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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Good suggestions, Dean. Sorta what I was thinking too. We will probably not have a major prize table. ICORE will give us some support, which we will certainly pass along, but I suspect we will keep it mostly plaques for the main match, and price it accordingly. I would envision handling the awards/prizes on Saturday after the main match is done. If we have a shoot-off or steel match on Sunday (none of this is written in stone--we're in the early planning stages), we will probably do some sort of cash pay-back for that. Keep the ideas flowing. This thing is whatever we decide to make it!
  2. Handguns can be legally shipped via USPSA, but there must be an FFL on both ends of the transaction.
  3. Good question--I'm really not sure yet. I'm thinking this will probably be a one-day match, to be shot on Saturday July 5. Maybe we could have an optional shoot-off on Sunday morning, kinda like they do at the IRC. I'm open to suggestions! What would you guys like to do?
  4. Recently I have received multiple emails and PMs from people who are newly interested in Revo. I'm lending equipment to new Revo shooters, etc. There is plenty of buzz right now. Let's just hope it sticks.
  5. Sorry about this guys, but we have changed the date of the ICORE Midwest Regional to July 5-6, 2014 at Ankeny, IA. Please change the date in your respective calendars. (Moderators, if you will remove the incorrect dates from post #1 of this thread, that might save some confusion. Thanks.)
  6. Kimbertarget, I'm curious.....where do you categorize Springfield Armory 1911s in your hierarchy of pistol quality? Next question.....you seem to disfavor guns with MIM parts.....what do you think of Kimber 1911s? (I'm assuming from your BE handle that you're a big fan.....but then again, sometimes people assume from my handle that I'm a banker who writes auto loans.)
  7. My recommendation: Just shoot the classifier stages like you would shoot stages in any other match, and don't worry about it. Focus on improving to the point where you are a contender to win the division at every match you attend. That is what matters.
  8. I really wish the moderators would apply the rules consistently. There are numerous lawyers here who are valuable members of this forum and honorable people in general, and should not be subjected to these bigoted remarks from stupid, short-sighted idiots.
  9. It would affect less people to get rid of revolver division then the classifiers Revolver shooters wanted to add 8 shots, let them deal with the mess they have created. Not all revolver shooters wanted it. The rules have been changed, now they need to make sure it works. Other wise they should have left well enough alone. Exactly, not all REVO shooters wanted it, Jerry did, and he got it, and surprise surprise, he has a new gun out by S&W made JUST FOR THIS, what an amazing coincidence!! Sorry guys, hate me for it, but someone had to say what many are thinking. I'm all about Capitalism, but this was just a stupid move that never had to be done. We REVO guys, and gals, never bothered anyone, we pay our fees, work matches, RO, and everything else. Revolvers are the ONLY guns that can be legally shot in 5 of the 6 Divisions in USPSA (can't in SS) so to say there was no where to shoot a 7 or 8 shot revo is pure BS. Just my humble opinion, be SAFE, have FUN and support all shooters. John, you've been spending too much time listening to Cliff! Despite what you guys think, Jerry didn't have a whole lot to do with the rule change. You were sitting there when Cliff bet me the dollar--who was right about that? ;-) Seriously, it's a done deal now, and most of us think it was a really good move! We will soon know if the rule change is enough to save a dying division. None of this classifier discussion matters if there are only a tiny handful of shooters who bother to shoot the wheels. Hopefully we will see a nice increase in participation. That is....what you guys....want.....isn't it?
  10. Blue loctite is what you want. Be sure to thoroughly chrono your ammo--you don't want to go sub-minor.
  11. Great advice from thermo and 343.
  12. At least an extra hundred rounds would be a good idea. Don't worry too much about parts. I will have stuff with me, including an extra gun. Just make sure your primers are well-seated, just in case.
  13. We were all shooting for second place, of course. Jerry always won! These days, there are several shooters who are capable of giving Jerry a serious run for his money--Matt, Rich, Josh, Dave, Nils if he practices, and maybe this new guy from Arizona named Rob. Fun times!
  14. Since Area 3 went to Grand Island, it has been one of the most revo-unfriendly matches in the known universe--nothing but 32-round stages and all kinds of carnival craziness. The last time I shot the wheel out there was in 2011, I finished a little over 50%. (I'm a Master in Revolver Division, but there are only a handful of Revo GMs who can consistently beat me.) This year I am looking forward to shooting Area 3 with my 627!
  15. I almost forgot--I'm also shooting the Western States Revolver Championship (and the Western States Single Stack Championship) at Rio Salado in March! Already signed up. Gonna bring two other new Iowa wheelgunners along with me!
  16. As many of you know, after years of campaigning the wheel at major matches around the U.S., I have mostly been shooting other divisions the past couple years. But I have decided that 2014 is the "Year of the Revo" and it's time to get back to some serious roundgunning! I'm going to break out my 627 on February 1 (the very first day it will be legal in USPSA Revolver Division!) for the WIIT indoor championship in Rockford, IL. This will be a nice early warm-up for Revolver Nationals, although I think I will probably be shooting the 625 at PASA Park in May. I also took a few minutes to sign up for Revolver Division at both Area 3 (Grand Island, NE) and Area 5 (Barry, IL). This is just a start, by the way--I plan to shoot many more major matches this year. I want to encourage all my revolver friends out there, plus the new folks who are just getting involved with the wheel, to get signed up for these bigger matches. For those of you attending Area 3 or Area 5, be sure to jump on my squad--we'll have a blast! This is our big opportunity to show the USPSA Board of Directors that they are doing the right thing by keeping Revolver as a separate division, and encouraging more involvement by liberalizing our equipment rules. Who's with me??
  17. I think the point of this thread is not to rehash the whole debate, but to point out that there already seems to be some tangible positive movement created by the rule change being implemented.
  18. Isn't there a problem created by cylinder throats that are too tight? Don't throats that are too tight squeeze the bullet down to even smaller diameter, preventing proper engagement of the rifling if the internal barrel diameter is already a litlte oversized to begin with? Does everybody remember Doug's .38 shortened cylinder conversion that looked like an oversized starter pistol? That gun had the cylinder throats literally cut completely away, and yet the gun performed fine (although not necessarily better than a standard 627-5, as I recall). In my opinion, the real issue is to have a barrel that is properly sized for the projectiles being sent down the tube. Shooting .355 bullets from a .357 barrel is never going to be optimal.
  19. From all the buzz, I'm really getting the feeling that the rule change is indeed going to add a significant number of shooters to Revolver Division. Awesome!
  20. Great observations, Matt. I agree 100%.
  21. Cool! This is the beauty of the 929 concept--to attract shooters to Revo Division who are already shooting a 9mm in a different platform and can benefit from the ammo interchangability.
  22. Yeah......I know it seems that the difference between 4" and 5" is not enough to matter, but for whatever reason it seems to matter. Not totally sure if it's the sight radius, the bit of extra weight, the slightly more muzzle-heavy balance, or what. Back when we were pretty much all shooting 5" 625s at Nationals, Keith Ulfers was pretty much the lone hold-out with his 4" gun. But eventually even Keith gave up on the 4" tube and went with the 5" 625. In the 6-shot .45 ACP format, I personally find the 6.5" regular barrel to handle about the same as the 5" full underlug guns. In the 8-shot .38 format, I can't really tell much difference in handling between my 5" slad-sided 627PC and my 6.5" skinny-barreled 27-7.
  23. Yeah, plus if you're planning to shoot USPSA matches with it, you really want enough power to reliably take down the various types of steel poppers you will encounter, even if they're set a little heavier than they should be, right? I'm perfectly OK with 132-135 p.f. minor loads, and maybe even a little more. Those who insist on running a pet load that barely makes minor p.f. are asking for trouble!
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