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Posts posted by rvb

  1. Production at Warsaw this weekend... shot well, but head game caused problems...

    First stage (5) was a field course w/ a bit of memory required at the end due to mag capacity. I was first shooter. Started off slow and too conservative on my shooting on the move (backing up). Should have been 2 sec faster at least on the front half. Two makeup shots on the 8 steel (plates).

    Second stage (6) went VERY well... I planned to use all 11 rounds in my first mag (over two positions, so if I had needed a make-up on a small popper I could reload). what I didn't plan for was that I would be at slide lock for that, and both the following mags. I put myself in a position I -couldn't- makup any shots, and that got in my head and made me shoot a bit conservative on the back half. I still finished strong, but that was poor planning.

    Stage 1 was unremarkable, but I feel I could have pushed a bit more on steel. Trying to 1-for-1 them I was sluggish (and still required 1 make-up).

    Stage 2, I changed my plan... see where this is going?? There was a disappearing target (max trap) that I was going to shoot by getting in just the right spot to see the activator and MT at the same time. So my plan was to shoot an array of paper, reload and move, hit the activator and then the second array w/ the MT. I decided to change it to first hit the activator, THEN reload and move which wouldn't require such a precise setup or extra position..... the problem is my previous plan was burned in such that I STILL did the reload BEFORE the activactor... stood there like a lump deciding what to do, then got back on plan (activator, reload, MT). I'd guess the extra standing reload plus WTF moment cost me 2.5 seconds or more. I was SO happy I was able to execute on the reload and the MT after the activator, but SO pissed I flubbed the plan. Unfortunately I didn't get that one on vid.

    classifier was 08-03, Six. 30 points in 4.34 (6.9HF). I had put a round about 2" into hardcover on the right target. Took a second to remember if it was comstock or VA, then made it up. Last shot before the makeup was 2.79. I reshot it, and again did it in 2.79, but this time was down 8 points (3A,2C,1D) (7.89HF). Looks like a lower A-class run (~77%) so nothing will count.

    Last stage was a quick 4 paper + TX star. Cleaned it (all As, no make-up shots on steel). Felt like I could have been a bit more agressive on paper.

    Over-all.... shot 93% of the points! 2 D's total. No penalties.

    Getting pumped for the IN Section match.


  2. Going to try to committ to 5 hrs/week going forward here...


    Well, I relapsed back into a habbit of no practicing. Now the IN Section is less than two weeks out and I'm behind the curve. Have gotten some limited practice in the last couple nights.... the first couple nights were rough and discouraging, but things started to click again last night, so confidence is re-building. I need livefire; I'm getting almost none. Wonder if the wife would shoot me if I went on my day off Friday (also her B-day)?

    Motivation is what I'm lacking. Only one local / month and two LII's / year leaves me feeling "why bother" when it comes time to practice. It's only going to get worse after the section since I'll know it'll be months before my next major... anyone have good motivators or tips?

    I need goals. I haven't had goals set for a couple years now. I used to, and that was a motivator. The closest I get to a goal now is "gee, it'd be nice to maybe be the top Prod from IN at the match." Lanny B would be so disappointed. I don't even give a crap about classifiers any more; that uses to be a good driver. I'm going to have to reflect on this.

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to warsaw this weekend, so that helps (both as some motivation and as some live-fire practice before the section match).



  3. Good afternoon on the range today w. dad. He got throught the tedious clean-after-very-shot break-in stuff and got a decent zero. I worked on groups w. my 3-gun AR. I'm starting to see some improvements.... Learning some stuff in dry fire.

    - need to keep the gun higher. Was shooting prone about the height from mono-pod'ing off a 30, and that's too low to get the gun in my shoulder well.

    - trigger needs placed near the tip of the trigger finger. Just ~1/4" of pad between the nail and trigger.

    - need to grip so that if my thumb is against the safety, its even w. the back of the nail

    - need to stop riding the safety. It seems to push the gun if I have that thumb up like on a pistol. Just keeping the thumb relaxed seems to help the best.

    most groups were 5shots at 100 with 55 hornaday FMJBT. I couldn't seem to avoid "the flyer." I had 4 groups where 4 shots were at or under 1", but a flyer would bring it to 1.2-2.0". That tells me my shooting is improving, but not consistent. A couple groups I called bad shots, but even my bad groups are better than previous bad groups at <3". A couple were just under 1.2". Throwing out the two bad groups, the average was 1.4"

    I shot 2 groups w 69 smk. They also suffered from "the flyer" on both. The groups were almost identical with 4 rounds right at 1", but the 5th round opening them to 2.0 and 2.4"

    Happy to see improvement since a couple hundred rds ago I couldn't seem to get under 3-4" shotgun pattern groups.

    An example of a good group with the 55s, and "the flyer"...



  4. Clean guns don't run!


    I have such a hard time convincing shooters, but it's true I tell ya!! True!!!

    I thnk its become a real superstition with me. I cant bring myself to carry or compete with a gun that's just been cleaned anymore, I cant trust it! I swear every unexplained malfunction I've ever seen (ie not caused by a bad/broken part) has been within the first 50-100 rounds after cleaning! They don't need cleaned, just oiled! :)


  5. Got to the range this morning... Shot a few groups with the AR. I'm improving, but not quite consistent yet. Shooting 5-rnd groups, there was several times I'd have 4 shots right at an inch, and an apparent flyer that would open it up to 1.25-1.5". 2" was my worst, so I'm getting better. Called them better, to. Did a little fast shooting from barricade, standing, and kneeling, too.

    Switched to a 100 yd zero.

    Did dot torture again with the production gun. 44/50 in 93.69s at 5 yds (first 5 not timed). Check out that 5 yd, 5-shot group in the first dot!! Weak hand killed me. The 44 isn't great, but the groups were much better than last time, and the misses mostly just barely out.

    I then spent some time on WH. Can't say I figured anything out today to fix it, but did figure out some things that aren't helping. Te WH isn't "bad," they'd all be in the B at 5 yds, but its a weakness.



  6. Day on the range with Dad today. Got to give him his AR to help occupy his retirement. Not a lot of rounds fired as he wanted to follow the barrel makers instructions for barrel break in.

    I took my Ar to re-zero. Groups were a little better today. First I had a couple called bad shots, and it was about 2". Second and 3 rd groups were 1.5" and 1.25" respectively. Not awful for bulk 55s and 4x. Maybe starting to see some consistency. Trying to get my arm more inline with the gun, so my grip can let me get my pad more on the trigger and pull straight back. ... I'll get this thing figured out.


  7. Been several weeks since any serious actice has occurred... So last night I decided to get back to dryfiring. Got 45 minutes in. Basics were still solid after a bit of warm up (draws, burket loads, bills), but the wheels came off when I got to the 2R2s. The progress I had made there is lost... Going to try to committ to 5 hrs/week going forward here...


  8. I ended up just using the set screws and left the barrel alone. the block is back under the handguards so it's hidden from bumps and knocks, and knowing my dad and his planned use, this will be one of the most babied ARs on the planet. Doubt it will ever be tossed in a barrel or fired till smoking or thumped into barricades. I red locktited the screws (which have the knurled ends) and put a mild stake on them.

    While a mill would be better, I wouldn't hesitate to use a drill press.... the alignment isn't critical (dia of the gas block hole is 2x that of the gas port), and you're not going deep. so long as you start w/ a good centerpunch, the bit shouldnt wander enough to matter. thanks for the offer anyway!

    The Seekins handguards were taking too long. First I was told early May, then end of May, then end of July. So I went w/ JP 15".

    I have to pick up some blue locktite (stuff randomly vanishes out of my garage, I know it) for the screws to put the handguard tube on the barrel nut and it's done!

    hoping we can get it out this weekend to test it out....

    the geisselle "high speed match" trigger is... wow.....

    I no longer want to give this gun away. too bad Dad knows it's coming, I could have just bought him a shirt for father's day......


  9. Production at the FW match.

    Not all that happy. Lack of practice showing.

    SIX Ds. 90.3% of the points wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but not great.

    Classifier was 06-05 fluffy's2. Shot it fairly solid. 3.61s, only 1 C. 10.3542 HF. Looks like ~88%.

    I botched one stage and I botched it hard. On an 8 rnd array mid stage I pulled off the last target w.o calling the last shot. Nothing. No idea where the round went. But I had already dumped the mag, so instead of moving to the next position I did a standing freaking reload and took the make-up shot (made up an A with an A). Moved on to a 10 round array.... For those keeping track that means I had no extra rounds. So what do I do? Pump a round into hardcover. Called it and made it up (had to come back into position) but I wasn't smart enough to realize I had made myself a round shy of being able to finish the course.... So what do I do when I get caught by a surprise slide lock on the last shot? Another standing freakin reload. It was brutal.


  10. I have the Lija AR740 barrel

    Hi Patrick,

    I got the rest of the parts I needed off backorder so I'm getting ready to assemble the top-end of the gun.

    I have a question for you about installing the gas block on the AR740 from Lilja. They machined a flat section on the bottom of the barrel under the gas block for set screws... they did not dimple the barrel. I don't mind putting a dimple for on most barrels, but I hate putting a $500 barrel under the drill press given the application. Did you dimple for gas block set screws? Does the flat give enough grip (I see it preventing the block from rotating, but not necessarily holding it in place front/back.

    Given the application and that the block will be protected back under the handguards, I'm thinking about leaving well enough alone, but I'm curious to hear your opinion!



  11. Well this season is starting out as a crap fest.

    STI is warranting my slide, but that won't be here until after the 19th they tell me.

    Then who knows how long until I get it fitted. GANs did say to call him when I got it so that is promising. If he comes out of retirement and fixes it for me then it will be done in a week or less. I'll be back in the game before July.

    I am so bummed as I had great plans this summer. It's hard for me to switch gears. I really get mad thinking about shooting anything but open and I know it's stupid, but it is what it is. I will be working on a shelter for the range and that will be nice.

    I must get 2 open guns in the future. This sucks gravel.

    That's rough dude... Sounds like my last season dealing with the glocks.... I feel your frustration.


  12. FWAPS Practice last night.

    Spent some time @ 100 w/ the rifle before the practice started. Corey shot it better than me (cold on a new gun).... so yea, I suck shooting rifle groups. My last group was approaching decent... I was quicker on the trigger. I know when I shoot pistol if I take too long, I almost always pull the shot. I'm out of 'good' ammo, but have plenty of components for 55s. I don't think ammo matters at this point. Going to load up a few hundred 55s and work at it. I'm thinking about an adjustable gas block. the 18" rifle shoots harsher than my 16" carbine. I shot them back to back for the first time last week...

    On to the pistol practice...

    We did Dot Torture at 5 yds. I wasn't feeling too bad w/ score of 40/50 until I looked back in my journal and see last summer I did a 46. Most of the misses were only out by 1/4-1/2" except WHO. I had a nice WH group, but it was centered about 2.5" low/right. Only 1/5 hit WH.


    El prez's were far from stellar. First run at ~5.2 w/ a mike and a D... Horrid draw of 1.68.

    Second run at ~5.6 w/ a D and 3 C.

    Head-shot-only El Prez was ~9.5 w/ a botched reload. 10A/2B.

    shot a couple 10yd groups.

    1st sucked w/ 1st/last shot called fliers opening it to ~2.5". But the middle 3 shots were all on the paster I was using as an aiming point.

    2nd was better at ~ 1". We shot a " one shot closest to the target" game... I won by hitting the paster.

    Most notable issue with the groups is they were spot-on left/right. I seem to be past whatever issue was causing them to group right a couple inches.

    I haven't been dryfiring w/ any regularity. I have to fix that.


  13. Why, you shooting Open?

    I suppose I could register as open :goof:

    Shooting the open gun would be too much work for just a match or two.... I'd have to knock an inch or so of dust off everything, load ammo, replace batteries, hunt and hunt for the dot... "I thought I stored it in the scope, maybe the dot is on one of these shelves... argh, I can't find the dot!" hahaha....

    Most people forget that Ryan is a Master in Open because he hasn't shot it in years! I'd just like to see him shoot Open, give me one more Open guy to learn from, not that i don't learn watching him shoot production. I just want to see him shred stages with the Open gun.

    I -was- an open Master..... I'm sure it would take me a while to get back in tune w/ that crazy contraption, with it's imaginary magic dot that likes to hide if you don't have your index established..... finding it is not easy when you've not practiced with it. especially since it sits so high over the bore you have to hold the grip down at your bellybutton to look through the scope. Only in America! :) haha


  14. well, after talking with a couple shooters I trust, I have low confidence this is my problem.

    However, I did put some "shim stock" (aka pieces of a pepsi can) between the rail and the receiver just above the gas tube. This forced the front of the rail down so the barrel is more centered. It also made the handguards fit MUCH more snug on the nut. Before I could squeeze the barrel and hardguards and get +/- 1/4" of play at the front of the handguard with very very little effort (incl making the barrel touch the HGs). Now it seems the hardguard is much sturdier and there's almost no play at all, even with some force applied.

    I hope to get on the range end of the weak to see if it made a difference. I'm not holding my breath, but at least I'll get some trigger time.

    running out of decent ammo. :(


  15. Shot production at AltlantaCC this weekend. Won Prod, 6th over-all (of 67). Suspect a lot of folks at the OH match?

    Shot 90% of the points. A slight improvement, still not where I need to be.

    Real Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. First 3 stages sucked, then I rocked the last 3 (first 3 were all on the back-side bays). Didn't bother w/ video this time.

    -- First stage was the classifier, 99-41 "works for me." Shot it in 5.85s, 8A, 2C, 1D, and a MIKE, HF = 6.3248. The mike is getting to me because I didn't call it, I called a good hit.

    -- Second stage ("16") I pushed. I made up a couple of Ds and still ended up w/ one D scored (making it up would have messed up the reload plan). I always say on the close hosers you have to get all As, and I didn't do it. Saying /= doing.

    -- 3rd stage ("ACC blastathon") was straight wall of clumped targets and I took most moving. I pushed a little too hard and nicked two NSs (shots still got As, but touched the NSs on the A border). Too many Cs on this stage.

    -- 4th Stage ("2 for 1") was a great stage for me. I won it over-all. Very simple stage. I set up on the steel perfectly with sights aligned and shot ready to break as soon as I entered the boxes.

    -- 5th Stage ("hall Rim") I also won over-all. What looked like a complicated stage was really pretty simple... an array of activator poppers, paper, swinger and a pop-up target all timed perfectly if simply shot left to right.

    -- 6th stage ("Dragonfly") I shot decent, but not stellar. I changed my plan litterally as the previous shooter was doing ULSC. That said, points were my biggest hurdle on this stage (1B/5C/1D).

    There wasn't much steel in this match (7 poppers IIRC), but I had NO make-up shots required. So that's a positive.

    I've got to get the points cleaned up going forward. 4 Ds on this match. 24 Bs/Cs. Chris, you ready to get your $ back on that all-As bet?


  16. Hi all...

    Chasing some accuracy problems.... Not happy with the groups I'm getting. While there are good odds its me, not the gun, I was looking things over and noticed the barrel is no longer centered in the FF tube. The tube is a troy/vac rail (the model before the "alpha"). I never really liked how this rail mounted to the nut. It seems with a bit of tension, the tube is moving on the nut, and not staying concentric to the barrel.

    How much clearance is enough? I'm wondering if the barrel could be hitting the tube. Groups are in the 3" range @ 100.

    I've pulled and re-mounted the tube. If I get better groups, I'll be searching for a new setup...

    Acceptable clearance?



  17. Snuck over to the range today to shoot some groups with the rifle. I still can't shoot this gun worth shit. 1 somewhat reasonable group out of 7 or 8 was 1.5". Rest were in the 2.5-3" range.

    I'm very frustrated.

    Ammo was 55gr hand loads and blackhills 69gr SMK reman.

    Right now I can't point to anything more than the triggerman. But my trigger control doesn't seem THAT bad. I dunno. I wish the ammo market wasn't what it is so I could try a bunch of different stuff...



  18. The high rings put the center of the scope 1.26" from top of upper.

    Mine are plenty high to put a 1o'clock dot mount underneath the eyepc. Worked great @ CMMG match last weekend!!!

    The 1-pc mounts are nice for some things but Aluminum can only do so much being hung out there like that....

    Being a full-time machinist and hobby engineer I tend to like heavy strong parts.

    I do run the 1-pc offset mounts on my 22 conv and huntin ARs though.


    Not sure ~1/8" clearance would be enough (spec shows outside dia of the PST's objective region at 2.26", or 1.13" to center... leaving only .13" with those rings). A lens cover would barely fit on there... might be ok if using a bikini cover, but if he puts caps on, they may well be touching the handguard.... The JP puts the center at 1.50". I think it's getting ordered this evening.

    The PST arrived last night. It's simply AWESOME. Can't wait to get it mounted.


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