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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. It's odd. I've been around practical shooting for about 6 years now....about 80% of the people listed - I've never heard of.
  2. I think the first step goes back back to wanna-be-speedy 2....Find the exact point of each target you want to shoot.
  3. For Tabata Something Else, your score is all reps combined. Usually with Tabata work outs your score is lowest reps though. If you feel like you are getting sick or are overly sore...chances are that you're overreaching. Take a few days off and see how you feel. CC, I'm not sure if blood pressure changes like that are normal as I've never had mine tested before and after workouts....I wouldn't think it's a big deal because it's obviously from extreme exertion. Of course a doctor would probably tell you to stop working out so hard....which is why modern medicine tends to tick me off.
  4. You had just gotten done with some tequila and wings when you thought of that joke didn't you.
  5. Go see it right away...I recommend leaving the kids and in most cases the wife at home. I'm not exaggerating when I say that this might be the best action movie I've ever seen. Rambo takes no prisoners this time...
  6. Everyone always says "same skill level, and equipment matters...blah blah blah." Bottom line is, there are no 2 shooters and never will be 2 shooters with exactly equal skill level. There may be some who are damn close (although may not be on match day), but even then....equipment (as long as it is working) has a lesser impact on your score than if the sun is out or not or the temperature and humidity.
  7. Actually determining what the HHF may be is one of the first steps in these calculations for me.
  8. I'll check that out Derrick. Sandoz, I do absolutely subscribe to CrossFit and it has had a amazing impact on my fitness. However the strength in my core and abs isn't progressing as much as I'd like (likely due to the fact that I haven't had access to weights for quite a long time). My legs were lacking mainly from being on crutches for 3 months and having reconstructive knee surgery. So the goal is to add mass and strength to my legs (Starting Strength has had some amazing testimonials....such as increasing your squat by 300 pounds in 9 months). After I get the strength back up in my legs and core, I'll have a bit better base to work with for my metabolic conditioning (MetCon). CF is a great mix for shooters....but shooting isn't my only goal. I want to decrease my sprinting times and increase my vertical leap....the only way of doing that is to increase the amount of power I can produce in my legs (mostly the posterior chain of muscles....hamstrings, glutes, etc). There is nothing better for that than lots of Squatting and Deadlifting. The reason that I'm not continuing doing CF while I build mass is because the body cannot effectively develop strength AND endurance at the same time....something is definitely lost in the transition. The greater your strength, the greater your potential for endurance. So while I'm at a decent level right now, when I come back to doing MetCon I should be able to hit this level again fairly quickly and go beyond it.
  9. Ok, when comparing a customized STI vs. a customized Glock, what is it that makes the STI better? Is it the trigger? I don't buy that, a Glock trigger can be made nearly as light as an STI...the difference between 3 pound and 1 pound is not enough to matter....this is coming from someone who had a 3/4 pound trigger in his Open gun. Is the trigger harder to learn? Again I don't buy that...regardless what the platform is, all you have to do is keep the damn sights on the target till the bullet leaves the barrel. Anyone who is having problems getting used to the Glock trigger has more than likely talked themselves out of it long ago or read too many posts saying how horrible the trigger is. Is it reliability? Haha...no. Is it accuracy? Definitely not. Glocks may or may not be as inherently accurate as STIs (or the other way around), but since we are talking about customized guns....not an issue. Is it reloading? Sevigny doesn't even use a magwell when he shoots Limited. "But he's a pro..." Yeah, because he practiced a lot. But let's assume that doesn't matter....you can still throw a magwell on it that works just fine. Is it the grip angle? Are you kidding? Saying it's a bad grip angle that messes up your shooting means you're trying to justify your bad performance rather than diagnosing the problem and working to fix it...ie - copout.
  10. It's all personal preference. Shooting what you are comfortable with will always trump every other platform.
  11. Easier said than done. However if you have the means of doing it, definitely take advantage of it.
  12. Telling your parents you're gay.
  13. I do definitely agree that too much intensity too fast is the main cause for crossfitters.
  14. I've given my body a break for the last 5 days. Gonna hit it hard again starting tomorrow. On a good note, someone is opening a CF facility 20 miles from my house....it sucks though because I want to open one up in the future. Should be great that I'll actually have the proper equipment and location to train though.
  15. Go for it man. Anyone who truly wants it can do it. Best of luck. If you have any questions, let me know.
  16. Ask Flyin40. He uses a .40 in Open.
  17. I understand what you're saying, but you also need to consider the context of the movie. The entire movie was based on film from a civilian in the middle of all of it. Of course it's going to be shaky.
  18. This is what happens when money is produced with no backing... I really wish more people would understand that the solution to inflation is not more inflation...
  19. That's alright....Eli Manning still looks like he has down syndrome.
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