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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. Thanks for the comments guys. Micah, I don't know if you know this, but Production is where I started. I'm thinking about going back to my roots after the Michigan match until around February and then making a run at the Single Stack title. Writing this book is really putting all the information I know in a new light.
  2. The Reload - Production Style Well here it is. This is literally my first time touching this gun in over a year. Had to search for mag pouches and a holster and put them on an old belt. Technique is extremely rough.
  3. I'm not there but that sounds like a loser to me. Unless there is an extremely high risk factor, taking the targets while carrying the briefcase is going to be the best option.
  4. Limited: If it rains all week like it looks like it will, you have to bet on Robbie. If the weather holds up I'm pulling for Travis. Watch for Chris to maybe pull it out as well. Revo: Yeah like anyone is going to bet against JM Prod: Have to pick Dave. I got a feel he is going to come out hard and pressure the guys from the start. No one can push the tempo like him. Look for a dogfight for 2nd and 3rd between Angus, Max, Bob, Ben, and Matt. People don't know much about Ben yet, he's my pick to win next year (2008).
  5. Good observations Bill. That is something they should definetely think about doing from the factory for the next shipment.
  6. To be the best shooter you are capable of being you need to be in top shape spiritually, mentally, and physically. Yes, Robbie is not in the best of shape but continues to win consistently so it is obviously not the most important thing. As of yet we haven't seen a shooter (including grauffel) in top shape in those three areas and who has the work ethic and financial ability to make shooting a full time thing. Once that shooter (whoever it may be) comes, it's going to make for a hell of a dynasty.
  7. What Steve said about shooters thoughts before the stage is huge. You can always tell you shooters who practice and work from the shooters who don't. The reason is, when shooters haven't practiced, they have a very timid mentality. They talk down about their upcoming performance in EXPECTATION of it. The shooters who have worked, have practiced, and have sacrificed go up to the stage feeling like a lion. It's what I call The Lion Mentality. You've put your time in and earned it and you know it. Now it's time to collect. You aren't scared, you aren't nervous so to speak, but your body has a heightened sense of awareness. A shooter can never win until he knows he has earned it.
  8. I don't only mean one area. Before you start with a religious program you need to take a very hard look at yourself and your shooting. Figure out what is the most important to improve, and figure out each place you are losing ground.
  9. What are your weak areas? Before you can go anyplace, you have to know where you are starting from.
  10. What about putting rounds in a case makes them safer than in a zip loc bag? Half of the time I gauge all my rounds, check all the primers, and put them into a baggy just to save an extra 10 minutes. Believe me....a little plastic box (nor what you can see from the little plastic box) will do anything to change your gun from blowing up if you loaded bad ammo.
  11. I had a similar problem when I was shooting Open. Test this. Cock your hammer, then while pulling the trigger lower the hammer to half cock. Release the trigger and now see if you can drop the hammer by pulling the trigger. Took me forever to figure out that my hammer was following and I could still drop the hammer from half cock.
  12. The better of shooter you are the more you can control what bleeds over into your shooting. As a B shooter, I would suggest you stay away from blasting at brown. Screwing around with your friends is no big deal...just do it with proper technique. If you want to speed everything up, work on moving at an accelerated pace in dry fire.
  13. Also keep in mind that the dot dipping in recoil isn't a bad thing. It doesn't matter what your sights do as long as they do the same thing every time. If you want to change it because you just don't like it, that's something else...but don't think you can't still shoot with it.
  14. Bingo. Sorry but if your action changes the result of the shooter's overall score in anyway you should be held accountable for it. The worst part is (and this has happened to me) when someone tried to coach me on something I was going to do anyway...it had just looked like I forgot the target. I got a penalty for following what the guy in the back said when I actually didn't even hear him anyway. Bottom line. Unless there is a grave safety concern...keep your mouth shut...parent or not.
  15. The bend in my arms may not be as pronounced at the shooter on top, but it is close. Also, don't forget guys that I didn't just decide that was how I wanted to shoot. It took many many hours testing different arm positions before I decided this one suited my style of shooting and body type best.
  16. I'm going to guess that a Hydrashok 12 gauge slug has more penetration than a .223.
  17. 1: Equipment that doesn't work. 2: No working knowledge of stage breakdown. 3: Cannot call shots. That is in no particular order.
  18. Thanks John. I'll take you up on that.
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