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Shooter Grrl

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Posts posted by Shooter Grrl

  1. If that C-more is toast...can I have that plastic cover plate that goes on the bottom of the C-more...that hides the C-more internals???  :unsure:

    C-More is fixing that scope - it's actually on its way back to me now!

    I LOVE C-MORE customer service!!!!!

  2. was that this past weekend in memphis?


    is there any part of the gun that isn't broke?


    p. s. do you need to borrow my extra gun for the nationals?

    It happened Friday night, so no, not at Memphis. And no, there isn't a single unbroken part! I've never seen a slide bulge before - that was kinda kewl ;)

    David gave me his gun to use and is using our back up gun. We were able to get all the parts together for a new gun and our mostest wonderful gunsmith is going to build it in a week for us so we should be okay for the Nationals. Thanks for offering though! Shooters is the bestest people :wub:

  3. Wha' happen? That doesn't look like your gun, nor David's.

    It was my brand new gun! Shot number 8 while we were sighting it in :(

    Not exactly sure what caused it - most people say it had to have been a squib - but all the rounds are accounted for in the target. 8 shots, 8 holes. We were both watching them hit! The round that left that case hit the target at the exact spot we were expecting it to! Weird stuff!!!

  4. I voted for Barry! Centrally located to all shooters in the country, reasonable hotel prices, and only an hour and a half drive from the major airport. Since MY family are all shooters - extra activities are not a problem for us - we go to the nationals to shoot, if we wanna sightsee, we go on vacation to sightsee!

  5. Um - I guess you guys didn't know that you could change your pin to a personal password? We didn't have to wait for anything, cause I knew what our password was :)

    You may want to set up your password as soon as you get that next front sight so you won't have to go through the wait again.

  6. This is gonna get a little intense, so bear with me :)

    As a lady COMPETING in a male dominated sport, the desire to win and prove that Women CAN compete (and beat) men is my entire drive and focus. Yes, literally, the only reason I do this sport is to prove that we can DO THIS SPORT!

    So yes, winning is very important to me. And beating my friends is fun. Beating David is even better :) And yes, my purrsonality is such that if I consider you to be a friend, and I beat you, you're probably gonna have to take some ribbing over it. I also use other shooters as benchmarks. There is absolutely nothing wrong with motivating yourself in this manner! There is absolutely nothing better than overtaking your benchmark and having to pick a new one (look out Kyle and Steve) :wub: [soapbox] Anybody that has taken any business and/or quality courses lately will tell you that this is the newest way of measuring companies - by picking their best competitor as a benchmark. It's highly ingrained in my brain right now :) [/soapbox]

    And lastly, since I moved to the South, I've truly enjoyed opening some eyes and minds to the fact that ladies shoot, compete and even win sometimes. The IPSC shooters I've met are the best people on earth - don't get me wrong - but there are still some "good ole's" out there that needed the wake up call :) (and before Lynn and Sam get mad at me - lemme clarify that there are NO good ole's on be.com!)

  7. I forgot to write down my HF today dammit. As soon as the scores get posted, you can bet your sweet bippy I'll be running that thing through the calculator.

    72% Baby :) I'm beginning to LIKE this one, after 5 years of shooting the damned thing. This one is all about KNOWING you don't have to aim ;)

  8. On the same subject, anybody know what mag pouch would place the mags as low as possible?  The pouches I designed for me put the CMC 10 round mags too high for her to reload easily.  The safariland and CR Speed pouches I have don't seem like they'd be a lot of improvement, but we haven't tried them yet for her.

    Turn the safarilands upside down. Works GREAT for lowering them.

  9. Out of curiosity, how does the national org. determine which shooters belong on the Super Squad? 

    Somewhere here on the forums (or maybe on the Nationals website) they explain that they are putting the GM's together, and then the M's together.

    It would appear from the Opn/L10 lists that there was not a huge return of last years Top 16 in both divisions!

  10. Thanks much George! It seems I'm, um, already squadded  :D  :o  :rolleyes:  :lol:

    oh no! sg on the super squad. i pity david. oh my!


    I pity him too, cause he's shooting with YOU! No matter how much I begged, whined, cried and cajoled - he wouldn't ask to be squadded with me! Said he could handle being beat by one grrl, but a whole squad of them beating him would crush him :P

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