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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. That's not entirely accurate. With repetitive motion your central nervous system does become more efficient at firing the required muscles for an activity. Another phrase for this phenomenon is "greasing the groove."
  2. Top Shot was way too Survivor for me. I was severely questioning the ability level of several of that show's participants (I'll compete against Andre in pistol shooting anyday with my strong hand tied behind my back) and the manner in which the challenges were set up. "Top Shot" was not a good name for the show and I'd venture to say the winner was not the best shooter. I only watched 1 episode of 3GN...but liked it a hell of a lot more.
  3. In my opinion, the most important aspect of shooting swingers is recoil control.
  4. I believe you. I had originally said that, but changed it since I haven't competed for several years and no longer have first hand knowledge.
  5. You could always build one and practice on it in dry fire. I think at the top level in Open, doubling swingers is the only way to go...regardless of where in their arc they are or how fast they are moving.
  6. Listen Craig. There was no attitude. It was said in jest because he referred to himself as a "newbie" first. I actually laughed when I posted it. Hence the reason for the wink at the end of the sentence. I'm terribly sorry if my joke offended your delicate sensibilities. If a person has the initial knowledge and vocabulary to post the question, I'm fairly confident that they would be able to type the same thing into the search engine and read. That is a ridiculous argument. As for the rest of your post, I don't think that was called for. I'm surprised (and a little bummed) someone that is 26 years old has to say that... In other words...Lighten up, Francis. (< another joke)
  7. I completely agree with everything Bob said.
  8. That's funny because I double overhand deadlift 405 for reps and do 40 pullups (22 deadhangs) and I'm not as strong as I'd like to be for USPSA...and I shoot Open. The coil is at the top.
  9. I just put "Index" into the search engine in the Handgun Technique forum and I get 16 pages worth of results? Perhaps I'm not understanding the joke. This has been hashed out very in depth in the past several times and the information really isn't that hard to find. I would rather help the new guy help himself. Learning to use the search function will help the new guys out far more than any post I could make. 95% of the time, they don't use it unless directed to or they try it for 15 seconds and can't find what they are looking for so they post here wanting someone else to find it for them. Sorry, I'm not sorry. I've answered more "new guy" posts in depth than the vast majority of people on this forum and if there is one thing I've found, the people that are truly seeking the information will find it. There isn't much that hasn't been discussed here with 1,300,000 posts.
  10. Jake Di Vita

    TSA Signs

    And you base your opinion on the fact that you haven't personally experienced it? The reports I've heard and read are not from the media, these are friends and relatives talking to me.
  11. Jake Di Vita

    TSA Signs

    Is it bad I find none of this funny at all? I especially love the stories about 4 year old boys being forced to disrobe in public and then getting molested by these pieces of ****. Sorry but if I had a little boy and some TSA moron touched his junk "for our safety" I'm probably going to jail for beating him senseless.
  12. I wonder how transferable the strength from that exercise is to other modalities (since wrist curls do not encompass all grip and forearm strength).
  13. It's happening from one of several reasons: *The mag is not tuned and is sticking on release *The gun is tilted too far causing the mag to drag *The mag release is not being hit soon enough.
  14. Man this could be a combination of several things. Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to spend some time writing up a range checklist. That way you will always KNOW you have everything you need and hopefully get that totally out of your head. Whenever I hear this, I instantly think there is a visualization problem in there somewhere. Maybe just stop caring? I could be way off, but I think ego is a big part of the problem. My guess is as soon as you start "practicing" or shooting in a match, you feel you need to shoot like you could years ago. Obviously, that ain't happening just yet. Next time you go to practice or a match, erase EVERYTHING out of your head, and just shoot when you see the sights in the middle of the target.
  15. When I hear the word "tightest" in reference to Open guns, I immediately go for my wooden cross and holy water.
  16. I understand that the training is for the officers. With that in mind, should I not try to the best of my ability to win just like the bad guy would? We do have the potential to learn more by losing than winning afterall. In my eyes, doing anything less is nothing more than an ego boost for the officers. This is training for life or death in the real world. If they are going to win, they gotta earn it.
  17. Next time your dept has that kind of thing, be sure to invite me down.
  18. Wow, I didn't realize you were in SF. The blog that I linked to you is based out of SF. Perhaps it would behoove you to schedule an appointment with Kelly Starrett. I know that's probably the first thing I would do if I lived there.
  19. I've never had an Achilles injury, nor have I trained anyone that has. This post is purely speculative on my part since I don't know the details of your anatomy. The key in my eyes is slowly building up the stress to give the body a chance to get stronger before doing too much too soon. Remember that rehab doesn't stop until you are as strong or stronger than you were before the injury. The Achilles tendon is an amazingly strong ligament (literally capable of suspending a car above ground). I obviously don't know the details that led to your injury, but to tear a healthy Achilles would usually require a stunningly horrific event. There are things you can do on a daily basis to help mobilize and treat that area. I'd recommend you go to mobilitywod and do a search for "Achilles" in the past videos. I don't know what your current training program looks like, but if I were coaching you I'd get you training with weights (no machines and no isolation exercises), rudimentary gymnastics, and short running drills at the earliest possible moment. Taking that ankle joint through its full range of motion under a load will be far more rehabilitative to your injury than running (back squats are king). Start off wherever your physical tolerance may be and progressively increase the stress as you get stronger and more mobile. I'd have you pay real close attention to that Achilles so you knew when you could push it and knew when you needed rest. Getting stronger and mobilizing that area consistently are likely tied for being the number 1 thing you can do to prevent further injury. Good luck.
  20. At matches I don't use bullets that touch the ground....those are dropped shots.
  21. FWIW, I remember several years ago talking to Sevigny and a few other guys about this subject. The general consensus was that shooting minor when you could shoot major costs you about 10% in the overall standings.
  22. Hey people, Some of you may have noticed that I've stopped posting daily dryfire drills. I wasn't getting the feedback I was hoping for and got busy to the point where I had to make some tough choices about what to continue and phase out. I will leave the current drills posted as they appear now, I figure someone wanting a go at them can just start from an earlier date and move from there. If at a later date there is considerable demand for more drills, I'd love to revisit it at that time. The blog will be changed over to a informational resource covering the upcoming year of shooting events. I plan to post articles, match reports, reviews, and video. I'm currently looking for some ideas for future articles, I'd love some suggestions from all of you. Hopefully I can put out a decent product that some of you will find helpful. Looking forward to the coming year.
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