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Posts posted by rvb

  1. Had my first match of the season w/ FWAPS yesterday. Couldn't have asked for a better start, and a better confidence builder for the IN SS/Prod/Rev match.

    Won Production, 2nd Combined (95% of Chris I's Open score). Penalty Free (quite an accomplishment at this match, lots of long shots w/ no-shoots not leaving much scoring area).

    Shot 94.43% of the points. No M's or D's.

    Over-all impression:

    • Work on my draws / index has really paid off. I was out of the holster and on target quickly, even on the farther shots. Had 0.80 draws on the classifier.
    • Reloads need work. Saw 1.50s on the classifier. Whether I was happy w/ them throughout the match was hit or miss. Need consistency.
    • Recoil control has improved greatly w/ the glock. Sights were returning almost spot on. Lack of confidence in this resulted in a bit of over-aiming, especially on the far shots.
    • Focussing on putting the grip pressure and tension in the weak hand vs the strong really cleaned up my trigger control (and recoil control). Shot some just outstanding pairs on the 20-25yd targets.

    Stage 1 (no video):

    One extra shot on steel. Stage required a standing reload, and I think it was my best one of the match. Shot the second array L-to-R when my plan called for the other way. Flowed better but preventing me from taking the last target while beginning to move to the next position.

    Stage 2:

    Began shooting steel array on left as I was setting up in position. Got all the hits, but wasn't settled. In my mind I felt I was still moving agressively but on vid I see I was mostly stopped and was just getting set. It was hairy edge, but I think the ideal time to start taking those shots. In the final position I set up on the wrong target. I knew something didn't seem right and I didn't have enough rounds to engage an extra target. Took a second or two to get back on plan.

    Stage 3 (my design):

    Good hits on some wide transitions. Didn't trust the call on the first steel (called the hit, lingered to see it start to fall). Remembered to pull all the mags off the barrel vs belt (good burn-in on walkthrough). Over-aimed the farther shots through the port, I could have been a full second faster on those 6 rounds.

    Satge 4:

    Over-aimed the far shots. 25 yds, and 2-3" pairs. Except for the one w/ the no-shoot, would have probably helped HF to accept a couple Cs here. Maybe had the wager w/ Chris in the back of my mind? ;) Planned to take a couple targets on the move when leaving the box but stood flat footed. Had a few good shots on the move mid-stage.

    Stage 5: 06-03 Can You Count:

    Good news is I can count. Massive trigger freeze on first target. Draws were good. Reloads sucked. 96 points (2Cs, just outside the A), 6.92s, 13.8728 HF. Probably low 80's % nationally.


  2. I must have done 100 2-R-2's last night. I wasn't quiting til I hit par at 2.0 5x in a row w/ called Cs or better. reloads (looking the mag in, pausing before inserting) were killing me.

    Back to basics will always fix your problems.

    Draws weremuch better when I slightly relaxed the SH and gripped the hell out of it w/ the WH. If I don't do this I seem to come up all over the target.

    Reloads..... pause! As always it "feeeeeeeels" slower, but do it right and you're magically waiting on the stop beep on the par timer.


  3. I haven't shot my open gun in over 3 yrs! Probably some nice dust bunnies clogging the bore (hmmm I should pull the battery to avoid corrosion).... Ya know, if the IN Prod/SS match wasn't the following weekend, and FW wasn't my first match of the seaon, I might dust it off.

    We can do the wager and I'll shoot production... hmmm.. maybe spot me 5%. :laugh:


  4. oh, tried some surefire EP3s... no go for me.

    w/ the little plug in, the AR made my ears ring (under the covered firing line). In the pistol bay, was making me wince. Blocked some noise, but not enough. My new WileyX Guard eye pro and MSA/Sordin electronic ears are AWESOME!

    I was hoping the SF plugs will fill that need where we find ourselves spending the majority of our time, not actually shooting, but observing or otherwise off the firing line. When RO'ing, I thought I could put the electronic ears over the top for good protection that would allow me to hear everything going on.....

    I may try a diffierent size of SF. I like the idea...... It was like the in-ear part wasn't long or wide enough.....


  5. About 100 rounds pistol practice on Sunday.

    Started off w/ groups. Still hitting a little right. 3" group at 25 yds, freestyle.

    Proof that I'm psyching myself out at 10 yds for some reason. I usually dryfire at 10 yds (simulated, reduced targets). I decided to move closer for some drills.

    draws: at 7 yds, consistent .92-.94s, probably 90% As. at 10 yds, 1.1-1.2s, 50%As. The shot isn't that much harder, but I felt a bunch of added tension at 10 I didn't feel at 7.

    bill dril: at 7 yds, "semi-cold" (having done some draws/groups only), 1.77s, all As. Moved to 10, 2.15, 3 Cs. at 7 it felt relaxed, the gun pressed out, and I watched the sight track very nicely up and down into the A. At 10 I was tense. the draw was much less smooth, sight didn't seem to be tracking as well and I was "fighting" more than "steering" it.....

    2-R-2. intentionally pushed on this one, any hits on paper acceptable. 2.15 (0.92 reload), A/C/2D. followed by 2.30 2A/C/D. trigger froze the last shot (0.3 split).

    Thinking I need to practice more at farther distances (maybe 15yd). It's not really the distance, it's the expectations of the results and tension that is killing me. more live fire needed!


  6. I suck shooting a rifle for groups....

    (5) 5-shot groups @ 100 Sunday w/ match AR. 69gr Black Hills reloaded ammo.

    Best two were 1.3". Rest in the 2-3" range. I think trigger control is ok. I think there are two problems:

    1) consistent point of aim. I've been using a black paster as a target. (7/8" square). at 4x I just can't resove it and the crosshairs well enough to feel I'm aiming in the same spot each time. (Using my vortex, giving it 2moa clicks up so I can aim w one of the stadia vs the dot). Going to try some different targets next time....

    2) solid hold. My best goups came from prone. I never feel solid behind the gun on the bench. It seems the gun is dancing all around in a 1-2" area and I'm snatching the shot when "now" seems the right time. Maybe in addition to how solid I have the rifle mounted it's a visual thing? When shooting irons I can't see that level of mvt so I trust to just let the shot go?


  7. I'm building an AR for my dad as a retirement gift. He's a group shooter, not a run-n-gunner. I'm thinking a 20 or 24" heavy barrel under an extended JP handguard.

    With accuracy off a bench as the ultimate goal, what barrel would you recommend? I was planning on a krieger, but thought I'd see if you all had a better suggestion.



  8. Good stuff, my gun is about 3 o'clock. No, I don't sweep that I know of.

    My goals this summer all involve TRANSITIONS, dot acquisition, better movement, and and and, stand and shoots. I have never really practiced too much just standing and shooting arrays.

    Luckily for me I have a plate machine and I know my draw times, while not stellar, they ain't too shabby. I want my draw at 8-10 yards on an 8" plate to be like a true GM's. I'm guessing these guys can go down in the .6-.7 range almost right out of the holster, no warm ups. I can't do this, I can't even get to the .7's warmed up unless I get lucky.

    <-- jealous. I've not had much opportunity to practice on a plate rack. when can I come down and play on your range?! ;)


  9. Got on the range today!

    35 rounds through the AR shooting groups. Most prone and a few off the bench. Rally struggled getting my NPA and kept having to re-align after each shot. Felt like I was muscling the gun. First 6 groups were in the 1.5-2" range. 7th/last group was decent at 1.25"... One [called] flier really opened it up, 4 of the hits were in 0.66". While I was a bit disapointed as I was hoping to see improved groups w my new contacts, the final group I shot at least gives me hope.....

    Got some pistol work in, too, about 200 rounds. Draws were horrible all day. TENSION. really muscling the gun. 1.4 for a called A. :(

    Didn't seem to have the tension on the trigger. Sight tracking and splits were great.

    10 yd Bill trills were mediocre, again draws hurting times. 2.1-2.2.

    Some agressive shooting on the move.

    Some SHO/WHO... Was really happy with the sight tracking and recoil control

    Groups were schizophrenic. 5-7 yds all touching. 10 yds under 1". 25 yds opened to ~6" and way right.

    It had been a while since I practiced live fire with a light. Was using my G34 and it reminded me of yet another reason I don't put extended mag releases on definsive guns... Bang! D'oh!


  10. That's why I asked what your times are now.

    If you can do a 1.00s +/- .05 into a 10-yd A, and you are looking to move from A to M, then cutting 0.2 from your draw probably won't be what gets you there. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to improve your draw and get to that same performance that the top GMs are at eventually, but keep emphasis on the skillsets proportional to their needs....

    On the otherhand, if you are at 1.5s draws, then yes, you probably need to step up your draw, and cut a few tenths off.

    If you aren't on target 1" from your full shooting extension, I have to wonder if you aren't doing more "sweeping up" rather than "pressing out."

    Also, where do you wear your gun? More 1:30, or 3:00? I kept my open gun in the same position as my prod gun not just for consistency, but because I found the more fwd I had it I had to twist the gun and that just added that many more variables to my draw. Coming from 3:00 the gun was already pointing at the target and just needed lifted up. Now I'm not saying a fwd belt position is wrong if that's what you do, many folks love it, but it's something to consider in how it affects your presentation and what you have to do to get that muzzle pointing fwd.

    As for whether you are overthinking things... well, I'm definately one to analyze things to death. Sometimes it's good to look at small parts of technique w/ a critical eye. But becareful of over-analyzing... I fall into that trap sometimes. :blush:

    but hey, I'm just an over-classified A-class guy myself who needs to put in some practice time! :sick:


  11. Am I thinking too much?

    what are your typical live-fire draw times? How much do you need to speed them up?

    Remember, typically they're only 10-12 starts in any given major match. Couple that with non-holstered starts and stages requiring movement before the first shot and it really doesn't matter. Now SC, where you draw every 5 shots, that's a little different. I've been doing a lot of draw practice lately, but mainly as an index builder. Can you draw eyes-closed and open your eyes and have the dot be on target and centered in the scope? that's the most important end-result of the draw, IMO.


  12. Looking forward to 2013!

    I'm feeling good about this season... much better than I did this time last year. I think 2013 is going to be a great year. I'm not saying I'm going to necessarily place higher at matches, but I think I'm at least going into this season with more confidence and more enthusiasm than last year.

    I have working guns. My problems with the glocks killed the first HALF of 2012 for me. In hindsight I should have just gone back to the Berettas while I got things worked out. I wasn't able to dryfire or live fire while the guns were at the factory. I had no confidence in my equipment the rest of the year. It was mentally distracting and clearing jams kills your scores! That all seems to be a thing of the past.

    I have ammo. Yea, the market is tight, but I have enough (loaded!) to shoot as much as my schedule will allow in 2013, so I don't have to feel worried or skip what few live-fire opportunities I have.

    I'm getting several hours of dryfire in per week. Mostly core drills right now, but soon I'll be adding in some classifiers and some hard setups, etc. I am pushing into new territory on my pars on a regular basis. Hell Yea that's exciting! Been a while since I've pushed those numbers down! The Glock is indexing beautifully for me now. No matter how I'm picking it up or drawing it it seems to fall into position. Still working on trigger control w/ the glock trigger and need some live fire time, but it's becoming more and more subconscious.

    I can see! I switched eye Drs and finally got a prescription that corrects for the astigmatism in my dominant eye (previous doc wouldn't listen to me that it was there). I can see the targets, irons, and scope reticles SO much better now.

    I've invested in safety equipment. New eyes and ear pro, and hopefully very soon new orthotics and cleats. Hopefully the new eye script, shades, and ear pro will allow me to get through the long days w/ less of the headaches that plagued me the last couple years.

    I've gotten refreshed on the rules thanks to the CRO course (just submitted my exam).

    Work schedule has lightened and I'm no longer going 70-80hr weeks, It's down to 45-50 and I feel like I've gained a life back.

    I'm down a few pounds, and still going. Getting a couple hrs/week on the stationary bike. I'm trying to loose the weight slowly and change someways of life since everytime I've lost a bunch of weight quickly before it came right back.

    I have an extra week of vaca at work this year. Helping a little with some time on the range, and allowing me to help more, eg RO'ing the IN Prod/SS/Rev match.

    My first "Make Ready" is in a little over 2 weeks. I can't wait! I plan to get on the range a couple times between now and then so I have some confidence in my recoil control, transitions, and trigger work...

    I'll still be running a "light" schedule. Just the two IN State matches and one other major (OH maybe?), the monthly Ft. Wayne match, a couple of 3-gun or rifle matches, and maybe a misc additional local or two.

    See you on the range!


  13. For DA trigger improvement:

    15lb 1911 mainspring with Fed primers.

    polish the snot out of the top of the hammer strut, make it shine; this is where a lot of the roughness comes from.

    polish the DA hammer hook and DA sear on the trigger bar.

    light polish on pins and sides of hammer/trigger helps a little, but not a lot.

    use a good grease like TW-25

    For SA,

    polish sear face w/ good flat ceramic stone and add a -small- secondary angle (as you would a 1911)

    cut the hammer hooks to ~0.020

    My 92 was approx 7lb and butter smooth DA and right at a crisp 3lb SA with this set up. All other springs / safties left in tact (no in-precise monkeying w/ the sear spring). Lasted 10s of thousands of rounds (still going when I switched to glock). I had the SA at ~2.5lb by cutting a couple coils of the 15lb 1911 mainspring, but locktime was horrible.


  14. Quick google I found the following tidbit:


    One of my customers was prosecuted for this. It took about 3yrs and almost $15,000 in expenses to get his guns back and the charges dismissed. The only reason he wasn't convicted is because the 40rd mag was used in a registered SBR.

    so if you reeeaaallllllly want to use a > 30 round mag in your open gun, pay the $200 and register is as an AOW and carry a cheap foregrip and ducttape in your range bag. :goof:


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