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Shooter Grrl

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Posts posted by Shooter Grrl

  1. Aw dammit Phil! How ya gonna win if ya ain't even there :P

    If I were you - I'd check with USPSA just to make sure they really did reissue it. I mean us lowly unknowns would be SOL, but you're you :)

  2. Tee hee, I've decided that I live in Cincinnati, KY - NOT Cincinnati, Ohio :) Anyways - this place is pretty durned cool - I GOT A JOB TODAY! I start Monday. Grand total of 6 working days of sending out resumes. These guys hired me on the spot! I'm very excited. Oh yeah, and it's only 7 miles from our apartment!

    I also found this gas station/convenience store around the corner called United Dairy Famers and just had the best damned strawberry shake of my entire life.

    The only downside so far, which isn't really - Dave's new company sent him on travel yesterday for the rest of the week. Aw shucks, a brand new CLEAN place all to myself :lol:

  3. You don't have to use all those costumes.  I sit in my marked patrol car pulled up to the road so I can shoot laser out either side window to get traffic coming both ways.  Cars coming either way can clearly see the markings on the side of my car (reflective even at night).  People don't even slow down for that.

    Anybody else check his profile to see where he "works" :D:P:lol:

  4. Classifiers don't have to be standard exercises. I personally don't like strings - but I think I'm going to make this one timed fire, with freestyle, reload, freestyle, reload, strong hand.

    With the mandatory reloads, I'm okay making it 10 from one position, right?

  5. Well... since I wrote that, I walked to STARBUCKS, and went grocery shopping in 30 minutes flat (instead of driving 30 minutes to get to the store!)

    I think I'll get used to the noise - just close the windows and turn on the AC for sleeping the first few nights and I'll be right!

  6. Back to civilization is good.  I used to think I was a country boy till I went up for a weekend at Bend, Oregon.  By the third night I was going stir crazy.  Definitely a city boy.  Never saw so many trees in my life  :lol:  and it was strange hearing nothing but crickets at night.

    After a year of living in a country setting, with only the frogs to lull me to sleep as the outside noise, lemme just say that DAMMIT it's noisy here! I haven't slept well at all... cars, kids, dogs - didn't miss none o'dat!!!!!

    I'm definitely looking for a house with no neighbors!

  7. I will have to say that nothing quite beats the view when you round the bend on I-75/I-71 North and get the view of the Cincy skyline, as you're coming down the hill - especially on a pretty day.

    The very first time I saw this view was July 3, 2004 - at 10:00pm, with fireworks over the river AND the city lights all twinkling. I fell in love with the city right then and there and told David that I was going to try to find him a job here :) Less than a year later, mission accomplished - damn I'm good :ph34r:

  8. Don't cross that line, Kath!    There's no jobs up thar, it's just a Yankee trap!  :o

    Quick, you round up David and the guns and I'll run fetch the Gen'ral Lee!  :angry:

    Dang it Sam - don't do that! I've got to go clean off the monitor and keyboard now cause I snorted soda all over them, again!!!!!!

  9. The question is, are the cats settled?  Seems like whenever I have moved the critters take a LOT longer to settle than the humans.

    Yup - my two old ones are professional movers by now! The kitten had some issues the first night and is still a bit clingy, but they found the most important stuff... the scratching post, food and litter box :)

  10. SG, lean close to the screen,  don't want this to rile-up any of the locals.

    psst,,,Cincy is in Ohio. 

    Tee Hee!!!

    :D  :P  :lol:

    I know that silly! Remember, I'm not really a blonde, I only play one on TV. No one I know knows where the hell Florence, KY is, so i've told everyone that I'm moving to the Greater Cincy area. I'm sure as hell smart enough not to live in *that* state. (However, it looks like all the good paying jobs for me are Downtown, so I may end up working in *that* state!)

  11. Ya know, one of these days, I really need to quit moving :lol: We did this one in a day flat! Loaded the trailer, drove to Cincy, unloaded the trailer and did 90% of the unpacking on Saturday! After that, stamina for matches ought not to be a problem anymore!!!!!

    At any rate, by noon Sunday we were completely unpacked and set up (with the the exception of the press and allied equipment). The only down side is that we KNOW we have to do it again within a year, once our house in TN sells.

    Other than that, I'd say we're officially Kentuckians now and ready to get on with it!

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