1.75" range. A couple where I really struggled for a good focused sight picture opened to 2-2.5" One could have been in the 5/8" range except I pulled the 5th shot. :angry:

    Did a t10yd timing drill sequence. The front sight returned much more consistently for me with the stippling. For some reason, my grouping was low. I'm not sure if it was poor sight picture or trigger control. I think the former, with the focus issues described above...

    Something I really noticed was how lazy I've gotten on my front sight focus. From a parallax standpoint both eyes were looking at the target (seeing one target but two sights, but it was the sight I was trying to bring into focus. When I tried to do it "right", I struggled.


    Ps, here is my target from the timing drills... Today I used an aim point reference, and notice how low my group was. The fliers occurred when I was trying to focus "correctly". I called them correctly, but was struggling with where I was aiming.... If that makes any sense....


  5. I do need to find some new grips though, the big ass-ho, err Hogue, grips aren't cutting it.

    I always used Burner grips. Same profile as factory plastic grips.

    Not sure if he (Jerry Barnhart) is still in the grip making business as I couldn't find his website w/ a quick google, but you can make them yourself by sanding smooth some factory grips, and applying some epoxy and blasting media.


  6. Last night was first dryfire in a week and a half (stupid work making me travel).

    I really like the stippling. My grip on the draw was much more positive and I felt more consistent. I like the stippling location as it seems to get me good grip for recoil control, but the gun still slides around when needed, such as shifting the grip for a reload.

    I swapped the (-) connector for a standard connector, and put in a reduced striker spring. I like this combination better than the stock G34 setup as it's about the same trigger weight, but the break is less mush. should be ok w/ my std federal primer laod (will test hopefully later this week).

    I tested a glockmesiter trigger return spring, but it wouldn't return the trigger enough to the point the "safety" would engage, so I put the stock spring back in.

    struggled with reloads, specifically aligning the mag to the well. don't know what that was all about. Thinking it may be a visual thing since I no longer have the same line from the factory grip texture... dunno. or just an off day.


  7. Shot Angola yesterday, production. Small turn-out, but won HOA.

    Classifier was 09-04 Pucker factor. 8.8496 HF, 3A, 2B, 3C, 3.39s. Story of the day.... Not enough As. Just good enough to continue to drag down my % at 82.7%

    The good:

    - The gun ran (used the G34)

    - penalty free

    - very smooth and quick and hit my marks

    The bad:

    - piss poor accuracy! Only 83% of the points. More Ds in 5 short stages (6) than the entire IN Section (4).

    - botched reload botched my reload plan on the only long course. I didn't get the old mag out of the way in time and the new mag hit it and kept it from ejecting.


  8. Slide lock lever is in place and my thumb does not touch it. Extra strength extractor would be nice but where do I get one ?

    Then why is it stovepiping instead of the slide locking back on the last round? There is your problem, either you are over sprung or too heavy with your comp and not getting full slide travel.

    I recently put a white sound extra strength extractor spring in a production G34 that has been giving me fits and it helped slightly.



  9. band-aid fix: put the slidelock back in? (could even grind off the pad so you don't accidently hit it).

    scope and mount? Could the ejection pattern on the last round (w/o a round under it in the mag) be taking a slightly different path out of the port and bouncing off a scope mount?

    is this a new problem (ie it worked but recently stopped)? Maybe a new or extra strength extractor spring is on order? Even if not a new problem, a stronger extractor spring could help the issue.

    If your trigger setup will let you get away w/ it (not pull it out of battery), could try an 11lb spring to keep the port open longer.

    Local open glocker really had to lower his ejection port to get reliable ejection with his scope/mount.


  10. I'm very happy with mine, also in .38 super. I probably was in the ballpark of 60k on it prior to switching back to production. Made master with it.

    I did some minor tuning: tuned the extractor for better feeding w/ lighter recoil springs, made it so the slide wouldn't lock back, stippled the grip. That's about it. It ran like a swiss watch.

    I did lighten the slide which helped greatly (did it myself with a drill press, just cheesed it with some holes).

    Been too long since I shot it to recall exact grouping, but it was plenty accurate.


  11. for future reference: I want to try this one...

    Triple Six:

    Set up 3 targets at 7, 15, and 25 yards. You will shoot 3 strings here but keep track of your overall time.

    String one- Draw and fire 6 rds into T1.

    String two- Draw and fire 6 rds into T2.

    String three- Draw and fire 6 rds into T3.

    The point of the drill is to see how fast you can shoot at every distance but keeping them in the A-Zone. Every point you drop, you must add time to your overall time.

    A- +0

    B/C- +.20

    D- +.50

    Miss- + 1 sec.


  12. Approx 425 rounds with the gen 4 ejector and no ejection failures. Tonight I tested some additional parts. I fired a few rounds with just the gen 4 ejector and noted roughly where the enter of the pile of brass was (and it was piled pretty well). I then put in a White Sound Defense extra power extractor spring. I noted a very slight improvement in that the brass was still grouped but maybe landed just a little farther away. Next I put in a Lone Wolf extractor. This caused the ejection to be awful... It was back to having brass bouncing off my forearm.

    So my new baseline setup in my gen 3 G34 is a gen 4 30274 ejector with a WSD extra strength extractor spring, stock extractor, and 15lb ISMI recoil spring. I still plan to test the Apex extractor setup when it becomes available

    I then switched to some old stock 115 gr practice ammo, which had previously never worked well. Today it gave me no problem (except 1 round that didn't want to feed, I still have to figure that one out).

    I tried everything I could think of to make it jam... Riding the slide, super limp grip, SHO, WHO, etc. I even tested w.o the mag and that ejected properly 8/10 times (once it fell through the mag well and one it stovepiped).

    I think I would be willing to shoot this in a major again.


  13. 250 rounds today. Skipped the organized FWAPS practice but crammed in some time on my own.

    10 yd Group shooting was nothing stellar. About half were in the 1.25" range, the othe half were in the 2-3" range. I felt like I couldn't keep the FS in focus.

    Timing drills: really need to get the grip textured, constantly adjusting my grip.

    2R2: several runs in the 2.5-2.6 range. I had a couple runs in the 2.4 range, but I called a few Cs.

    Bill drill: several runs in the low to mid 1.9s, all As called (not much time tonight so I wasn't pasting, so I'm cheating a little). I had a couple runs in the 1.8s, but I was calling hits either in the C or right on the line.

    I think I'm going to put a std non '-' connector. After shooting the G19 for a while, I think I prefer the more crisp break despite the trigger weight., and I can tinker w. some of the springs to help with the weight.


  14. Tech post first....

    Approx 425 rounds with the gen 4 ejector and no ejection failures. Tonight I tested some additional parts. I fired a few rounds with just the gen 4 ejector and noted roughly where the enter of the pile of brass was (and it was piled pretty well). I then put in a White Sound Defense extra power extractor spring. I noted a very slight improvement in that the brass was still grouped but maybe landed just a little farther away. Next I put in a Lone Wolf extractor. This caused the ejection to be awful... It was back to having brass bouncing off my forearm.

    So my new baseline setup in my G34 is a gen 4 30274 ejector with a WSD extra strength extractor spring, stock extractor, and 15lb ISMI recoil spring. I still plan to test the Apex extractor setup when it becomes available

    I then switched to some old stock 115 gr practice ammo, which had previously never worked well. Today it gave me no problem (except 1 round that didn't want to feed, I still have to figure that one out).

    I tried everything I could think of to make it jam... Riding the slide, super limp grip, SHO, WHO, etc. I even tested w.o the mag and that ejected properly 8/10 times (once it fell through the mag well and one it stovepiped).

    I think I would be willing to shoot this in a major again.


  15. 8/21/2012 - Practice

    Was trying to run "Can You Count" a bit... To hit GM, you have to draw crazy fast, shoot crazy fast splits and then hit a blazing fast reload.

    I botched several reloads, which is frustrating because I was landing .99 reloads pretty consistently last week....

    Win some, lose some...

    I can usually run that classifier at a GM pace..... on one of the two strings! :) On the other I botch the draw or reload or both....


  16. Any more testing with the Gen 4 ejector?

    I shot a local 5-stage match (~125 rounds) this weekend and made it through the match with no malfunctions. I forgot the video camera so I don't really know how consistent the ejection was, but I do know I was never distracted by the brass (eg hitting me in the face or ejecting vertically into my line of sight).

    I'm hoping to get to the range this week for some more testing. I have a White sound extractor spring and a lone wolf extractor to also test out if necessary.


  17. I don't think Practiscore will become widely (or universially) used until one of the companies that make shot timers and/or chronographs markets a touch screen device pre-configured to run it, at a cost near that of a timer

    Even better to integrate WITH the timer. Hit the buzzer, click shooting complete (which saves the time), enter the scores, click scoring complete, run the next shooter. No need for a separate device or person....


  18. Shot prod at FWAPS yesterday, using the G34.

    No failures using the gen 4 ejector. I don't know that it's "fixed," more testing will tell, but I had no distraction from the brass, either.

    I won prod, 4th combined (out of 33). 79% of a solid M Open shooter (RePete).

    Could have shot some more As, only 88% points shot. I escaped penalty free, which was pretty good for a no-shoot laden match (incl some NSs behind plates). Only 4 Ds.

    Classifier was 99-24, Front Site 2. Only came in around 71%. 9A, 3C, 6.62.


    Index and trigger control slightly improved over IN state after a week of intensive dryfire.

    At state I felt I put too much emphasis on speed on the close shots, and accuracy on the far shots despite my belief that you should get all the easy As and accept Cs on far/hard/on-the-move targets, and I did a better job of that yesterday.


    Had one flat out brainfart and initiated a reload where it wasn't planned. Instead of dropping it I took the time to stow it back in the pouch. Cost me several seconds (stage 3).

    Had a great FUN day of shooting with some more awesome weather! Is it really August?


  19. Shot Ft. Wayne today. Almost didn't go as I still feel like crap. I'm glad I did though, I think being outside helped me.

    The stages were awesome! Good mix of close and far targets with plenty of steel and no shoots. I shot fairly well as I haven't touched a gun in a week.

    The squad was great and it was a good day to be shooting in Indiana, just beautiful outside.

    Edited to add. 3rd Open, 3rd overall.

    Took stage 1 hands down from the field, highlight of the match. This stage was just awesome. Ralph set it and his stages are TRICKY!! After I shot it I felt that I shot a little choppy and could have done better. It did feel like I was shooting the whole time and I thought that was good. I'll take a stage win and a choppy feeling anyday, LoL!!

    Weather was great!

    Stage 1 went really well for me, too... I was happy to finish it at 95% of your score shooting prod (and ahead of Repete), esp since the best way to break it up I could see required 4 mags...

    I enjoy those types of stages...


  20. So how many guns of yours have had this issue, 2 G-34's? 3rd Gens?

    Two Gen 3 G34s.

    I shot a gen 3 G19 in a section match recently. It had approx 1k rounds and during the match had a similar ejection failure for the first time. These all start around 1k rounds. I'm leaning towards poor extractor design and possibly springs loosing tension.

    Anxiously awaiting Apex's new system.

    I went ahead and put a Gen4 ejector in my 34 to start testing. It's going to be one one part at a time until I find a working solution. I put maybe 50 rounds through it so far, and so far it ejected (even with some 115gr reloads it previously really hated). But that's not enough to be confident.

    How hard is it to make a set of new 9mm glocks run reliably? Aparently very. Not impressed with the brand so far at all.


  21. If doing the LW extractor think about ordering the LW bearing, plunger, and spring as well. I ordered all of this and noticed the LW spring was longer and after installing the extractor tension was much higher. My Glock is now ejecting fantastic. Had some new shooters shooting it the other day with poor technique (tea cupping it) strong hand way low on the grip, they where getting a lot of muzzle flip and it still was ejecting very well and consistent with mixed brass reloads. This gun use to put 5 out of 10 on the forearm, shoulder, and my head.

    Thanks! I don't yet have the LW bearing, plunger, and spring but will give them a try!


  22. Update on my 35. I put in the LWD extractor (I already had the HRED spring and plunger) and I have not had an issue with extraction and ejection since with either the stock Glock barrel and recoil spring or my KKM barrel, SS guiderod and 13lb ISMI spring. I have also not been hit in the face with brass as often, even while moving, over the course of 2 range sessions and 2 matches.

    Thanks for the input, I have a LWD 9mm extractor and will give it a try soon.


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