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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. I think he'll be an M by Nationals!
  2. IDPA is not a revolver-friendly zone these days..... I'd say just have Randy do the action, leave the barrel alone, and then you'll have two ideal IPSC revolvers (you need a back-up anyway, right?) I personally like long-barreled guns, but if you're going to do that, you might as well start on a 6.5" 25-2. A non-factory-configuration barrel would not be legal for USPSA, if I remember the rules correctly. Good luck! Nice problem to have! Mike
  3. He made golf-cart plans with a non-revo buddy, so he switched over to Squad 5.
  4. I worked up a major load for my 646 before I decided to let my son use that gun (and at age 12 he's better off shooting minor): 185-gr. Lasercast RN, 4.3 gr. of TG = 937 fps (ave) over my chrono for 173 p.f. Regular Federal primers, obviously. Worked just fine for me. Mike
  5. She can take Hopalong's empty spot on the revolver super squad!
  6. You know how Jerry Lewis is so insanely popular in France? Well, it's exactly the same for Cliff Walsh in Ecuador. They call him simply..................."El Conquistador."
  7. Welcome back, Ken. Sounds like your story is somewhat similar to mine. I returned to competitive handgunning last year after a 9-year "vacation." Back in the old days I was never a serious IPSC shooter, actually shot only a few local matches, but I was big into shooting pins and steel (mostly pins). I am having a blast learning how to do all sorts of new stuff (such as the draw, the speed reload, shooting on the move, stage break-down, etc.) that is required in IPSC, and although I have guns suitable for several other divisions, I've always preferred shooting revolvers and single-stack 1911s. Getting to your question--it's come up here on the forum before, and people have differing opinions, but I'm fairly certain that the high hit factors USPSA uses for the revolver division are not true hit factors, but merely some percentage off those used in Limited, or something like that. On the classifiers that are 6-round neutral, they're not too far off the mark. On the classifiers where an extra reload is forced on revo shooters (quite a few of those in the new 03- series, I've noticed), the high hit factors appear to be too high to be realistic. On at least one occasion a few months back, I figured out the high hit factor, it seemed ridiculously fast to the point of being impossible, I got on the forum here and said "c'mon, even Jerry can't do that," and I received no argument. One thing I have learned this past year--there are usually nowhere near enough revolvers at any match to have the classification thing really become meaningful. If you're shooting Limited and you're a B, you can usually do great battle with all the other Limited B shooters at a sectional or area match, shoot for the prize or plaque or whatever. In revo, the only way to have meaningful competition is just to realize you're shooting heads-up against everybody else with a wheelgun. Sam Keen (Hopalong) told me this last fall, and I've come to agree completely. So I would give you the same advice he gave me--just shoot your best, don't worry about the class thing, since it won't really matter in the long run. Whereabouts do you shoot? Mike
  8. I want to be the first to congratulate my friend Sam Keen, our very own Hopalong, on achieving a goal only a few guys have managed to pull off in the history of this sport--attaining the rank of true Master in USPSA's revolver division. It's not official yet, but Hop's very fine performance on classifier 99-33 at the 2005 Ohio Sectional Match (which will always be known affectionately by us wheelgunners as the "1st Annual ORC") should put him over 85% once the scores get transmitted to Sedro. What's even more impressive is the fact that this 8-round stage is definitely NOT a revolver-friendly classifier. What an accomplishment! Great job Sam! Mike P.S. Dan, we finally got him classed where he belongs, but it took a section match to do it!
  9. Sam's Dad shooting weak-handed from the shaky bridge ("we're gonna need some black pasters down here....")
  10. Here's Sunday's revolver squad: L-R: Fred Peters, Dennis Smith, Craig Russell (funny-looking revolver...), Patrick Sweeney, Sam Carmoney, Mike Carmoney Great guys--fun time!
  11. Great match--stages, ROs and staff, facilities, fellow squad members--everything was first rate! Sam and I really enjoyed ourselves. Congratulations to Patrick Sweeney for his division victory at the ORC! I would love to see this many wheelguns begin to show up at more and more matches--now that we have some momentum underway, let's keep in going! Congratulations to the other division winners, also. Flex and Mr. A: Nice job, and thanks for having us! Mike
  12. I've shot with and against Jerry off and on for more than 15 years. He is beatable when he pushes the speed over the edge and gets raggedy. But over the course of most matches, and certainly over the course of his shooting career, he just absolutely dominates the competition. Every now and then in USPSA Open/Limited, and in Steel Challenge, some young kid emerges from nowhere with amazing reflexes and enough pure talent to challenge even the top pro shooters. In revo, we are all shooting for second place if he's around. I am really glad he's such a nice guy! Mike
  13. Judas Priest, that Jerry is just amazing. He takes these guys like Vic and Jason, great shooters in their own right, and just stomps the living crap out of them. Every single time. And by huge margins. I would say that he's Ed McGivern reincarnated, except Jerry can do so much more than Ed ever could on his best days......
  14. Where can we find full results?
  15. If we're sitting at 19 confirmed shooters, we literally need to find ANYBODY with a USPSA number and strap a wheelgun on him/her.
  16. Dan, I just checked Hopalong's stats, and you know what I think?? I think we don't have to tolerate that kind of trash talk from a guy who's sitting less than 1% away from Revo Master and conveniently bombed an easy classifier two Sundays ago!! That's what I think! Mike
  17. An old picture can speak a thousand words....
  18. I'm gonna part company with my buddy DougC and everybody else who shoots on "Team Loctite." In my view, the best competition revolvers have springs that are set to the correct tension (by replacing, bending, or shaving them) with strain screws that are fully tightened all the way down. Relying on loctite to hold the strain screw in the correct place is an inherently unreliable proposition. Mike
  19. Debbie James, Suzan Cooper(?), Christie Rogers.
  20. Go get 'em Sam! Hope somebody shows up to give you a good race.
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