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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. My impression has always been that the Speed Rock entails levering yourself backward, to bring rounds fired from the hip up into your opponent's center mass. What Tom Cruise does in Collateral looks to me like firing from the retention position, with the gun much higher, and his body posture much further forward, than a Speed Rock. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Cooper said: "This is the gunslinger's position, so called because it is the fastest way to get off a shot and because most practitioners rock the body slightly backward by bending the knees in order to start the barrel up toward level even before the weapon clears leather. In the rock, as used by a man (not a blank-shooter) who must hit a target--the grip is naturally one-handed, but the wrist and forearm are solidly locked. The pistol is pointed at belt level and fired as it lines up . . . it is a most comforting skill to acquire." --Complete Book of Shooting, 1965
  2. and besides that.... Don't y'all guys ever work??
  3. Of course, I meant I've been using those Millett sights for 1.5+ years...... I musta left out the little period....'cause I know I'm just a beginner.
  4. Yep, Dave, we absotively remember you--it'll be good to see you out here again--Doug told me awhile back that you were signed up! Breakfast at the crik has been a Sunday morning tradition since the late '60s.... (and it's my kind of religion, know what I mean??)
  5. Sam has one on his 646, but there are two things I don't like about the Weigand blade: (1) the exact problem you described, and (2) it's aluminum, so once the edges turn silver it can't be cold-blued back to black. I've been a big fan of the Millett rear sight assembly, and have used them on most of my competition revos for 15+ years. Great product. Mike
  6. C'mon now, Mr. Clean, you know I've only been playing this ipsick game for a year! You and Cliff and Dan all saw how slow and fumbly I shot down in Florida....I am only a beginner, so get off my AZZ!!
  7. Sam, one of those Bs just became an A. Congratulations, Keith!!
  8. First he leaves the Revo Super Squad......now he's dropping names......(sigh)......
  9. Looks like maybe they only count the revolver percentage for the area matches if Jerry's there. It appears that only those competing at A6 have received the "presidential treatment" so far this year....
  10. Cliff, we changed our plans and bailed out of the Ice House....we're staying at one of the motels up the road in Quincy (Comfort Inn, I think). It works better for us for several logistical reasons (not the least of which is the fact that no breakfast seems to be available in Barry, except a microwaved burrito from the Shell station). However, we would enjoy hanging out with "team revo." We're not driving over until Sunday AM, so I'd vote we get together for some refreshment after the match Tuesday evening. I believe the first round is on the new master.... Mike
  11. Definitely gonna slow us all down....won't be like Steel Challenge or pins, where you get to throw out every fifth or sixth run!! Should be interesting.
  12. OK, now I feel pretty silly. The classifiers from the OH match didn't show up this month, and so we're going to have to wait awhile before we officially congratulate Hopalong for making Master. Sorry about that Sam, I got a little too excited for you and jumped the buzzer. It's just a matter of time, though.... Meanwhile, there is another revo forum regular who just proceeded to carefully and stealthily make Master right under our very noses. And it's right there on the website--El Conquistador!! Cliff, congratulations. In looking through some old match results online, I happened to come across a match from March of '04--at that time Cliff and Sam were both C-class shooters. Goes to show the kind of quick progress you can make with some talent and effort. Only a few days before the big show. See you both there, guys. Mike
  13. How about junior revolver?? I predict Sam C. will take it!
  14. Dave, wait until you see this range.....it's way down in the holler where the hoot-owls $%^& the chickens. If you turn your electronic muffs up far enough, you can sometimes hear the banjo music floating in from down yonder across the river. I was surprised to see that Doug's directions didn't include the phrase "shanty town," as that is how he normally describes the cluster of shacks up where you turn off the main road. The stats building is up on cinder blocks. Please, please don't judge all of Iowa based on the Lowell range, OK? (Despite all that, and no I'm not kidding about any of the above, it's actually a pretty good place to shoot, and I know the boys have been putting in a lot of effort to get things ready for the Big Dawg match. I'm sure it will be a great time!) I'm shooting my 627 in limited. Sam's shooting Doug's 627 .38 Super in limited. With holes cut through some of the friggin' plates, we're not about to try 6-shooters! (I'm seriously wondering whether 8 will be enough, especially with no throw-aways...) See you there, Mike
  15. Gunny: Sure it's not just the gun warming up? Every time my 625 has been shot over a match chrono this year (all double-action), the first couple shots are lower in velocity than the next couple shots. I'm shooting 4.1 gr. of Clays and a 230-gr. RNL, I just figured Clays shoots a little faster out of a warm gun. Mike P.S. Love the new avatar with your photo on it....
  16. Dave, what kind of gun are you shooting at the BIG DAWG? Mike
  17. I've heard it said that when you're shooting a revolver, they're ALL Virginia-count stages.
  18. Point of reference: The SAAMI pressure spec for .38 Super +P is 36,500 psi. The SAAMI pressure spec for 9mm +P is 38,500 psi. There are obviously many more variables, but if Leatham is making major with the WW Ranger +P stuff (which is undoubtedly under that 38,500 psi threshold), that shows you can do it without a "huge amount of pressure." Mike
  19. He's even got a theme song: mr_clean_x.wav
  20. Thanks Dave!! I'm happy to report that while I didn't win anything in the drawing, Sam's lucky ticket won a Caspian 1911 frame. That, along with the Briley barrel he got off the prize table last year at the Steel Challenge, will make the beginnings of a nice single-stack pistol for him. (Not a revolver, admittedly, but still "old school" as Hopalong would say...) Anyway, we all know John B. was the real winner of Area 3, although I'm pretty happy having the area title and a nice plaque to prove it. By the way, Sam picked up one of your nice hand-made moon caddies off the prize table--thanks for donating it to the cause. Are you shooting the Great Plains Sectional match in Omaha in Sept.? I'd like to try to get enough wheelgunners there to have a good race again, like we did at the Sunflower. Take care, thanks for the good mojo! Mike
  21. Dave, Cliff is young, but not so young as to keep him from already becoming a household name in the nation of Ecuador. Mike
  22. what does B.R.T. stand for? how did his six-shooter break? and, why didn't he finish the match with his back-up gun? (or somebody else's?)
  23. Sorry fellas, they're only gonna let you shoot one gun at an area match. Mike
  24. Sounds like ol' Jerry's gonna be tired and worn-out. So take it easy on him, OK Cliff?
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