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Everything posted by Less

  1. Are you flinching/pulling the trigger consistently? If you put a random snap cap in a 5 round group, would you yank the gun?
  2. Right-o. Looking at vids of Eric doing this, things are pretty specific. The reload is done within a few steps of the movement, with the movement being prioritized, except when moving to the "rear/away" quadrant (righty moving straight to the left or righty moving back to the left) and then it favors the split load. I dunno what Ben does in those situations...
  3. I think what is left out (and I think largely because of the format) is the "how" and "when" to be effective at moving reloads... E.g. If the distance is short, like ~3 feet, then it is really more like a static reload Also, I'm convinced that there is more to it than "start moving your feet and get it done along the way..."
  4. Like Kozy, trying to keep up with Scott... Or is that the other way around? Seems like it depends on the day. Lately he has been schooling my ass. That stops this weekend. I miss racing Kozy... Makes life tough for a production shooter...
  5. Like Kozy, trying to keep up with Scott... Or is that the other way around?
  6. That's the nice thing about this split-load: The body is pivoting, so it is actually pretty easy to seat the magazine... It reduces risk with a production gun (no magwell ) Good analysis, but I wonder if this is really a valid comparison: What we should really be comparing is the time of split-reload to a reload-then-move scenario. I suspect in that case, assuming that I serialize .4 seconds for the reload/rolling out of the movement and gain .2 from speeding up the entry, I'd still be .2 behind the time of the current reload: 3.43s. That's an additional 5%... I'll put that on the timer and see how that pans out. (I should disclose that my reloads are not all that great... I have great trouble with a standing sub-second reload.) I get what you're saying - It seems like forever to aim and launch that shot, especially in slow motion - but I'm trying to work on ensuring the hit. I def. need to work on speeding up that process, but the focus has been on good movement out of position lately. I'll swing back towards getting more cavalier on the sights come May/June. Regardless, good discussions - I think we'll continue to disagree, but hopefully other people reading are getting informed.
  7. Just thought it be interesting to pop this up here... Got some footage of retreating reload/movement and put it on Coachseye software.. .16s difference to a tough ~15 yard mini...
  8. That sucks for you... On the other hand 10 new hi-capacity magazines showed up via the mail for me yesterday!
  9. +1 if you can shoot at a cadence (you know, for the sake of the drill) like ~1/3 to 1/2 seconds it helps... just go consistently and keep capping... Good luck, man...
  10. Video is private. Fixed that now... (Unlisted)
  11. This might help? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0lcy8FNpx4
  12. https://www.cdnnsports.com/beretta-9...-magazine.html
  13. But I guess that is the crux of the issue - how do you move hard and reload the gun when coming backwards? The act of initiating the movement necessitates moving away from the gun... Anyway, I think Goldilocks is right: 3 GM's with different takes - I think we're just going to be different in our approach here. Interesting dicussion - I hope folks reading try out a variety of things.
  14. If I have to retreat, and then do something else (like move sideways or around something and then forward again), I found a noticeable reduction in time by delaying the insertion of the mag until the rearward movement was completed. If you have to shoot immediately upon finishing the rearward movement, then it seemed like a wash. Specifically talking about moving away from the dominant shooting hand (righty moving "left" or "back left"). Let's assume movement is ~10' away, so nothing that is just essentially a standing reload. In our case, the options are binary: 1.) Reload then move. 2.) Split the load. Option 1 serializes the time. Option 2 is more complex. Allows you to keep moving. When beginning the rotation to face back towards the targets, that moment where you pivot becomes the moment where you can seat the magazine. It is dead time. Performing the seating there is smart - there is not a lot of motion of the gun, etc.
  15. Have you timed it both ways? Just curious what difference you found...
  16. I think that when movement is long enough, being able to split the load can help. I think it can save easily .5-1 second over reload-then-move scenario in this particular case. I think you're correct that it is tougher to do, but I'm just focusing on the time aspect here... I dunno ... this guy seems to be pretty sorted out - he's got his momentum going and it seems the split load worked well for him. Check 20 seconds in... https://www.facebook.com/148282375201268/videos/1081787421850754/ Funny thing is he seems to do this regularly when the occasion presents... https://www.facebook.com/148282375201268/videos/622380041124830/
  17. I dunno... Imagine the scenario of moving from front to back, for a right handed shooter, turning away from the gun. That means, the shooter would have to standing reload before really getting outta there... I think there is value, in that specific case, to eject the mag, grab the fresh magazine and begin the movement - all at the same time. The shooter needs to pivot to face downrange when they get to where they're going. It is at that point that the shooter can finish the seating, etc.
  18. What is your take on moving at goofy angle, not conducive to the reload? E.g. righty moving uprange and to the back left?
  19. I think it depends if you're a righty or a lefty. If you're a righty, you can reload right away. If you're a lefty, you'll need to break up the reload into two sections: move-eject-grab, then once you clean the wall, pivot-seat-grip... Breaking up the reload on goofy oblique movement doesn't add more than .1-.2 s since you're eating the time pivoting on some goofy angles anyway... Here's a boring video of me trying to sort this out... I start movement a bit late.
  20. Seems Beretta is making the extended release again. This is the extended release with the small, round button... http://www.berettausa.com/en-us/beretta-92-96-steel-oversize-catch-mag-assy-black-/ud8a0203/
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