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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Hi jhshooter, I don't think you would need a new barrel for Open ICORE at all--as long as you find a load that is accurate in your gun, the lighter stock barrel should be a benefit in draws and transitions, and since you'll be running a scope, sight radius is not an issue. If your gun is the 627 model that isn't cut for moonclips, you will want to send the cylinder to TK Custom to get that done, of course. Then get the action slicked up, stick a C-More on it, and you will be good to go! Trust me--everything else the guys do to their Open revolvers is purely for show.
  2. Here's a quick video on custom Hi-Point modifications that is pretty instructive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us7mKJNlm8Y
  3. I'm sure the new 5.25 XDM is very nice, but do you really think it can match the performance of this polymer piece?
  4. Yeah, I don't think there's anything an L-frame .38 Super could do that your 646 couldn't do just as well or better. I consider my 646 to be a really fun gun to shoot now and then.....with minor P.F. loads. For serious competition, when you really do need to make major, the 625 is a much better choice. One other possibility to consider--John Lentz has been campaigning a 646 with a longer/heavier aftermarket barrel, and he's been doing really well with it. I'm sure the extra weight helps make it much more comfortable to shoot.
  5. I hit the extractor with my palm also. I think it's faster than using the left thumb. Anyway, it works for me. I haven't cut nearly as many holes in my palm since I filed down the ends of the extractor rods to de-sharpen them a little. On the occasions when I get a little too aggressive and manage to gouge my hand, I usually just rub some range dirt into the cuts to help stop the bleeding.
  6. I feel your pain. We live out in the country where animals tend to run around pretty freely. In the last couple years I accidentally ran over the neighbors' cat and my wife hit and killed our other neighbors' dog. Both nice animals. Nice neighbors too, and in both cases they were very understanding, but it still tore us up. Both my wife and I lost pets that way as kids, and it's something you don't forget. Sorry, Bro.
  7. WHAAAAT???? That's a ridiculous price. If that's true, Springfield is pulling a gouge job on us big-time. I was pretty pleased to see this gun announced, so I really hope it's just a misprint.
  8. Robot, Sorry that happened. I notice that you shoot with a fairly extreme "high thumbs" grip style, which requires you to open up your right hand pretty substantially just to get your support hand in and out of there. At the point where you open up your hand, the gun is supported pretty loosely. Once you're looking for it, you can see it on all your reloads. You may want to experiment with modifying your grip to a style that will allow you to retain a stronger and surer grip on the gun as the left hand comes off. Put a bit less delicately--if a mere band-aid is enough to pull the gun from your grasp, you ain't grasping it hard enough! (Your grip works well when shooting, though--it's obvious you have good recoil control.) Others will benefit from your experience. Thanks for being brave enough to post it.
  9. What it is with all these crazy blonde schoolteachers these days?
  10. I would like to see the results. Anybody have a link?
  11. OK, but I'm spelling it Dremochlogy. (The c and the h are silent.)
  12. Already been there--Sam's my youngest! But it won't be too bad--both kids will be going to school in the same town, which is less than 100 (but more than 50!) miles from home.
  13. Thanks Bro! Anytime I manage to shoot in the 90s against Jerry I can be happy.
  14. That's exactly what I thought of when I saw this thread! Classic scene!
  15. Great responses guys--thanks! I took Gregg's suggestion and (through the application of highly advanced dremological science) made a surprisingly nice shim from a .011" feeler gauge. Not only did I install it in the gun, but I even had enough time before dark to go out back and shoot 50 rounds of .44 Russian through it. It now has virtually no endshake, the headspace is finally correct, and the gun functions perfectly--notwithstanding the fact that it's about 125 years old! There's just nothing quite like redneck ingenuity!
  16. You're worried about four one-hundredths difference in OAL? You may need to look into a prescription for Anafranil! The actual answer to your question: You'll never know the difference.
  17. Great thread topic! I'm just now heading home to pick up Sam and head to the Ames steel match. He's 18 now and heading off to college in the fall. We've been shooting together since 2004.
  18. I need some endshake bearings/shims that are big enough to work for a top-break S&W .44 DA. I think these will need to be bigger than anything Power sells. I doubt that Power makes the bearings in-house. Somebody out there has to be making them for various uses, in various sizes. Right? Can anybody point me to a source?
  19. Yeah, I've been to quite a few matches, and this one was VERY well done. I want to sincerely thank all my friends who put this thing together and ran it. Nice job, everybody.
  20. Yeah Nick, now that you're 28 years old and starting to slow down a little, you should probably choose the two-day format from here on out. Great shooting with all the wheels on Squad 305! From 8 in the morning to 8 at night, it was a total blast!
  21. I'm definitely in! Already send in my form. Signed up for Production again! Always love shooting with those crazy bastards from ENGC!
  22. With the lights they used at PASA for the SSN, you couldn't adjust the lanyard. Maybe the lanyard can be laced through the fingers for the cigar hold. I'm not sure. The actual shooting in the dark house is not the problem. The thing that really matters is being able to complete a revolver reload with the flashlight in the hand.
  23. Just remember to push the flashlight button until it fully clicks on. Seems obvious, but on the dark house stage at the Single Stack Nats, I somehow failed to fully click the light on, and when I reached for my reload, everything went pitch black in there. Reloading a revo while juggling a flashlight can be a challenge. Tom, with regard to your suggestion to just let the flashlight dangle from the wrist lanyard....have you actually tried that in the dark house at PASA? Makes sense to me, but I ask because Sam actually tried doing that at the Single Stack, and afterwards he said it didn't work well and was definitely not the way to go (at least for him). The other thing to keep in mind is they always have at least one or two targets partially blocked by no-shoots in the dark house. If you're planning on blazing through there, one-handing them in partial darkness, better keep the locations of the no-shoot targets firmly in mind.
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