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Posts posted by rvb

  1. I know, that's why above I said the definitions are screwed up. So if I have a holster w, oh 5 degrees of muzzle-rearward can't, it is IMPOSSIBLE to draw w/o being DQd unless I am exactly opposite of facing uprage. If I'm standing at a 45* angle, I get DQd. That's what the rules say. I argued against that change, but must have been the minority....

    by continually twiddling with the rules, they've gotten farther and farther from reality, imo.


  2. It seems we are making something simple very hard. If the gun is drawn (access to trigger), the muzzle must be down range (w/in the boundaries of the 180, incl up/down as well as left/right), except that you have a "buffer" of a 3 foot radius while drawing. That's what the rules say, right?

    I see nothing in the rules about hips, grip/sight/muzzle planes, etc. Put me on an arb committee and that's all I can go by.

    Apx A3 (definition of drawn)
    10.5.2 (180 plane)
    10.5.6 (3-foot radius while drawing)

    what the nroi ruling (incl the clarification/verification Rob obtained) says is the "holster's muzzle" has to be w/in the boundaries of the 180... which is fine for a muzzle-fwd cant open/lim rig, but for anything w/ even a slight muzzle rear cant is, well... impossible. hense the purpose of 10.5.6.

    Frankly, the nroi ruling just complicates it. 10.5.6 says keep it w/in 3 feet of your feet if drawing, else comply w/ the 180. sure seems simple. now I have to worry about "holster muzzle lines..." :huh:

    Just don't draw while "facing uprage" (per the definition).

    (ps. the definition of which is screwed up in the book, it should be feet & face 180* from the backstop, shoulders parallel... right? And the definition of facing downrange is just aweful)


  3. A couple gun issues, but I suspect it was caused by either dirt or mags. ... I ended up 5th in Open, 2nd M.

    great job, esp w/ a couple of gun issue!

    Well I began work with the G17 today. ... the IN SS/PRD/REV match in 2 weeks.

    Are you SURE you don't want to shoot SS.... would be more familiar to you since you are used to shooting the 2011. ;)


  4. Look on the bright side, you did not shoot the same array twice on the same stage.

    of course not, who would be foolish enough to fall for that stage design trick

    I'm sure glad you went before me!


  5. First club match of the year at Riley (IN04). Ist prod, 3rd overall, but it was ugly.

    1st stage was a simple 22-round course w/ all wide open targets. I started out strong, but felt a little out of control (gun recoiling more than I wanted, sight not returning well, etc). Called an edge hit on my last shot before a reload and during the reload glanced out to look at it (it just caught the D perf, my only D of the day). When I swung to the other side I completely forgot a target (wide open, starring at me). FTE and 2 M. Great way to start the day/season. Caused me to not need an additional reload so my time was awesome. I ballparked I lost 30-35 match points on that one error, which would have easily put me in 2nd in the combined results.... that it saved me a reload and probably another 2s helped contain the damage.

    Classifier was Pucker Factor (09-04). speed wasn't aweful, but didn't shoot a single A. 3B,5C in 3.79s, HF=6.3325. Again felt not really in control of the gun. Sight wasn't tracking/returning well, seemed the sight was lifting exceptionally high, and my calling wasn't very precise.

    The two bigger field courses I shot pretty well. Both were 24A,8C. One with the start holding the bucket I took about 3 extra shots making up questionable calls (called Cs, but wasn't exactly sure).

    There was a 30 round course that I planned 2 slide-lock reloads. I cost myself at least a couple seconds on the first reload. I mistimed hitting the release and closed on an empty chamber. I realized that was probably the case but took the shot on the target hoping it was there (else jacking a round out if I was wrong would have added a reload) and got a click. second SLR was perfect. Need to practice those.

    Shot only 86% of the points.

    I'm very glad I got this match in.... I was VERY rusty not doing any shooting for 5 months. Each stage got better, and I felt more in control of the gun and my calling improved. I left on a high note and feel much more prepared than had I showed up for the IN prod/ss/rev w/o this match practice.


  6. That would be great, Bob. I had been debating on heading down there... That seals it. Shoot me an email with where/when to meet you guys.



  7. Got a couple,hundred rds of live fire in yesterday! First time shooting the Glock in a few months. Had gotten a few rounds throught the 642 over winter but that's it.

    Recoil control and timing started off rough, but got better by the end. Started off with a reduced timing drill @ 10 yds. Group with .5s splits was solid, but opened WAY up at .25 splits. Lots of vertical stringing. Got better control of it by the end.

    2R2 was right at 2.6 pretty consistent. A little slow, but was happy that I only saw a couple hundredth variation. Draws and reloads right at 1.1, .2 splits. Calling As. Lots of room for improvement...

    Shot a 25yd group freestyle, 5rnds 3-1/8". Right where I was last yr. groups SH and WH were solid, but slow, need to improve SH/WH recoil control.

    Last yr my grip was off... Too high on the gun keeping it from locking open. It seems I cured that in dryfire, I had no instances where it didn't lock back, and I purposely kept minimal rounds in the gun to make it lock as much as possible.

    Did a few wide transitions... Started off too tense resulting in over swinging and not settling on target, and poor timing of breaking the shot... By the second mag I was settling in doing it right.

    No real movement practice, range still had 12" of snow/ice, and I was trying to keep my brass on my tarp so I didn't have to go digging it out of the snow....

    5 mo w. No live fire and minimal dryfire is looking like a mistake... Hopefully get one more practice and maybe a match in before the IN SS/prod/rev match. Not expecting a stellar performance at that match, I was too lazy over winter....


  8. I'd be ok w/ never seeing another scoresheet w/ a "B" column in it, and just having to explain the historic significance of the "B" on the cardboard to newbs...

    But what would we do for 3-Gun; in Time-Plus scoring, the B-zone is scored the same as the A-zone. You pistol boys always think the world revolves around you. :roflol:

    Why would it make a difference? In the pistol rules say the B=C. In the MG rules say the B=A. Then score appropriately....


  9. now if only we could separate that last sentence currently in 9.1.4 into it's own rule and drop the leading clause.

    9.x.x B-zone and C-zone hits shall be considered one and the same.

    I'd be ok w/ never seeing another scoresheet w/ a "B" column in it, and just having to explain the historic significance of the "B" on the cardboard to newbs...


  10. For motorcycles, put a big bass speaker magnet on the bottom. That activates the loop in the road.

    other tricks that sometimes worked, depending on the bike and sensors...

    - putting the kick stand down

    - shutting the bike off, then restarting (EM field from the starter).


  11. The classification system should be centered around match performance

    Why? again, it's purpose is to lump shooters into skill groups it does a pretty good job of that if you look @ major match scores. If it did any better we wouldn't have to hold the match... just pay the entry fee and see who has the highest % or closest to the class %s.

    there are people who will continue to mess with their classification if possible but they won't mess with their match performance

    "sandbaggers" ARE messing with their match performance if they are tanking classifiers on purpose. Classifiers are part of matches. (That's why I like classifiers in LIIs, LIIIs, it messes w/ those who game the system)

    add a match based one for use in determining prizes at matches ...

    seriously, you don't think people would find a way to game some new system too? You would have people looking at current match scores, realizing they are getting close to whatever magic threshold is set, and throttle their performance to try to end up w/ a trophy or stay in whatever 'bracket' they need to be in for a latter match w/ the bigger prize table, etc.

    gamers gonna game, sandbaggers gonna sandbag, shooters gonna shoot (and not worry about it so much).

    be a shooter.


  12. the purpose of the classification system is to lump shooters into similar skill levels; it's purpose is not intended to correlate to your major match performance. It meets its intended purpose perfectly. If you want to know what % you should expect to shoot against top shooters, go shoot against them, don't just look at your classification % (otherwise, why hold LIIIs, we could just send plaques to the highest % every year).

    People invest WAY to much thought/emotion into the system. If "Bs" are mostly lumped with other "Bs" and "As" are mostly lumped with other "As" then it's working well. Someone "sandbag" and take that class trophy away from you? Well, if the trophy is that important then "if you can't beat them, join them..." applies; except in this case you still have to improve enough to be able to beat them. If you want your skill to stay stagnant and still get trophies, that is just another form of sandbagging.

    Keep improving, forget the rest.


  13. I think it would give a lot of people "free points"

    A lot of people shooting on the edge of control that I see have one on the body and one in the head often. That's kind of reverse rewarding?

    Yes! I was just about to post the same argument. Miss a little and only get 3 points... miss a little more and get 4 points?!

    I think the points system is just fine as it is. ... I would like us to just do away with the "B" zone and make it a "C" zone. Would somewhat speed up scoring and reduce confusion. It's been many years since B zone meant anything. I'd like us to go to the two A zones, a B zone (current C + current B ) and a C zone (current D). Or just let us call the "B" a "C" when calling out scores....

    Too often your going along "2 Alpha, Alpha Charlie, 2 Charlie, Bravo Charlie" ... then you get that "wait, what?!" from the guy writing scores...


    [d'oh, just realized how old this thread is...]

  14. Now that the rules have been posted, I would LOVE to see a version with change tracking enabled! Keep the hardcopies clean and final and even a clean and final version of the pdf. But a pdf showing what's different would be awesome! :)



  15. I used BT for many years. Was always kinda 'meh' about it. Really hate the new modular belt attachments, always crashing my thumb into it when using the DOH.

    Recently tried Ready Tactical, here are my thoughts on it...

    I got a new Ready Tactical DOH for my G34 as a Christmas present. My bladetech DOH mount was cracked, and no repair I tried seem to stick.

    I haven't done any live fire w. This holster, but I don't think live vs dry will affect my opinions.

    The holster is very well made. Some pros:
    - one piece design means very few screws to blackout and come loose; it's also much more rigid than the BT.
    - on a two-layer belt like the CR, it has legal 2" offset from the inside of the inner belt. BT always need heating/bending or shims to make it legal.
    - it fits solidly on the belt, it is the correct width/thickness wo using spacers, it has much less wobble than the BT (especially w. a little extra Velcro added.)
    - the sight channel is tall/wide, and there is no chance of the FS dragging or getting tweaked by the holster. This wasn't a problem w my most recent BT, but was w the one I used for my 92 (often drew to find a plastic shaving clinging to the FS)
    - the retention is awesome, because it's not perfectly molded to the trigger guard, it's more rounded. I can turn the holster upside down and shake it w.o the gun falling out, but I don't have to "snatch" it to draw.
    - belt mount is well rounded and leaves lots of room between the gun and belt, so I haven't jammed my thumb into it yet. The new "modular" nonsense from BT sucks in this area.
    - tension adjustment is toolless

    I haven't hit on any real cons yet, other than I may have to put some locktite on the tension adjustment.

    This will be my recommendation to folks looking for a production holster from now on, unless some unexpected problem shows up.


  16. ok, so if "something better" is coming along, eg an app, that's great! But I think we'll still need a pdf as I'm quite sure not all members have smart phones or tablets. One doesn't preclude the other. And better yet, a pdf could be available TODAY if the actual hardcopy books are in print. The development of "something better" shouldn't shouldn't be a reason to prevent the membership from having access to the rules NOW. The rules can be released, go into effect, and sometime later if an app comes out, hey, cool!

    CTRL+P. That's all I'm asking for..... I don't see why the membership has to wait to see the complete rules


  17. Rule book is at the printer, or was before I went to SHOT. We should be able to do you one better on the electronic version of the rule book. I believe the ETA on it is this spring.

    Am I reading you right that the electronic version has an ETA of this spring? If the book is finalized and at the printer, why can't the electronic version be available TODAY?


  18. As I understand it, they are being mailed to all CRO's and higher at this time. I have not received mine yet though.

    awesome, I'll be checking the mailbox. Would love to have the pdf available, too (ctrl-F much faster than thumbing through...).



  19. I haven't done anything even remotely resembling practice in weeks..... However, I have my 9mm loaded for the 2014 season!

    Kinda sad, I remember when I used to go through 4-5x per year what I do now. :(



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