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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. this REALLY pisses me off. I need spare parts some times to repair VCR's or cassette decks. I call a repair shop and ask: "Do you have a square rubber drive belt, 16" inside diameter that is .080" thick?" This is the info that is printed at the top of the package the belt comes in. Answer: "We have some belts but you would have to come over and see if we have the one you want." Translation: "I am so f---ing lazy, I won't walk five feet and look and see if we have the part you need, but if you drive across town to come here, I will look then and tell you we don't have it."
  2. That's the secret. The "round" side of the guide rod has to face the barrel when the rod/spring/plug assembly are going in or out. And the barrel link has to be upright (rearward).
  3. And having to eat the $$$ for sending the defective part back for the priveledge of having them send you the replacement. Ruger has been great on bad parts: they send them out no questions asked. I posted a complaint about my Para extractor, and a guy from Para offered to send me one (that was nice of him). But sending my Para in for warranty repairs cost me about $58 in shipping. I guess I shouldn't complain.... I read that Para no longer offers the warranty, so I would have eaten a lot more if my gun wasn't covered. STI sent me some sight pins for the "Bomar clone" rear sight that shears pins off with no questions asked.
  4. bountyhunter


    This is the ONLY thing I still have left over from my earlier asthma days--the propensity for a mere headcold turning into a life-threatening, lengthy, pneumoniac bronchial infection! Other people get "colds"--I get "death" on a stick! Fortunately I actually DON'T get colds much at all any more... thank god. I have two words for you; STEAM TENT. (not a cold humidifier, a hot steam vaporizer in a confined area). My father was a chain smoker and I am allergic to cigarettes. I had bronchitis/pneumonia 5 - 6 times a year starting at about age two. I have asthma now, not too bad. A lot of lung damage left over. Put a warm staem vaporizer next to you while you watch TV. Put one by your bed at night. It will greatly relax bronchial tubes without drugs and also reuce inflammation. Most important, it liquifies mucous to keep it from standing around long enough for an infection to breed. good luck.
  5. I measure it with my scores. The only mode where I close the left eye is iron sights bullseye shooting using the 6 'O clock sighting (blade touches the bottom of the black circle). No advantage to the second eye there because the target circle and sight blades are so easily seen. In most other situations, the second eye improves sighting visibilty.
  6. Use the bench to get it really close and then shoot a bunch freehand. I see slight differences (especially in revos) with POI because the recoil absorbtion of my hands/arms/elbows laying on the wooden cross brace is not the same as when I am free standing in a two-hand hold. Bottom line is to fine tune the sights how and where you will be shooting the gun. I even see slight differences between the dark range (bad lighting) and the well lit one.
  7. But not nearly as tender as Baby Harp Seal (also known as the "veal of the sea").
  8. Been there, done that on the sight pins. The permanent cure for sight pin breakage: go to Home Depot with your calipers and you will find a bright steel finishing nail maybe a thousandth thicker than those brittle steel pins. You have to file the center "groove" in the nail where the internal sping snaps in. You also may have to leave the pin a shade long and taper one end to help install (that taper will push the spring over and let it snap into the groove). A couple of hours work for a bulletproof solution.
  9. A young man came home very happy and told his father he had met the girl of his dreams. His father asked who she was, and his son told him. The man then told his son he would have to stop dating her because he had an affair with the girl's mother and so he couldn't be sure the girl was not his daughter. The son was broken hearted because he really loved her. later that day, his mother asked her son what was wrong and he explained it all to her. She smiled and told him to go ahead and date the girl. The son asked, "But, what if the girl is Dad's daughter?" "No problem. " the mother replied. "He's not really your father."
  10. The CMC mags feed a shade "iffy" on the top round or two if you don't "load long" and just shoot factory .40 ammo. I use them with my .40, but that top round will sometimes nosedive into the ramp on a full mag (not usually, but the feeding isn't 100%). FWIW, a ten round .45 mag will hold 11 rounds of .40 but won't feed the 11th round off a full mag without a nosedive into the ramp.
  11. The STI Trojan comes in .40 (I have one). About $1500 worth of gun for about $900 (check dawson Precision).
  12. Try the Ruger forum. http://www.rugerforum.com/
  13. Whoa! The motorcycle I commute to work on is older than that.... seriously! 1979 Kawasaki. I feel old.
  14. Ditto, even a tiny amount of crud in the firing pin channel can put sufficient drag onto the pin to cause a light strike misfire. On my guns, I take the slide off and use spay acetone cleaner and just hose it straight into the FP hole in the breech face until it pours out underneath. I have done that on many autos and even when I didn't detail clean for many thousands of rounds, the channel was free of crud and required almost no cleaning (a quick swab with a Q-tip).
  15. Unless they can shoot the gun for you and do reloads, I am not sure what glasses could do that would make them worth $1200. Get some sturdy frames with large lenses and have your lenses made out of polycarbonate (which is what shooting lenses are made from) and you are good to go. Should be able to make it fly for maybe $300 or less.
  16. At a certain (OLD) age you will no longer be able to see the front sight when wearing full distance scrip glasses which are what you need for shooting red dot. You will need two different pairs of shooting glasses, one will need a "closer focus" scrip for the dom eye to be able to see the front sight. BTW, a Meritt optical sighter helps us old goats see better.
  17. I got the same thing when I tried to block my dominant eye and re-train to the other eye which has better vision (and can still focus on the front sight with full distance prescription glasses). I got headaches and my eyes would twitch and refuse to focus. Gave up, use the same dominant eye and live with the crappy vision.
  18. But for us nearsighted guys, the question is, how much to take off the distance scrip? I have found the best results when they take JUST ENOUGH off the far sight scrip power so that you can just comfortably focus on the front sight at normal sighting distance. In other words, this is NOT your reading glasses prescription because you would not be able to see the text comfortably at reading distance, but you can focus at sighting distance. You can take a business card to the eye doctor and hold it as if it were the front sight and see if you can see the fine print sharply focused. YMMV, that's what works best for me.
  19. Anybody know when SA is going to actually build the version of the XD I saw in their catalog which had the ADJ sights and the lightened trigger? I called SA a couple of months back and it was a "I dunno" answer. The lady said the custome shop keeps saying they will build them and just keep moving the date out every six months. I would like one of those guns.
  20. The only part you NEVER lube in the top end is the firing pin or the firing pin channel.
  21. Yeah, I know how. It's smarter just to buy a new gun. I like my Beretta but they definitely went nuts designing all those safeties into the slide. The Beretta Forum has some real experts,
  22. Those parts are not necessarily interchangeable. The cracked slide stop and broken link both point to the same problem (IMO, the barrel is not fitted correctly). Dropping in a longer link from your SA may make the slide stop go in easier but you could be grinding off the edges of the upper barrel lugs. The link is a part of the fitment of the barrel to make it link up and down properly so it engages the lugs into the slide slots as it should. Changing the length of the link at random can cause problems. Keep an eye on the upper barrel lugs and make sure they are not rounding over at the edges. If they do, eventually the barrel will be destroyed.
  23. Rogert: I recognize the picture you posted: it is the stock sight that goes on my CZ-85 Combat that comes with adjustable sights. I would wager that is the only adjustable sight a CZ dealer would stock for them.
  24. Yes, and Plaxco calls it "indirect sighting". I call it target focus because that term is inherently obvious in its meaning.
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